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  • Why are people being so damn nasty all the time on here??
  • pimpmyride
    Free Member

    Nukeproof, point taken sorry was unintentional read it too fast! (damn i’m guilty of it now!)

    Free Member


    0.5/10 must try harder.

    0.3/10. Must try even harder.

    Free Member

    I offered £22 for your wife …is it all my fault?

    Full Member

    radoggair – Member

    Plus, everyone knows people who ride singlespeeds or on ones are co*ks [:wink:]

    But when they get off their on ones and singlespeeds they stop being cocks unlike folks that slag off particular groups of riders…. 8O :wink:

    Free Member

    Phew, don’t want to get in a fight as you’d win…FIGHT Clicky!


    Free Member

    Not everyone is nasty. Some nice fellow sent me shims for free to complete my build when I was desperate. Didn’t know me, didn’t have anything to gain. Just being nice.

    Full Member

    Everybody should be nice to everybody.

    Here is a picture of some bunnies.

    Free Member

    Some nice fellow sent me shims for free to complete my build when I was desperate

    I have also sent people free stuff but it was just a mendacious smoke screen… (and I have also benefitted from greater generosity)

    Full Member

    mmmm rabbit pie

    Free Member

    Brack you only upset me as I think she’s worth at least £25

    Free Member

    I’m not nasty, just opinionated.

    It is funny watching folk go off on one at the slightest opportunity.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    There was a guy on here not long back who had his bike knicked. Seem to remember that he was fitted out with a replacement from free donations by forum members.

    I would say that the nastiness is only there if you are looking for it. 99% of the people on here seem pretty sound. Don’t confuse nastiness with criticism and piss taking.

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    This is one of the attitudes on here that makes the red mist descend in front of my eyes.

    You are joking, aren’t you – you see the “red mist” sometimes when you’re on this forum ?



    Cool ………….. I’ll remember that 8)

    Free Member

    GG – don’t try too hard or I’ll set a hex on you

    Free Member

    But when they get off their on ones and singlespeeds they stop being cocks unlike folks that slag off particular groups of riders….

    but its fun, especially when they bite. Who’s too say i’ve not got an on one or ss therefore allowing you to make a statement which wouldn’t apply to its intended receiver?

    P.s., i dont have an on one or ss, so it does. Anyway, i’m a *****r , not a co*k, the ‘particular group’ of riders who i ride with know this :lol:

    Free Member

    Some nice fellow sent me shims for free to complete my build when I was desperate

    There has been quite a few bikes built for people on here who’ve had theirs nicked out of the bits in others spares boxes with no cash involved (or personal services even).

    I think you need to remember the old advertising adage.

    “If one person is unhappy they’ll tell ten people, if one person is happy they might tell one other”.

    Or words to that effect.

    Full Member

    but its fun, especially when they bite.

    Whose biting now though…. 8O

    Full Member

    Showed Jim the Greyhound that picture of the bunnies, but he didnt react, so I guess he only has 3D vision?

    Full Member

    people nowdays are too quick to piss on someone elses chips.

    we are all different in many ways even though we are cyclists.
    even our cycling differs but that dont give a right to belittle anothers questios/experiences


    Free Member

    Because some of us have standards, respect and values.

    While the others hide behind a screen knowing they can’t be punched out.

    If someone has the energy to insult you-ignore them.

    Treat others how you wish to be treated.


    Free Member

    singlespeedstu – Member

    but its fun, especially when they bite.

    Whose biting now though….

    I always bite, the wimen love it. They call me there little tiger, grrrrrrrrr

    Full Member

    As I’ve got two On-Ones, and one of them a SS, does that mean I’ve got two c0cks, which makes me much more popular with the ladies? ;0)

    Free Member

    pimpmyride does have a point. From time to time it steps over the mark.

    Free Member

    You have no room to talk, you abused my foot! :wink:

    Full Member

    While the others hide behind a screen knowing they can’t be punched out.

    despite how todays society is, violence isn’t the answer

    Free Member

    i get the p1ss take from (SOME)****ts on here cos of my dislexia

    Free Member

    there are some threads that become abusive usually because the author is being a **** but some classifieds do distend into outright abuse! Having said that i posted a wanted ad for a tent the other day and someone offered me theirs FOC and i dont even know them – i have to say i was pleasantly surprised.

    Overall its the same as its always been, it defo has an ‘edge’! lol

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