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  • Whyte 805 v4 2022
  • dvnjhn
    Full Member

    Hey guys.

    I have just purchased the above hardtail–matt-moss__47010?currency=GBP&chosenAttribute=W805V4-M&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqbDqhay9hAMVPJdQBh2yTQFdEAQYASABEgLr6fD_BwE

    I have been out of cyling for around 8 years, used to Mtb alot as a kid.  I got into road cycling (I know) and done that until I gave up.  I am just looking to hit up a few local trails – XC around my local area and stuff on it.

    However, I am selling two of my old road bikes as well (still to list them somewhere, any advice?  I know pink bike, fb marketplace and cycling weekly, any others I should try?).  I am going to use the proceeds to upgrade the hardtail over time.  So, I know its decent(ish) components, but any ideas for bars, seatposts, seats etc?  All ideas welcome, if it was a road bike I would be pretty confident – but not so much on this fine art.

    Thanks in advance.


    Free Member

    Seat you can’t tell until you use it. Standard alloy bars and stems, I’ve found they have had decent own brand finishing kit before.

    I’d just ride it and see what you think. Personally I’d save 50-100 quid on replacing finishing kit and put it towards better forks which you’ll want in a while after riding ot.

    Good luck, nice bike to get back into it

    Full Member

    I was thinking about replacing the forks with possibly 140mm, but definitely 130mm at some point.  Let the biie settle in first before I decide.

    Probably want wider bars I would imagine, but just hoping for some ideas of what others would change.  I agree though, I have heard great reviews about their own brand components.  Thanks for your opinion though, helped cement my own thoughts on no rush to upgrade.


    Free Member

    Bars are a personal choice as well. I like the higher rise DMR bars.

    Forks, wouldnt worry about travel so much as just a better fork, a pike or lyric or 34s perhaps

    Full Member

    Okay.  Definitely pimp my bars first I think.  What would be the best price range for forks (that isnt stupid).

    Free Member

    How long is a piece of string. With prices aa they are, should get a very good set of used forks or new forks for £2-300

    Full Member

    Got the bike today.  The forks feel spongy.  Definitely upgrade them when I sell my bikes.

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