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Went up there today to do some DIY and noticed a large number of drips along one side. The insulation is about 200-225 deep with loft boards on top. I've been careful to keep the insulation away from the edges so the loft can breath and I added a vented ridge tile to suplement the original one when we insulated and boarded.
The bottom two rows of bitumen felt we're damp to the touch on one side.
Is is
1 knackered felt, leaky roof.
2 sweating due to a lack of air flow.
3 because I went up there and the hatch was open, I let warm moist air from the house up there which condensed on the frosty roof.
Please tell me it's 3, 2 at a push. Just don't tell me its 1. By the way, it was built mid 1980s, typical Barrett/wimpy affair.
Posted : 02/12/2012 8:44 pm