I’m just puzzled by the implication that a conventional grenade was used in a hostage situation…
Indeed, but as we (includes BBC defence correspondent) are all armchair warriors – what do we know / why should we comment?
I don’t think you need to be in the military to ask questions about why a fragmentation grenade was thrown into a room with a possible hostage – apart from the fact that that is what they normally do?
From what has been posted above, many have commented on UK forces views of US forces (eg getting them out of sticky situations etc). What I have been told is that US (regular) forces do things very very well “by the book”, but absolutely do not question “the book” (and from relatives living in the US, this could be used as a sweeping generalisation for the way things are done in the US). By contrast, initiative instilled in all ranks is a quality that UK infantry units rightly pride themselves on.