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  • Windows Phone after Android ?
  • iainc
    Full Member

    My phone is a work phone, so I get what I’m given. My Samsung Galaxy S has died and it is getting replaced with a Nokia Windows phone. I know nowt about such things, but have found the galaxy intuitive and easy. Main uses are work and personal email, a bit of facebook and surfing stw and the like, calls and texting. Don’t use many apps – just news, weather etc

    Am in in for a nasty shock ?

    Free Member

    Nah. All modern smartphones do the basics fairly well. Windows phones do seem to be catered for last, when it comes to apps, but this is getting better over time.

    Full Member

    thanks Jamie

    Free Member

    Nah. All modern smartphones do the basics fairly well

    How dare you! 😉

    Previous versions of Windows phones were considered not so great, but in real terms they will probably be fine for what you want. The new ones are Windows mobile 8 which is supposed to be a lot better. It will be interesting to see how they get on with apps though, because MS have created an app writing environment which will be the same on PCs, tablets and phones, so theoretically you could get a lot more developers working on apps.

    I think Windows phones should integrate with Windows PCs nicely, although I’ve never used one.

    Full Member

    From what I’ve seen and read, the new Nokias are lovely, and Winphone 8 looks pretty good, and easy to use.

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