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  • Why is peaceful protest considered ‘Civil unrest’ by our govenment?
  • Midnighthour
    Free Member

    I just came across this article

    “Police are preparing to face a “summer of rage” in the UK as people join protests over the economic downturn, says a senior Met Police officer.
    “Known activists” were likely to foment unrest, with the recession creating more “footsoldiers” to join them, Supt David Hartshorn told the Guardian.”

    Surely there is only likely to be significant unrest if people are genuinely unhappy and have no other effective way to be heard? And scarily what constitutes a “known activist” – a member of Liberty civil rights? A left wing polititcian? A football thug? The policemans reaction seems somewhat over the top.

    Free Member

    PS Sorry, I am terrible at spelling.

    Free Member

    And scarily what constitutes a “known activist”

    quite a lot, and even more if the government continues to invade our privacy. Library records anyone?

    Free Member

    statisticaly speaking if you take (hot) summer weather and economic recession you get the two greatest negative environmental influences on civil obedience coinciding.

    Inspector Knacker of the yard just isnt quite able to get that inevitability across without using all those words from the Home Office Book of Baddies phrasebook.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry, I am sure someone from the Home office will soon spin it so that “Known activists” = “terrorists” soon.

    What I think we need is a nice curfew, and give the police the right to lock up darkies/ragheads/anyone who looks at them funny, that way we can all be safe.

    Free Member

    and give the police the right to lock up darkies/ragheads/anyone who looks at them funny

    they already have that

    Full Member

    “Known activists” were likely to foment unrest,

    I love this phrase, I imagine great copper brewing vats full of beardie weirdies all seething at articles in the Daily Mail being chucked in at the top. Simmer for a couple of weeks, add police for violent re-action…

    Free Member

    Well, what has been happening in Greece could usefully be described as “civil unrest” rather than “peaceful protest”.

    And presumably the expression “known activists” includes the chaps who demolish Starbucks on Mayday or Palestine demos and then turn Critical Mass into a PitA.

    It may not all be entirely sinister secret police nonsense, but we are certainly being softened up to perceive heavy handed policing of demos as a thin blue line against anarchy.

    Free Member

    Animal rights activists have already been redefined as terrorists/terrorism.

    Free Member

    some animal rights activists commit acts of terror, that’s why.

    Free Member

    cause you live in a fascist police state and the sooner you realise that the better

    Free Member

    Terrorist = An individual or group that uses violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve a result.

    So yes hora, (some) animal rights activists are indeed “terrorists”

    How would you define out forces in Iraq and Afganistan?

    Free Member

    sofatester, thats just it. I do NOT see animal right activists as terrorists. Does that make me a terrorism sympathiser?
    How would you define out forces in Iraq and Afganistan?
    I’m going nowhere near that one.

    Free Member


    Over the last few years, the ‘right to protest’ has slowly been eroded, to the extent that it is now quite difficult to actually organise any form of legitimate democratic protest.

    Coppers like this are entering the political realm, with such comments. This is not the police’s job. Their job is to protect society, and also peoples’ democratic rights.

    It is worrying. Divide and Rule policies have led to many people looking over their shoulders at their neighbours. A very false sense of fear has been carefully engineered, to make people feel that they only belong to smaller and smaller groups. Such small groups are easier to manage…

    This is why people should not see Pikeys, Darkies, Gays, Muslims, Pinkos, Jews or anyone else as their enemies, but as their fellow citizens.

    The powers that be don’t give a **** about the vast majority of people. They care only about keeping the wealth and power within their own, secure little enclave. S’always been like that, really.

    But they would certainly prefer everyone to be frightened, docile, subservient and easily controlled.

    This copper does not in any way even realise he’s just a little puppet himself, being used to carry out the work of his masters…


    Free Member

    like i said before….FASCISM

    Free Member

    Does that make me a terrorism sympathiser?

    Yes, 42 days anyone?

    I’m going nowhere near that one.

    Wise move.

    Your right Rudeboy, doubt your going to make any friends among the policemen/women, forces personnel and civil servants on STW though!

    Keep it up dear boy.

    Free Member

    sofatester, thats just it. I do NOT see animal right activists as terrorists


    [dons flameproof jacket]

    Acts of violence are more defensible when perpetrated in the name of a religion than the defence of iclke fwuffy wabbits.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Acts of violence are more defensible when perpetrated in the name of a religion than the defence of iclke fwuffy wabbits.

    couldnt disagree more there MrMW.

    Acts of violence are more defensible as a defence from harm. And that’s pretty much it. Everything else is outright destructive agression. And doing it because of your favourite fairytale is only defensible on the grounds of being unhinged at the time.


    Free Member

    If you had a foreign army in the UK policing the streets dictating policy etc. What would you do?

    Free Member

    I’d try and kill them all, just like what’s happening abroad.

    I rest my case.

    Free Member

    stoner – perhaps I worded that wrong, maybe justifiable would have been a better word than defensible.

    both are fairy tales but from a psychological point of view believing in re-incarnation/life after death/martyrdom makes more sense

    to me

    not that I do you understand

    neither are sanely defensible in our society

    Free Member

    Suicide bombers are either all mentally weak, inept, cohered or groomed. Or….some are very brave and cant see any other way to fight a mighty machine. There is the ancient story of David and Goliath yet we regularly see pictures of Palestinians armed with slings fighting armed to the teeth soldiers..

    Free Member

    I think this has got a little OP gentlemen, what about the riots in London?

    Free Member

    The Police’s heavy handed tactics with the Countryside Alliance march got me abit

    Free Member

    So any chance of a repeat performance of the Poll Tax riots in the summer?

    We could call them the “no more boom and bust” riots.

    Free Member

    riots in London are a pain for me as my client’s offices are down at Trafalgar square. And for some reason the crusties seem to want to congregate there. Seems very odd since the only embassies to throw bags of poo at are the Saffers and Mounties and there’s all that water in the fountains that Id thought they’d naturally be averse to…

    Free Member

    riots in London are a pain for me as my client’s offices are down at Trafalgar square. And for some reason the crusties seem to want to congregate there. Seems very odd since the only embassies to throw bags of poo at are the Saffers and Mounties and there’s all that water in the fountains that Id thought they’d naturally be averse to…

    Aren’t they herded there by the police?

    Free Member

    Bring down the UK Government? Heaven Forbid the Benefits Classes get off their asses and actually protest!

    I’m kidding. We’re all guilty of being far too complacent. The problem is there’s absolutely no fight left in the Population. The past 30 years have rendered us incapable of complaining or causing a fuss because we don’t want to do anything that might interrupt our plans to buy that new TV / Car / Sofa / Outfit on 3 years interest free credit.

    The past 9 years have seen the screws quietly but very effectively turned on our ‘civil liberties’ to the point where we’ve given up practically all right to protest and privacy and there’s not a bloody thing we can do about it without being labelled a terrorist or activist.

    Free Member

    IWH – Well worded sir.

    Saved me typing something along those lines 😆

    Free Member

    Aren’t they herded there by the police?

    Easy area to contain. Routes in and out can be cut off very effectively. Then allows the police to move in and ‘squeeze’ the crowd, grab people they want to, and generally quell the demo, if they wish to.

    Next big riot, I’m going to lead a lynch mob up to Stoner’s office, and photocopy his head.

    About time Britain had a change. Sick of this bollocks greedy system.


    Free Member

    Kids these days have no fight in them for political unrest.

    {Wanders off grumbling about the good old days}

    RB – If it does all kick off in London do you mind if we all doss at your gaff?

    Free Member

    What’s the point though Sooty?

    Free Member

    What’s the point though Sooty?

    What for political/civil unrest?

    Well if its done on a large enough scale and with enough intent it might just remind the government they are the tail and shouldn’t be wagging the dog.

    Free Member

    saved you the hassle Fred:

    Free Member

    Sooty- no worries, mate! It’s only a little place, mind, but there’s a park nearby, so people could bring tents.

    Free Member


    That’s cheered me up, that has!

    Cheers, Stoner!


    Free Member

    If it wouldn’t screw me royally for any travel I want to do in the future I’d be all up for marching and protesting. Sadly if I get my collar felt (and looking the way I do you can be sure I would) I’m stuffed.

    So, QUIET RIOT!! 🙂

    Free Member

    as my client’s offices are down at Trafalgar square.

    Don’t you meet your ‘clients’ in hotels like other hookers/Gigolo’s? 😕

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