Right. Made some beautiful buttons in Flash, for a website. Created the site in Dreamweaver CS3. All works, on my computer. Uploaded to a Geocities site.
Now in Safari, the buttons work. Rollover, click on, etc.
Not in Firefox. Flash player plug-in thingy latest version. Link to page appears in bottom or FF browser, on mouseover, but won't actually go to the page.
On other machines (friends checking it for me), the buttons look ok, but don't actually work. the text underneath does, howecver.
In DW, I placed the button and text into cells of a Table. Selected the cell, linked to relevant page. In testing (files on my computer), everything works. On remote server, buttons don't.
What gives? Any ideas? Geocities disabling Flash buttons?
Why does the page address appear, but the button don't work?
Have I done something wrong in Flash, to begin with?
Any help gratefully appreciated.
Soz, can't post link to the site,as it's part of work, and I'm not allowed to show to anyone unauthorised. Not helpful, I know.