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  • Why do my feet hurt
  • thered
    Full Member

    When I’m on the turbo trainer, but not when I’m on the road bike.

    Full Member

    Is the turbo trainer on a conveyor belt? Because then you’re travelling much further than you think.

    Free Member

    Everything hurts more on a turbo. I think it’s because the position is less dynamic. Nothing moves, you just keep turning circles. Corners allow you to move weight around through your feet and helps with blood flow

    Full Member

    Tightened the shoes more? As mentioned, far less moving around.

    Free Member

    Because turbo trainers are sole/soul destroying

    Free Member

    Constant repeated pressure in exactly the same way for an hour plus in inherently fairly stiff uncomfy tight shoes will do that, unless you pay loads for a bike fit and shoe matching.

    If you think about it when you’re on the road there’s more factors at play:

    – Regular micro unweighting of a foot when cornering, or changing direction etc

    – More changes in cadence – even a small amount

    – The big one for me is that on the road you have to pay more attention to everything around you. Scanning the road, adapting to wind, avoiding potholes, checking behind for cars etc – everything that you don’t need to do on the turbo. So little tiny uncomfortable niggles are really amplified when the only thing you’re focusing on is a screen in a boiling hot room.

    Full Member

    Because turbo trainers are sole/soul destroying

    Didn’t really need to explain the pun, but chapeau nonetheless.

    Fine work.

    Full Member

    I wonder if the OP realises how often they actually freewheel while out on a ride, not only unweighting the pedals? On a turbo you pedal continuously, so no relief from pressure on your feet.

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