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  • Who’s got an XBox 360?!
  • orena45
    Full Member

    …and what’s you favourite game at the moment?!

    I got Guitar Hero: World Tour for Xmas and still playing it loads! \m/

    Also currently have:

    – Forza 2
    – NBA 2K9
    – Gears of War 1 & 2

    Not really got into online play much yet although like joining the odd Forza race every now and again – you can guess what my gamer tag is ^^^ (read: hint hint, I want some XBox friends) :wink:

    Free Member


    left4dead and COD

    but my gold membership has expired and I can’t be bothered to renew it!!

    Full Member

    I do but never play on it now it’s either PC or PS3, Have Guitar Hero Aerosmith for my PS3 awaiting World Tour coming.

    Full Member

    Fallout 3 at the moment

    xbox ID: boardinbob

    Free Member

    got one for my birthday thanks to the girl friend, mostly been playing need for speed pro street and assassin’s creed but crackdown is my all time favorite!!!!!!!!! also lego indy! scoobie2 is me gamertag if your that desperate! :)

    Free Member

    Didnt get my X360 till December last year so playing through some older games. At the moment playing GTA4, quite enjoying it but i feel Saints Row 2 was more fun.

    Full Member

    Playing Fable 2 on my housemate’s Xbox at the moment, no live though sadly.

    Free Member

    fable II, fallout 3, COD 5.


    Free Member

    gears of war 2
    dead space
    halo 3

    i.d. Absolution Gap

    Free Member

    seriously have you lot not played Left for dead? hell you really are missing out!!!

    Free Member

    Prince of Persia
    Gears of War 2

    Free Member

    COD5 and FIFA09

    Full Member

    Played the demo of L4D, it was pretty awesome, can’t imagine it being that much fun on singleplayer though

    Free Member

    cod 5, gears 2, last remnant, left 4 dead, all but to name a few

    Full Member

    No, don’t have one but keep looking at them.
    Tried my brother-in-laws on Sat night.
    The controls on GTA4 seemed clumsy, but that’s probably because I’m used to my PS2 I guess.
    I have some Amazon vouchers so might have to take the plunge & order one tomorrow, or maybe even now while the Mrs dozes on the Sofa…

    Free Member

    Got mine for Xmas (first games console) and still only have COD5, but Rock Band 2 is on order for the Mrs. Just re-started COD5 on Veteran level, I think it could take some time to complete!

    Any suggestions for another good shoot-em-up?

    Free Member

    Sold my xbox. Just play the pc instead. I love FPS games and using a “joy pad” is just not good for me.

    Games look better too (yes I know the hardware costs more…)

    Free Member

    Burt – As mentioned above by a few – Gears of War 2.

    Just trying to get through solo on insane……god it’s tough!

    Full Member

    Left 4 Dead is great fun play it on the PC, I had no idea it was singleplayer.

    Free Member

    Xbox is for gypsies. Get a PS3.

    Free Member

    COD4 & COD:WAW, the PS3 may be a technically better machine but the 360 has more games and a much better online service.

    Free Member

    I played a lot of CoD4 online but stopped when we moved house. Might be a good time to get CoD5 and try that out. Gamertag is zosim

    Free Member

    Been caining the crap out of mirrors edge, trying to get all the achievements, also play rather a lot of project gotham racing 4

    Free Member

    Play the thing too much.
    Working my way through Mass Effect at the moment, good game…
    Without doubt my favorite game is Bioshock.
    Got quite bored of COD5, I think I played COD 2, 3, and 4 online too much, still have a go on the zombies game occasionally with mates though…

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