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  • World trade centre prog on C4
  • freeform5spot
    Free Member

    powerful tv

    Free Member

    agreed 😯

    Free Member

    Agree with you on that!

    Free Member

    powerful stuff

    I am however stunned that C4 had the audacity to bleep out swear words yet show people jumping to their deaths. A sorry sorry state of affairs.

    Free Member

    not sure the swearing would actually add anything

    Free Member

    Channel 4 doesn't edit the show, they'll just be screening it as its presented to them

    Free Member

    Stop picking holes!

    Free Member

    It is very powerful TV but channel 4 show this every September like they show the snowman at xmas. I'm not sure what this achieves, levi roots is a lot nicer viewing. Just hope countries are better prepared for the next time these nutters strike

    Free Member

    Very slight hijack but watched "United 93" on telly last night – jeez that was grim. Unbearable viewing but at the same totally gripping. Very emotional at then end and totally realistic without overdoing the heroism bit.

    Free Member

    No commentary made it feel as if you were there.

    I can remember driving home after the first plane hit and watching it all unfold.

    Free Member

    Brings it all back, I stayed that night transfixed for hours to the tv….whilst my other house mates went out clubbing…

    Free Member

    Have to say, it was all the more gripping for not being narrated. I've no qualms about this or other similar documentaries being screened every year (if only as respite from all the format driven factual entertainment we get these days in the place of documentaries), it was the moment that separated the past from our present, really. Seeing it is a reminder of that weird state confusion and speculation we all experienced as it unfolded, but its also a reminder of a time before everything we've now become familiar with, and even numb to, started.

    Free Member

    Just hope countries are better prepared for the next time these nutters strike

    I think a better approach would be to completely ignore it and get on with life as usual. All the 'security' merely interferes with normal life without significant benefit. You're 100 times more likely to be killed on the roads. And I don't think they were 'nutters'

    Free Member

    So far this is alongside the documentary by those French brothers as one of those films that doesn't need much other than the pictures to bring it home.

    Free Member

    Was one of the brothers killed? I think I saw that.

    Free Member

    No they both survived but they were separated for quite some time.

    Free Member

    They took all the footage off my T.V.
    Said it's too disturbing for you and me
    It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say
    If it was up to me I'd show it every day
    Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
    After 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right

    From 'Have you Forgotten?' by Daryll Worley

    Free Member

    sure the swearing would add nothing but to believe that people could be more offended by a few F words than the site of nearly 3000 people dying, some of them in perhaps the most horrific way by choosing to jump to their death is something i find pretty bizarre.

    And channel 4 may well have bleeped the swear words themselves, you have no way of knowing if it was them or not and i guess neither do i, the program was made for the same company that makes dog the bounty hunter, a show which contains swearing when screened in some areas.

    tails – the program premiered last year so i'm not sure you can say it's become an annual institution.

    Full Member

    Watching on 4OD now very disturbing and bringing it back like it was yesterday. It's my 8th wedding Anniversary tomorrow and we were going to go NYC for our honeymoon but some months before the dog got ran over and the £1k to fix the dog meant we couldn't afford to go. We'd been there right then and count our blessings we weren't, very scary.

    Full Member

    To add some more, we got home on that day from shopping and collecting wedding gifts to be greeted at the door with the phone ringing. Got in, picked it up and was a good friend who simply "Put your TV on"
    "Put the TV on"
    "What channel?"
    "They don't know yet think it's plane not sure"
    "**** hell….. shit here comes another"

    Barely had the TV on when I seen the second collide then never left the sofa all day watching it all unfold. Never forget my horror, anger and upset as they collapsed. I like to think my career makes me a little more resilient at times but some times I think it's worse knowing what could be going on for all involved, relatives, victims and those trying to aid them.

    Free Member

    not sure what to make of seeing all the folk getting away from the building in their work clothes (shirt and tie) then seeing daniel makaskill in the S1JOB advert riding his bike with a shirt and tie on.. with the advert saying something like "enjoy your job" at the end.

    Free Member

    anyone up for a conspiracy theory….?

    Free Member

    ok, so i've found the film on the net and have now watched it in a state of shocked silence.

    it is sad and shocking footage and my heart goes out to all the lives that were wasted that day, with paricular reference to the service personnel. as for the news crews – the parasitic bastards – i'm surprised none of the firecrews slapped them silly for poking their cameras infront of their faces whilst they were trying to do their job with the knowledge that their colleagues were inside the buildings.

    however, despite the human tradgedy, i'm not convinced that the towers fell under their own steam. yes, i know there were hundreds, prehaps thousands of gallons of fuel, but other skyscrapers have been hit and not fallen. the WTC were designed to withstand an impact of this magnitude by an aircraft.

    watch the collapse of the second tower 5:20 in and you'll see horizontal 'puffs' of smoke exiting the building many floors below the point where the tower is falling.

    and why did WTC7 (home to the CIA and FBI) fall despite the fact there was no imediate damage to the building and fire teams said that the fire that was present was managable given time.

    if the government want you to eat potatoes, you'll eat potatoes. if they want you to believe their version of events, you will……

    que "ohhh…. conspircay blah stupid blah blah. planes. terrorists. blah blah blah…."

    Free Member

    i know everytone has a "story", but i was at the top of the South tower on September the 7th, 2001 following a BUNAC summer trip in the states. I'd put my pics in for developing on the 10th and got some funny looks when i went in on the weds… I also kept my ticket in pristine condition – dont know why but i'm really glad i did.

    it was especially unbelieveable when you had seen the towers in the flesh, they were so massive that you just couldn't imagine it coming down, or the untold destruction it obviously caused when they did. Also remember looking down through the glass vieweing floor in the Observation tower and cannot comprehend jumping from that, not in a million years.

    Watched another program the other night with a woman saying she lost her husband that day and they never found a single trace of him – its almost worse than being lost at sea knowing there was a body, but it was pulverised beyond any recognisable trace. I also remember someone saying that they didn't find anything like phones or computer, it was all just destroyed in the collapse. scary.

    finally, whats even scarier is that my wife teaches kids Modern Studies, and the new batch of 1st years kids are too young to remember this happening….

    Free Member

    I was in Peru at the time, had flown into New York on 7th Sept to catch an onward flight to Lima 😮

    Was a bit nuts coming back home 3 weeks later again via New York.

    Free Member

    I couldn't bring myself to watch either programes, it seemed to be too personal.

    Full Member

    alpin – go put your tin foil hat back on. Then talk to a structural engineer about how those buildings were put together, what the fire did and why they fell down.

    I didn't watch it last night and will avoid seeing any of that footage again if I can.

    Free Member

    🙄 @ alpin You'll start simonralli off 😆

    Free Member

    I was on a 6th Form school trip to Wales at the time. I remember watching the news channel when we got back to the hostel and being dumbstruck – especially seeing the footage of people jumping to their deaths (thankfully this is shown less and less).

    Some Asain idiots in our group were high fiving, and telling us all how the USA had brought it on themselves.

    Free Member


    There is now scientific proof that thermite was used to bring the towers down

    If that helps at all?

    Yeah – still plenty of people who will tell you they dont believe what the government tells them, then promptly do ay allthepies? 😀


    Free Member

    Watched the first 10 minutes or so, but when they showed the first jumper I kind of fell apart and had to leave the room.

    Full Member

    Simon – could we just have a recap on what apparent public truths are in fact 'scientifically proven' to be government scams. I'm pretty sure you'll have the moon landings in there as well as 9/11, then there was the thing you posted a while ago about Colin Powell predicting a disaster for Obama in February (did I miss that) – but what else am I being spoon fed by 'the government'? And how many thousands of people are involved in keeping all of these things hushed up?

    Free Member

    Have a look at the ingredients for Thermite, then have a think about what airliners and skyscrapers are made of.

    Free Member

    I've seen a fairly in-depth civil engineering investigation explaining the collapse quite easily, I've no idea why people assume foul play on the part of the government and literally thousands of people required to keep it hushed. What's more likely…. lets see:

    1) Terrorists hijack two planes and fly them into skyscrapers or
    2) The government wants to start a war for some reason, wishes to step up security etc, and so orchestrates a complex plan whereby two national icon towers are laced with hundreds of tonnes of thermite without the workers realising there's a vast operation going on, killing 3000+ of its own people, bringing its financial district to a standstill for days or weeks, also hijacks 2 planes with someone who doesnt much like life and is willing to do so and gets them to fly into the two towers.

    While I know it's odd to see the towers collapse in a rapid and apparently controlled fashion, there are perfectly reasonable engineering explanations for it.

    Have a look at the ingredients for Thermite, then have a think about what airliners and skyscrapers are made of.

    In all honesty, they claim it was intimately mixed solid that would need to be pre-formed, not just a mix-on-impact scenario. You cant just rub a bit of rusty steel and a bit of wing together and make termite.

    Free Member

    Some Asain idiots in our group were high fiving, and telling us all how the USA had brought it on themselves.

    There is now scientific proof that thermite was used to bring the towers down

    humans are just about the most upsetting and frustrating group of animals on the planet.

    Free Member

    humans are just about the most upsetting and frustrating group of animals on the planet.

    I wouldn't back down and say "just about" – I think it's a clear win.

    Free Member

    As Simon is perfectly well aware, the article to which he has linked does not support the claim that there is "scientific proof that thermite was used to bring the towers down".

    The authors' conclusion is that there is a thermitic material in four pieces of material recovered from the site.

    They do not attempt to provide any explanation for this. They do not speculate as to the amount of such material present. They do not speculate as to its purpose, or whether it would have been a (necessary, or viable) method of bringing down the towers. They do not speculate as to whether such material could be a by-product of explicable processes in the collapsse of the building.

    The conclusion that this constitutes definitive proof of the truth of some internet fantasy is Simon's own, and it is a large reach from the evidence. 😐

    Free Member

    They do not attempt to provide any explanation for this. They do not speculate as to the amount of such material present. They do not speculate as to its purpose, or whether it would have been a
    (necessary, or viable) method of bringing down the towers. They do not speculate as to whether such material could be a by-product of explicable processes in the collaspse of the building.

    No but the lead researcher on the team did go on TV explaining that's exactly what it proved.

    watch the collapse of the second tower 5:20 in and you'll see horizontal 'puffs' of smoke exiting the building many floors below the point where the tower is falling.

    Think about this. Get a sealed container with brittle glass windows that's full of dust and smoke. Now start crushing it from above. Where do you think the dust and smoke go? The air pressure pops the windows out and expells the smoke. Sure its possible that they were well planted explosives but no-one heard any bangs, and it's equally possible that it was just what I've explained above.

    As for WTC7 – check this out for an interesting view of it:

    And you call this a controlled demolition?

    Full Member

    i think know that the loch ness monster did it

    Free Member

    are we still trying to separate the world into good guys and bad guys where 'the man' and the government are the bad guys. cant we just grow up a bit and accept how complicated the geopolitical situation is, how it is very difficult to define good and evil, right and wrong. the world is much more complicated and depressing than conspiracy theories.

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