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  • The Coronavirus Discussion Thread.
  • dantsw13
    Full Member

    Yep – get it in your arm – more the merrier!

    Full Member

    I’m a bit worried by the – mostly red top press who seem to have quickly jumped to the irresponsible conclusion of:

    a) All vaccinations will be delivered before August and
    b) Vaccinces proven to massively reduce transmission

    …equate to “pandemic is over! Yeah ice creams and kebabs on the beaches!”

    This makes me concerned that Lockdown 4 is coming in September….

    Full Member

    Seems legit ^,

    Full Member

    Why can I report all the posts except the spam? Is that a feature?

    Full Member

    At fist I wasn’t really thrill

    That’s how I always feel about these things.

    Full Member

    Is that a feature?

    Already reported.

    Full Member

    to be honest I could name loads of folk who should get the vaccination before me

    Don’t overthink it, go and get that jab.

    Full Member

    a) All vaccinations will be delivered before August and
    b) Vaccinces proven to massively reduce transmission

    We’ve got all our eggs riding on (b), so cross all your fingers.
    Don’t envy the decision making people if it turns out to be untrue.

    Full Member

    I agree I’m optimistic for the vaccine roll out and summer.

    Having seen a monitory today behave like utter kn*bs, I fear for another wave this autumn…

    Full Member

    Having seen a monitory today behave like utter kn*bs, I fear for another wave this autumn…

    I really want to know what a monitory is so I can understand that

    Full Member

    Having seen a monitory today behave like utter kn*bs,

    It’s this bit that worries me. The mass that buy into the “it’s all ok now” news will be those rushing to get together, we see it daily. Surely the weight of responsibility should be applied to the Press somehow to help avoid a reoccurrence.

    Free Member

    This makes me concerned that Lockdown 4 is coming in September….

    I would just worry about what you can control dude. Lockdown for may come, but currently data suggest the opposite so try and look for the positives.

    . Surely the weight of responsibility should be applied to the Press somehow to help avoid a reoccurrence.

    I would say its on the Gov’ the new just publish the news, but obvs slanted to the agenda clickbait they want to push.

    Full Member

    @dantsw13 – got an email from SJA that they’ve paused recruitment for the moment (I was slowly pootling my way through the application process) – sounds like they’ve plenty of people to be working through…

    All the best,


    Full Member

    RichB – shame, but I suppose good news in general. I will ask if its a pause or full stop. I would imagine they need to get through the ones already in the system. It’s taking ages to get people sorted due to Admin Capacity.

    Full Member

    Surely the weight of responsibility should be applied to the Press somehow to help avoid a reoccurrence

    Much as I despair at the governments handling of communication throughout this crisis, the Press have a lot to answer for as well. Matt Hancock today playing down how successful the vaccine might be against the South African and Brazilian strains, but all the headlines being about how “Summer is back on”.

    Whatever Boris announces tomorrow, how he announces it will be just as important, and I’d really really like him to make it clear to the Press in his announcement that fair, impartial and emotionless headlines are required right now so that the hard of thinking don’t think they’ve been given the green light to ignore remaining restrictions.

    Full Member

    We can only hope Boris was watching this

    Free Member


    I though those with ms were considered clinically vulnerable so surely qualifies under group 6?

    Be interested to hear next week what next phase priority is going to be. I have heard it’s just going to be by age, with first group being 40-50.

    Lots of groups will be up in arms about that..teachers and shop workers have rightly been campaigning as they risk greater exposure, asthmatics (plus a few other groups)are furious after they got chucked out of group 6 and all the evidence points to higher risk of longer term issues. Then you have police and all the other essential services …

    We also have those campaigning to prioritise by ethnicity, which I again can see the rational for. But then again if you do that you could argue that we should be doing it by sex as well given greater risk to men than women.

    Full Member

    Whatever Boris announces tomorrow, how he announces it will be just as important, and I’d really really like him to make it clear to the Press in his announcement that fair, impartial and emotionless headlines are required right now so that the hard of thinking don’t think they’ve been given the green light to ignore remaining restrictions.

    The big risk is Boris getting overly stimulated by the whole situation and going full babble and blurt.

    Full Member

    An intelligent woman talking complete sense….The Govt won’t listen

    Full Member

    Still hoping the vaccine reveals itself in the relationship in the cases-admission-deaths chain. Since January, my model shows that admissions and deaths are still very-well predicted by cases. They are of course going the right way, at a rate that is (perhaps) slightly faster than Lockdown 1. That’s been a claim for “vaccine effect”, but it could just be immunity – more past infections in those likely to do the most spreading.

    Anyway, below are near-term projections of deaths from cases. Model was fit up to the first dashed line and everything else is a projection. (horizontal line is previous maximum). Deaths are inside the prediction interval. When they fall outside, I’ll be very happy. Ignore the last few days of data – that is reporting delays. Admissions look the same, but a week earlier 😉

    Full Member

    I really want to know what a monitory is

    Half cow half man wasn’t it

    Full Member

    Under appreciated.

    Free Member

    It would make sense to target everyone in a front line vocation who is too young to be in the current vaccine age group

    Full Member
    Full Member

    I suppose 3 weeks of school mixing before Easter, so not too bad. I really hope masks are compulsory in schools.

    Teachers should also be vaccinated as priority. Allow them to book through the Healthcare Workers system.

    Free Member

    “What’s perhaps most interesting about the four tests for the road map is that a rise in infection levels is not, in itself, a barrier to easing restrictions further.”

    That’s what letting it rip through the less vulnerable looks like. Let’s hope the vaccines are as effective as hoped…

    Full Member

    Okay, I’m very concerned by those early briefings. No point discussing them ‘till we know more though, is there.

    Full Member

    Okay, I’m very concerned by those early briefings. No point discussing them ‘till we know more though, is there.

    I actually didn’t watch any, frankly exhausted by it all.

    Are we at risk of further throwing the poor and those that can’t WFH under a bus?

    Free Member

    Picnics in the park with mates! Good news. Now we just need the same weather as last Spring and people can start to enjoy life again.

    Full Member

    I don’t think this has been posted before, apologies if so.

    Relates to the EU AZ squabbling


    The contract makes clear the Commission and EU countries can’t sue the drugmaker for a host of issues, most notably if there are “delays in delivery of the Vaccine under this Agreement.”

    But there’s some further stuff there about later payments if not enough progress is being made.

    However, if there’s not enough evidence that the company is making progress toward manufacturing more doses, “the Commission will have no obligation to pay the second Installment and may seek to recover the first Installment or a portion of it,” the contract states.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    It looks like Boris has at last decided to follow his earlier assertion that it was school or pubs but not both, hopefully there won’t be any u-turns on that (despite me having friends that will be directly affected by that).

    Okay, I’m very concerned by those early briefings. No point discussing them ‘till we know more though, is there.

    The trouble is that they have set the precedent throughout the pandemic that what is leaked to the press early is usually right unless there is a big public backlash against it. I can guarantee there are lots of people writing those dates suggested down and will hold them to be fixed, if things take longer they will just ignore any delays anyway.

    Full Member

    Okay, I’m very concerned by those early briefings. No point discussing them ‘till we know more though, is there.

    It’s the second date – a start date is one thing but three weeks and this will happen is looking a bit too similar to the Mk 1 exit. Whilst it could be the media taking if it goes as modelled we expect to be… as a hard and fast it has been said so it will be. There’s always going to be the CRG ready to spanner the whole thing.

    Full Member

    So what we know is that other than school kids, teachers and parents on the school run, we are still locked down until March 29. That’s a lot of people mingling.

    All school kids eh? That makes me nervous I pray there isn’t another surge in cases.

    And “no cottage holidays” although 6 people and grassroots sports will open on the 29th. Is that no cottage holds for mixed families? What if your one family in a cottage?

    With all that’s happened before half of me says the Government are using data to ensure they do not fall flat on their faces / U Turn again and that may mean I just don’t understand how safe this is. Then again….

    Free Member

    Never before have a political pressure group been as inappropriately named as the Covid Recovery Group…

    BBC News have the leaked announcement content, so that’s all definite now.

    At the very least I see ‘new variants not ballsing up the vaccination effort’ has been included in the ‘conditions’ for easing each stage of lockdown. Such as that can be taken to mean anything.

    Full Member

    Let’s be honest, there will be a rise in cases. It’s just whether we see a rise in hospitals.

    Full Member

    I got my first dose (Oxford-AZ) yesterday in Edinburgh. I’m 45 but get a flu shot each year so I guess that got me into group 6. I got my appointment letter on Friday. A couple of friends, also in their 40s and receiving flu vaccines, got appointment letters on Saturday – about an hour after their scheduled appointment time.

    Given the strain that the Royal Mail seems to be under at the moment, appointment letters are cutting it fairly fine and are not always getting through in time. This is presumably a symptom of the logistical difficulties associated with the vaccine rollout, appointment letters can only go out when vaccine centres know they’ll have doses they can use. Hopefully as the vaccine rollout continues it will become more efficient but it must be frustrating to get an appointment only to discover you’ve already missed it.

    Full Member


    “Research led by Public Health Scotland found in the fourth week after the first dose, hospitalisations were reduced by 85% and 94% for the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs respectively.

    It is the first sign of the real world impact of vaccination in the UK.

    Figures for England are expected to be released later.

    Among the over 80s, there was an overall 81% reduction in the numbers admitted to hospital.”

    Something that is good news to my mind.

    Free Member

    No matter how clear the latest roadmap is on paper, we can guarantee Boris will make a complete hash of the delivery today. This will in turn lead to many people thinking ‘Yippee Covid is over’. Resulting in many more unneeded deaths and damage to peoples’ wellbeing and the economy.

    Boris is an absolute b***end.

    Full Member

    Controversial – maybe.

    I want kids back in schools. Not at any cost, I want them back safely and if that means delaying a few more weeks then so be it, but both mine need to be back in school and college. My eldest is missing so much, first year of A levels and train to college in another town with 2000 other kids of her age, she should be having the time of her life.

    My youngest needs to be in school, to give the structure and also to give him solidity and definition where he came out this time last year, and since has not had the chance to establish his new identity among friends (and to face up to the inevitable problems)

    Get it done, as soon as we can safely.

    But I don’t understand why schools need more time to prepare? It was going to happen, we just didn’t know the date (still don’t for sure) but March 8th is two weeks away and as said, hardly a surprise it was coming?

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