Over the last few years, the ‘right to protest’ has slowly been eroded, to the extent that it is now quite difficult to actually organise any form of legitimate democratic protest.
Coppers like this are entering the political realm, with such comments. This is not the police’s job. Their job is to protect society, and also peoples’ democratic rights.
It is worrying. Divide and Rule policies have led to many people looking over their shoulders at their neighbours. A very false sense of fear has been carefully engineered, to make people feel that they only belong to smaller and smaller groups. Such small groups are easier to manage…
This is why people should not see Pikeys, Darkies, Gays, Muslims, Pinkos, Jews or anyone else as their enemies, but as their fellow citizens.
The powers that be don’t give a **** about the vast majority of people. They care only about keeping the wealth and power within their own, secure little enclave. S’always been like that, really.
But they would certainly prefer everyone to be frightened, docile, subservient and easily controlled.
This copper does not in any way even realise he’s just a little puppet himself, being used to carry out the work of his masters…