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  • Wild Camping….
  • Twodogs
    Full Member

    you should also warn them about the dangers of inflatables in offshore winds

    Full Member

    Too late.

    Spat my tea across the desk at that, nice one OP 🙂

    I also like your approach of taking them a drink for a chat – a great approach

    Full Member

    We have a few long-term wild campers in the area. A couple have been around all through Covid. However, they are camped off the busier tracks and are certainly not visible from any other habitation.

    Full Member

    yeah rickon’s image is lovely, but same place, different viewpoints and we get a better picture of the OP’s place

    Steve says his recreation is now dedicated in memory of his beloved mother, who passed away aged 92 in a care home

    actually a nine year replica of (of all places!) Middlesborough. Quite cool in a “why?” sort of way.

    Full Member

    Is that the campers by the blue door? If so, if say they’re too close

    Full Member

    Muggles attending the Quidditch World Cup innit. You can’t see the rest of them because magic.

    Free Member

    Staying for weeks at a time isn’t within the rules. Even in the LRA it says 1 or 2 nights. Anything more and you are outwith the law. I don’t think you are allowed to camp next to residential areas either.

    Full Member


    You need to update that model of the Boro. Need some of those bits of green perforated steel on the windows then you’d convince me it was just off Newport Road where the council keeps promising to redevelop.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    I reckon they are the advance party for setting up an illegal rave. By the weekend you will have 1000 people off their head dancing to rubbish tunes blaring out of massive speakers that are powered from a collection of rusty transits.

    Could you let me know where these chaps are camped so I can “avoid the area” if an illegal rave does happen please?

    I second what @Mister-P said, I want to “avoid” that area if a rave happens. Certainly wouldn’t want to end up dancing to rubbish tunes from massive speakers again….. What is the address (just to be sure)?

    Free Member

    Watch the original Rambo film and don’t be like the aggressive cop at the start of the film, it didn’t turn out great for the polis

    Full Member

    In conclusion, the campers have now murdered the OP and are wearing his skin for a suit around his (now their) house.

    It’s the only way for millennials to get on the property ladder.

    Free Member

    We’ve also stolen his Ssingletrackworld account, and finally have bikes. Our plan to obtain a Shimano XT rear mech has finally come to fruition!!! Mwahhh haaaa haaaaa haaaaa!

    Now, do you guys know anyone who knows what kind of wood you need for a log burner?

    Full Member

    Now, do you guys know anyone who knows what kind of wood you need for a log burner?

    you need to burn the body first..that should keep you warm for a day or two

    Free Member

    In yesterday’s glorious weather I did a local cheeky rider-built (and very excellent) trail near Caerphilly. There’s a section where it crosses a flat area in trees and becomes a bit indistinct for maybe 20m. There were 15 or so teenagers camping out in large stand-up height tents with loads of gear with them including music and beer fridges etc. Sounds great for them (as long as they tidy up) but they were taking the piss a bit. It was some distance from the traditional trails, to be fair, however I did see loads of people walking on the homemade bike trails. Anyone else noticed this as they become more distinct apparently due to the lockdown effect?

    Free Member

    Well, that’s our resident vagrants back. Disappeared for a week, and then arrived back on Friday.

    Police don’t care, council haven’t got back to me.

    It’s very disturbing having two men camping outside your back garden.

    They don’t appear to be around during the day, so not really sure what’s going on.

    Free Member

    I feel this caveat related to the land reform act now applies:

    “Informal camping or shelter to which access rights generally do not apply: 7. Camping for non-recreational purposes (eg political protest, residence)…. Other non-compliant purposes may include when informal camping extends beyond a few days into weeks, so its purpose may shift to having a residential function.”

    Free Member

    And… I’m going with this one from the Land Reform Act: (point 1.a.ii and 1.b.iv)

    6. Land over which access rights not exercisable
    (1)The land in respect of which access rights are not exercisable is land—
    (a)to the extent that there is on it—
    (i)a building or other structure or works, plant or fixed machinery;
    (ii)a caravan, tent or other place affording a person privacy or shelter;
    (i)forms the curtilage of a building which is not a house or of a group of buildings none of which is a house;
    (ii)forms a compound or other enclosure containing any such structure, works, plant or fixed machinery as is referred to in paragraph (a)(i) above;
    (iii)consists of land contiguous to and used for the purposes of a school; or
    (iv)comprises, in relation to a house or any of the places mentioned in paragraph (a)(ii) above, sufficient adjacent land to enable persons living there to have reasonable measures of privacy in that house or place and to ensure that their enjoyment of that house or place is not unreasonably disturbed;

    Free Member

    Breaking the Land Reform act…. does this mean it’s the Local Authorities responsibility to enforce the legislation?

    Full Member

    not really sure what’s going on.

    Did you ask them?

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Well, that’s our resident vagrants back. Disappeared for a week, and then arrived back on Friday.

    Working locally & trying to save having to pay for a B&B?

    Free Member

    Working locally & trying to save having to pay for a B&B?

    Are they the Welsh or Scottish football teams?

    Free Member

    I’ve got nothing to add other than wanting to know why they are there….

    Free Member

    Your extract from the LRA would apply if they were camping IN your garden, but not next to it. They are certainly outside the guidance for wild camping, but whether they are actually committing an offence I don’t know. If they are, it’s a police matter, not the LA.

    Have you spoken to the owner of the land they are on?

    Free Member

    not really sure what’s going on.

    None of them recieved a hero’s welcome.

    Full Member

    You said weeks ago that you were going to speak to them. Did you?

    Full Member

    Talk of land reform act, quoting sections and subsections, whispered words to the landowner, possibly organizing a torch and pitchfork rally to drive them off ?

    And from the same crowd who reckon digging up someone elses woods to create somewhere to ride a bike scenario is okeydokey.

    dear dear.

    Free Member

    Managed to speak to them. Just here for ‘nostalgia’. Staying until the weekend, and then back again at the end of summer – so that’ll be 6/7 weeks in total.

    To be honest, it’s just weird. It’s a nice place where we live, but they’re camped by a road and a car bridge. There’s nothing local nearby to do, no pubs.

    The other issue here is that the next valley over has started to have a massive problem with people camping in droves, and leaving a total mess. It was in the paper recently, where a group of lads left a couple of gazebos, loads of bbqs, and just a mess. They were found on social media, made to clear it up – and they then dumped it all at a local farmers yard!

    Anyway, encouraging roadside camping is very different to Wild Camping. Stay a day or a couple of days, leave no trace, don’t camp near someone else’s home. Camp at the roadside for weeks, by someone’s house – not cool. It’s that behaviour that the Land Reform act discourages to ensure we all get to use the outdoors responsibly.

    Free Member

    @rickon – so are you actually in Scotland then with you quoting the LR(S)A?

    Breaking the Land Reform act…. does this mean it’s the Local Authorities responsibility to enforce the legislation?

    Your understanding is flawed. The Act grants rights to people in certain circumstances, but it doesn’t mean that if you do something you don’t have a right to do you are breaking the law, you just might not have an explicit right to do it. If someone is doing something which falls outside the scope of the LRA then the landowner will have the option to do something about it.

    (FWIW, your 6(1)a(ii) argument is flawed – that says that once they’ve put a tent on the ground I no longer have a right of access over that specific bit of ground – i.e. I can’t walk through/over their tent; your 6(1)b(iv) argument may have substance if by exercising their access rights immediately behind your property they ruin your reasonable expectation of privacy).

    If it’s a “regular thing” then they may actually need planning permission! I seem to recall they were permitted 28 days per annum for camping without planning, but Scottish gov was encouraging LA’s to be lenient at the moment, to better manage the increased demand for campsites.

    Free Member

    If it’s a “regular thing” then they may actually need planning permission! I seem to recall they were permitted 28 days per annum for camping without planning

    Yep, that’s right, I think if it goes up to 90 days then you need a tenting licence.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’ve no problem with a few nights wild camping. But weeks on end is not on.

    Free Member

    As poly says, the LRA gives rights to use land; if someone uses land outside those rights, they are trespassing (the legal term in Scotland may not be exactly that) and it’s for the landowner to ask them to leave, or indeed to allow them to stay. As a neighbour you have no rights in that. If they have the landowner’s permission then the only relevant laws would be creating a nuisance or using the land as a campsite for longer than the permitted number of days.

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