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  • Why do STW dwellers not like Rupert Murdoch?
  • yoshimi
    Free Member

    He seems to come in for some true hate on here – I’ve always been indifferent to him.

    Specific reasons required please

    Full Member

    How long have you got? And where would you like me to start?

    Free Member

    He’s got bad breath.

    Free Member

    He stole my idea to become a multi-billionaire.

    Free Member

    because he pays no UK tax despite making huge profits here.

    because he is a monopolist
    Because he wields undue influence over politicians and uses this to espouse a neo con philosophy

    Because he is a ****

    Full Member

    Is that all you’ve got against him TJ?

    Free Member

    Where shall we start?

    I’ll start with the Daily Mail. 😆

    Full Member

    I could go into chapter and verse from the Thatcherite-backed war on the print unions in the 80’s, to the phone hacking fun and games that are still coming out now, but actually I think TJ has summed things up both concisely and elequently.

    Cheers TJ

    Free Member

    ‘Bloody foreigners comin over ere’, seriously though for me it’s the running down of the royal family.

    Free Member

    I get that he’s a monopolist, didn’t know about not paying UK tax but thats all part of the game for rich.
    I suppose wielding influence over politicians would be my concern – again example would be good…….I’m too lazy and not interested to do any proper research.

    Free Member

    Whilst I loathe him because of his vile political views, it’s surely unhealthy for any unelected individual (of whatever political persuasion) to hold so much control and influence over politicians and the media.

    Full Member

    I do find it amusing that he constantly rails against the BBC having a ‘monopoly’. Perish the thought that a private individual, with the help of a compliant Tory government, could ever be allowed to establish one of those eh? It’d never happen here

    Free Member

    Cos he controls a lot of media outlets and seems to manipulate them and hence their readers to further a political agenda that simply benefits him and his own world view.

    Full Member

    yoshimi – last figures I saw showed that news International payed considerably less than 1% in tax. Everything is funneled through the Caymen Islands and Belize to avoid any tax liabilities

    Think of all the money they’re making, and all the influence he has. Yet he contributes virtually nothing, save his poisonous political views

    Free Member

    yeah, I’m not too keen on him trying to dilute the BBC – the license fee is actually one of the only bills I think offers good value for money

    Free Member

    actually, come to think of it, I’m not that happy about his idea of trying to make people pay for news on the internet either

    Full Member

    I’m not that happy about his idea of trying to make people pay for news on the internet

    Actually, I don’t have a problem with paying for content on the web.

    If I want to read the latest stw I would expect to pay for it, why not the same with a newspaper? At least it’s being honest about how they’re raising money to pay for the content. Other, free, news sources are available.

    Other than that, what TJ said.

    Full Member

    i could say i hate him because he’s effectively the uk’s kingmaker.

    but really i hate him cos i just don’t like his face.

    Free Member

    The independence of the mass media is an essential component of a healthy democracy. Murdoch’s controls and influences a scarily large part of the mass media and virtually sponsors one political party. This seems unhealthy.

    Re charging for news content: he complains that he cant commercially compete with the free content provided by the BBC. But the BBC is effectively a tax-funded public service broadcaster supported by a commercial arm, not the other way around. So tough.

    Full Member

    have you ever watched sky news?

    he holds far too much sway with a large chunk of the electorate, he helped get tony blair and then cameron elected and expects favours in return

    what could be less harmless than our PM, james murdoch and rebbekah brooks having an xmas bash together, in the midst of murdochs takeover of bskyb days after vince cable was sidelined on that decision for declaring his dislike of murdoch and in the midst of the still rumbling on phone hacking debate, and before? camerons right hand man quit after lying about it

    Full Member

    And on the phone-tapping. Which, amazingly, hasn’t seen much detailed coverage in the Murdoch Press. I wonder why?

    Forget about the bullshit celebrity Sienna Miller crap. Think of the monumental arrogance of an organisation, a newspaper no less, that feels it is perfectly ok for it to tap the phones of cabinet members right up to the Deputy Prime Minister, Senior Police officers in the Met, and Members of the Royal family! And that’s just the ones we know about.

    That is an organisation that is used to doing what the hell it likes, with complete impunity. An organisation that regards itself as above the law. And that can’t possibly be healthy in a democracy

    Full Member

    1. His organisations aren’t interested in reporting unbiased news.
    2. He uses his organisations to influence the masses (telling them what they want to hear and dumbing everything down to lowest common denominator).
    3. He abuses that power to put pressure on politicians to do his bidding.
    4. If you buy his papers or services, then effectively you are electing him to be president of the UK.
    5. He has never shown any interest in using this power for anything other than making himself richer.

    Free Member

    look at when everyone knew this [what binners said]was happening and how hard it was to get the POLICE to actually do something.
    Recall the relative silence of all govts , recall how Labour only got bolshy once out of power, how Dave hired the papers editor and invited the murdochs for tea and said NOTHING much about the cases.
    This is how much power he has in this country our police and our govt want to turn a blind eye to his transgressions. No one wants to mess with him due to hos absilute power.
    He does the same in other countries it is not healthy for democracy IMHO and it is hardly a “free” press given his polemics.

    Free Member

    all of the above.
    And Fox (ahem)News

    Free Member

    I have hated Murdoch since he got That Woman to help him crush the printworkers’ protest in Wapping. Scumbayg. No private individual should be able to wield that much power in a country, let alone one who so successfully avoids paying tax here…

    Full Member

    Because he can do what we can’t, just imagine TJ with all that power and what a warped and distorted view of the world that would give. Well it’s already that warped and distorted but in an entirely other direction.

    Free Member

    just imagine TJ with all that power and what a warped and distorted view of the world that would give.

    I would have TJ with that much power over Murdoch any day. TJ is a decent Human Being. Murdoch is a ****.

    Free Member

    I also would rather TJ than Murdoc. But TJ will never wield that much power, for the same reasons 🙂

    Free Member

    yunki, i don’t think this is a phenomenon exclusive to STW….

    Free Member

    It’s not just Rupert Murdoch i dislike i’m not keen on the bosses of any large scale criminal organisation intent on overthrowing our Democracy and way of life. Rupert Murdoch just gets all the hate as He’s the most successful one so far.

    Free Member

    t_i_m – Member

    And Fox (ahem)News

    Faux News

    Full Member

    TJ with power, for God’s sake have none of you read Animal Farm. 🙂

    Free Member

    At least Rupert Murdoch has given the working man what he wants…..pictures of women with large breasts. Which is more than what any Labour government has done.

    Free Member

    I’m feeling much more informed now thanks

    Edit: that sounded sarcastic, it wasn’t 🙂

    Im wondering why I always was indifferent to him now, maybe its because 50% of my news intake revolves around Sky News constantly being on in the background – and yes I know I should probably read more

    BTW, those of you that do have a problem with him, do you have Sky?

    Full Member

    News International in various guises had exhibition space at Labour and Conservative Party conferences. Up until last year it might scrape a junior reporter from the barrel bottom and send them to the Lib-Dem conference. Pity Vince Cable blabbed about the Lib-Dem war against NI/Digger and got neutered for it, I guess they have been bought by now.

    The brown noses of the current and last two PMs, Rupe one of the first in the door.

    This thread will of course be tracked by his minions, listen out for the “click” echo on your land line and check your mobile answer phone PIN.

    Free Member

    NO sky and no Murdoch stuff in my life but hey I am still boycotting Nestle

    Full Member

    BTW, those of you that do have a problem with him, do you have Sky?

    It’ll be a cold day in hell when that bastard has me signing a monthly subscription. Not a chance! I’d never buy his poisonous right-wing rags either

    Free Member

    I do have Sky.

    Cancelling would not make any difference to him, and I’d be without Sky. However you do make a valid point.

    Free Member

    Wot Binners says. ~there will never be a penny of mine go to him if I have any choice in the matter

    Free Member

    Oh crap too late !

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