Worst road in Brita...

[Closed] Worst road in Britain

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The A34 from Southampton to Oxfordshire nearly cost me my sanity & marriage yesterday.

What are your nominations?

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:03 pm
Full Member

I was on that road on Thursday - I was glad to get on the M40.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:12 pm
Full Member

M6. Perpetual roadworks and accidents almost every time we go near it.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:13 pm
Free Member

M60/62, left many weeks of my life on there

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:14 pm
Free Member

The one behind the Nationwide.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:14 pm
Full Member

Pretty much all of it to be honest. Shit services, perpetual roadworks, atrocious drivers. I see more middle lane hogging, tailgating and general ****wittery on that road than even the M6.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:18 pm
Full Member

They're all lovely if you're not in a rush 🙂

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:20 pm
Full Member

A6 From Stockport to Disley. The road through glossop. Any road heading into Manchester on a weekday morning.

I see more middle lane hogging, tailgating and general ****wittery on that road than even the M6.

You never get the opportunity to do any of that on the M6 as you're usually doing 10-20mph.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:23 pm
Full Member

I used to do quite a bit of work for a company idaaaaahn saaaaaarf which would entail the A34. I'd rather be spoon fed my own freshly sautéed testicles than have to do that again on a regular basis

The rest of the journey was mainly on the M6, so the whole thing was absolutely hellish!

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:24 pm
Full Member

A6, Hazel Grove to Manchester. I think someone got a traffic light grant and put them on every lamppost,

M6 congleton to Stafford. Why do people just drive onto each other on this bit of road?

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:26 pm
Free Member

I guess I'm lucky, cos I only ****in hate the M6. At least, I hate it when I turn left to go south. Going right is ok, its deserted (and good views) past lancaster. But I'm sure there are a lot worse roads around the country. Once did most of the M25 with a knackered taxi driver who drifted out of lane a couple of times while falling asleep. That wasn't much fun either.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:28 pm
Free Member

Pretty much all of it to be honest. Shit services, perpetual roadworks, atrocious drivers. I see more middle lane hogging, tailgating and general ****wittery on that road than even the M6.


Posted : 02/09/2017 2:29 pm
Free Member

A34? How can it be when you have to use the M3 to get on it? A34 is a dream compared to the M3.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:41 pm
Free Member

Another vote for the A6 between Hazel Grove and Stockport, a hideous drive at any time of day. You can't progress more than about 5 metres at a time.

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:47 pm
Free Member

Big problem with the A34 is the lorries overtaking each other but only on the uphill bits! My colleague used to travel from near Peartree to Totton every day and it drove him nuts!

Posted : 02/09/2017 2:50 pm
Free Member

Agree with A6 between Disney and Stockport/Manchester. I spent alot of my youth commuting on it ether via bike or car. Surprised i'm still around to tell the tale. Nearly cost my mate his life in a motorbike accident.

I was on the A34 last night on the way back from Portsmouth and had a lovely diversion double backing on myself for a good 5 - 10 minutes before being diverted onto what I think was the Oxford ring road to get onto the M40. Lucky it wasn't too busy.

After 2 weeks in France and 500 miles of mostly empty motorway driving and a few bike rides on rural empty roads with buttery smooth tarmac surfaces and chilled out drivers who give you loads of room and a friendly wave and cheer as they pass its a bit of a shock coming back onto UK roads. But then again France does have over double the mileage of roads in its road network for about the same sized population so traffic density is bound to be alot better.

Posted : 02/09/2017 3:04 pm
Free Member

Honestly, it's got to be the M6. There is no driving horror anyone could tell me that could beat the hell I have faced driving up and down the M6. From Birmingham to Manchester, it is unlike anything I have encountered anywhere in the UK, across the Continent, Canada, the USA, or the Caribbean.

Hell. Just hell.

Posted : 02/09/2017 3:05 pm
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Topic starter

The M6 was a dream last night. Probably because I'd spent 8 hours phuking about on or around the A34, so by the time I got to it there was hardly anyone else on it.

Posted : 02/09/2017 3:15 pm
Free Member

It used to be the A9 for me, but since they set the speed cameras and allowed the large trucks to do 50mph on the single carriageway sections it has much improved. You can still get the convoys behind caravans though.

The A1M/A1 is my least favorite now.

Strangely the A34 doesn't ever seem that bad to me, perhaps it's because I tend to use it outside normal working hours or early at weekends. Just been lucky I guess

Posted : 02/09/2017 3:17 pm
Free Member

Its not the roads that are the problem... Its the sheer amount of people that choose to use them when I want to use them 😉
As a trucker whos often on the roads before the mongs.... My vote goes to the m11 as the worst road in the uk... Literally nothing to look at along its entirety and feels a hell of a lot longer than it actually is.

Posted : 02/09/2017 3:30 pm
Full Member

A34 is a dream compared to the M3.

M3 is a dream compared to the M27!

Posted : 02/09/2017 3:46 pm
Full Member

Surely the A14 has to get a mention. Especially now with added permanent road works and 40mph limit until 2020.

They are closing it next week completely during the night. I think they should just leave it closed.

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:02 pm
Free Member

ThIs is the worst Road in Britain. I mean, it doesn't even look anything like a road...

[img] ?quality=80&strip=all[/img]

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:05 pm
Free Member

ThIs is the worst Road in Britain. I mean, it doesn't even look anything like a road...

[img] ?quality=80&strip=all[/img]

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:05 pm
Full Member

The road through glossop

Hands down this is the winner for me.

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:05 pm
Full Member

M6 Brum to Blackpool turn off, both directions.

All roads in and around Mankychester

All roads within South Staffordshire. Fewer holes on the dark side of the moon

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:07 pm
Full Member

Yes, Glossop, A6, M6, and even the A70 are all far worse than the A34. I guess a bit of regular queuing at the Winnell end happens at peak times, but it's no M6.

Edit - another bad one is the A303. In fact any trunk road where you can buy strawberries without getting out is a holiday time nightmare.

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:11 pm
Free Member


Posted : 02/09/2017 4:36 pm
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[img] [/img]

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:37 pm
Full Member

Honestly, it's got to be the M6. There is no driving horror anyone could tell me that could beat the hell I have faced driving up and down the M6. From Birmingham to Manchester, it is unlike anything I have encountered anywhere in the UK, across the Continent, Canada, the USA, or the Caribbean.

Hell. Just hell.

This. Should I get a car delivery or pick-up that requires driving on this stretch of road, a little part of me dies inside, it is, almost by definition, soul-destroying.

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:37 pm
Free Member

They're all lovely if you're not in a rush

Most of the time I'm never in a rush. And most of the time I set off in a nice relaxed mood.

But I always seem to arrive at my destination just glad to get out of the bloody car.

EDIT: but as for road suggestion - any in Bradford.

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:41 pm
Full Member

So, having been working in Cornwall today, I am particularly looking forward to tomorrow's trip up the A30, M5, M6 back to Manchester on the last day of the school holidays

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:45 pm
Free Member

The A27 between Eastbourne and Lewes, Lancing to Arundel and the million roundabouts of Chichester. Hateful, dangerous road, head-ons on the single carriageway bit out of Eastbourne are pretty common.

Posted : 02/09/2017 4:56 pm
Full Member

Any road that is on any main route between Hampshire and Dorset/ Devon/ Cornwall.

The A31-A35 stretch past Ringwood, Ferndown and beyond is beyond abominable. BUT there are so many awful roads...

M27, A34, A30/303, M62, M11, A14 will all have a special place in road hell and the M25 at the Dartford crossing going north through the tunnels too.

Edit: Ming how did i forget that little gem!

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:03 pm
Full Member

The M6 between Stoke and Stafford is the only motorway you can regularly see people standing in lane 3 exchanging details after 3 or 4 of them have crashed into the back of each other at 5 mph.
How do you manage to do that at that speed and what makes them think that standing in lane 3 of a motorway is a good idea. 😥

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:06 pm
Free Member

A470 between Heads of the Valleys and Cardiff.

It's a two lane battle ground jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive every morning and every evening as the people of the South Wales Valleys head into Cardiff for work.

Lane 1 is full of plodders doing 40 (when it isn't at a standstill which is often is) lane 2 is full of lunatics doing 80 2m from the car in front with another 2m behind.

Women doing their hair and Lads brushing their teeth in lane 2 is a fairly common sight, no quarter is given or received, ever, couple all that with lots of roundabouts with 3 methods of use: the correct way as dictated by signs, the correct way as dictated by the Highway Code (aka the wrong way) and the "whichever queue is shortest and cut in at speed at the last moment" way - this means they jammed a lot, which means the queue stretches well into lane 1, when the plodders reach it, they'll swing out into lane 2 with little warning, a 40mph speed difference and no space - rarely a great mix.

It sort of works in Summer (I'm going the other way thank god) but in a few weeks the worst day of the year for driving will happen - I'll be dark for the first time at rush hour and accidents will happen, mostly as the valley dwellers will find out for the fist time in 6 month of their headlights work, many won't. If it's raining that day (50-50 chance in Wales in autumn) it will be charnage. For the rest of the GMT their will be accidents more mornings and evenings than not.

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:27 pm
Full Member

Nicely done redthunder, nicely done. 😀

Oh and +1 for the M6, though if I still lived in Oxfordshire the A34 might get my vote. The road through Glossop is shit, but it accesses Peaky goodness on the bike so can't be that bad - set off early and it's fine, then just accept the crawl back when you're knackered.

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:33 pm
Full Member

This thread simply isn't SE/Londoncentric enough, so I'll hereby nominate the M25 between the A3 and Heathrow. It was absolute shite before I left the UK and I simply cannot believe that it would in anyway have improved since.

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:58 pm
Full Member

The A14 between Bar Hill and the A1. Highways are currently improving things (for a value of improve that isn't). 2 lanes of idiots in boxes in each direction. I'm staying away until it's finished.

Posted : 02/09/2017 5:59 pm
Full Member

DezB - Member
A34? How can it be when you have to use the M3 to get on it? A34 is a dream compared to the M3.

Yip, this. A34 only stacks up when you get the OxfordEntitlemnetQuota slam braking to get into Town, or out of it and joining the A34 on the north side.
The M3 coming from Sotty all the way to Basingstoke is one huge pile of shite, you can see the anger and frustration on every driver using it. Particular junctions are the Eastleigh and Winny exist, where it becomes compulsory to ignore other road users and cross 4 then 3 lanes of traffic, then proceed to swap lanes 422 times along a stretch of about 2miles.
Again most of this is caused by the "Eastleigh" factor and the WinnyEntitlementQuota.
Then dear God the two lanes of it going up to Basingstoke, if your destination is Basingstoke then this sad stretch just prolongs the agony and distinct lack of ecstasy...
The M27 is a hoot unless it's rush 4 hours, morning and evening, when it becomes an irate metal snake intent on making its slow progress to somewhere less noisy.

But I'm offering up the A27 Chichester hellhole bypass, once again it's the ChichesterEntitlementQuota that seem to think the road is only for them and proceed to slam brake into spaces no bigger than a child's face.

Posted : 02/09/2017 6:06 pm
Free Member

We often cycle this road near us,but made the mistake of driving along it the other day...
[img] [/img]

[img] [/img]

Posted : 02/09/2017 6:57 pm
Full Member

Surprised the m3 'smart' motorway hasn't got a mention. seemingly always closed at night, I've been in tears of frustration especially when the diversion led all traffic into a high street with more roadworks.

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:14 pm
Free Member

A1 Ferrybridge to M18....absolute despair any time in a morning!!

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:17 pm
Free Member

M1, M62,M60,M6.All pants.

Locally, anything in and around Bratford. The locals use it has their own personal race track. Absolutely frightening at times.

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:20 pm
Free Member

I get about a bit, and whilst is despise the M25, not much gets close to as bad as the M5 in holiday season (it improved quite a bit the single year they made caravans stick to the left lane). Why the f*** people want to put themselves and their families through that shit is beyond me. Cornwall is not even that nice.

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:22 pm
Full Member

M1.Pretty much all of it to be honest. Shit services, perpetual roadworks, atrocious drivers. I see more middle lane hogging, tailgating and general ****wittery on that road than even the M6.

I agree with crazy-legs. I think the A1 has marginally worse driving though.

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:26 pm
Full Member

Cornwall is not even that nice.

The thing is it's quite a lovely place when viewed in isolation.


It's certainly not worth the M5 or either of the routes from central Southern England at any vaguely holiday related time of year.

Nice to see the Chichester bypass getting another vote although out towards Arundel is also pretty shocking.

Why the hell do I live in the South again?

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:27 pm
Free Member

The thing is it's quite a lovely place when viewed in isolation.

Each to his/her own but I find it crowded, expensive, increasingly pretentious (rich newcomers mainly), not welcoming and an awful lot of it isn't nice at all.

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:37 pm
Full Member

A14, particularly between Huntingdon and just east of Cambridge.

It takes most of the HGV traffic that leaves from the ports on the east coast and is no way man enough for the job.
Couple that with all the commuter traffic and it's a nightmare.

Oh, and there are currently road works to basically stick a new road in that won't be finished until Dec 2020.

One of my colleagues' brother-in-law is project managing the works and it is a massive project!

Posted : 02/09/2017 8:48 pm
Free Member

A31 & a35 through Dorset. 45 mph for miles and miles behind coffin Dodgers unless you are really eat or really late.

Posted : 02/09/2017 9:06 pm
Free Member

Gary Rhodes

Posted : 02/09/2017 10:26 pm
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