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  • Where will the axe fall…
  • DT78
    Free Member

    any predictions on the public sector cuts?

    and why does no-one mention that if/when thousands of civil servants are cut they will be signing on…

    Full Member

    Quangos will go. Lots of regional development agencies are pi$$ poor value for money.

    Free Member

    Guess it will give me more time out on the bike when local authorities cut back on transport investment.

    Free Member

    Lets hope there is a cull of jobsworths at the local councils.

    Free Member

    Bracing ourselves in HE at the moment….

    Full Member

    HE? whats that?

    Have heard of the HSE (Health and Safety Exec).

    Free Member

    This is the start of my fourth week back in the NHS. Somehow, I doubt this is going to be a long term affair…

    Free Member

    Lots of regional development agencies are pi$$ poor value for money.

    We are experiencing a grand-a-day consultant from one of these at the moment. Hes 'teaching' us how to 'plan ahead'. Madness. We are talking kids-stuff. The stuff we learnt at Uni writing basic business plans.

    All those consultancies who advise on congestion-charging should go rather than cuts in front line NHS staff etc.

    Reading in the Times yesterday about roles still advertised; Weekends Walkers advisers etc etc. Bloody crackers.

    Free Member

    and why does no-one mention that if/when thousands of civil servants are cut they will be signing on…

    And that government depts and quangos spend a lot of money on private contractors etc which help stimulate the economy…

    Free Member

    also just read that we are still providing international aid in the millions! Might sound selfish but I wouldn't be giving money to charity if I was looking at bankruptcy….

    Free Member

    while i would love to see cuts directed at consultancy fees, reading this today…..

    reminded me that further outsourcing is much more likely 🙁

    Free Member

    Have a look at this excellent site, and youll wonder why or how some of the agencies,government depts, are actually needed, and the costs to run some of them must be huge.

    Some of the questions asked are really interesting as well,you learn a lot.


    Free Member

    New Primary Curriculum been scrapped as of today.

    Free Member

    You don't need to predict where the cuts will be made, the government make it public knowledge.


    Full Member

    Scrap car tax and increase the duty on fuel and you can get rid of everyone at the DVLA dealing with car tax. Plus a tax which a lot of people don't pay becomes unavoidable and there is an incentive to drive less. I don't suppose the savings would be put much of a dent in the deficit but if you include all the costs of dealing with people who evade the tax then it's got to help. Obviously the cost of more unemployed will reduce the benefit but I can't see any cutback in the public sector that won't have that effect. However I don't think there is a chance of it happening.

    Free Member

    Lets hope there is a cull of jobsworths at the local councils.

    Speaking from experience, there is a few about.

    Free Member

    Reported in my local rag not long ago that our council hired a consultancy firm to oversee the use of grit during the bad weather last winter to the tune of 250grand….. Just sums up the thinking of the last administration, they live on another planet and not in the real world

    Full Member

    And today is the day I was offered a job in a Quango! Anything to get out of where I am though!

    Free Member

    HE? whats that?

    Higher Education – I would say "University" but we like to be inclusive…

    Free Member

    One thing is for sure, CallMeDave and Gorgeous Gideon will feel every inch of the pain with us…

    Free Member

    My missus works for Citizens Advice and they have had a 10% cut already and are planning job losses, seems a bit ironic that there are going to be lots more people after advice soon.

    Free Member

    Close all the 6th forms, kids leave school and go to college or HE, or even get a job or apprenticeship,not sit around in a teenagers youth club for 2 years.

    Close the houses of parliment and move them to an old school on a council estate,

    All those coppers outside 10 downing street,why cant they be employed on the minimum wage,bouncers could do there job,anyone not wering a suit doesnt get in,

    Full Member

    seeing as castirondave has ringfenced education, front line nhs services and foreign aid budgets as safe from cuts

    -so i think those cuts will be announced a week after all the others?

    Free Member

    So a global financial crisis, precipitated by stupid greedy private sector financiers leaves us in a desperate state. The answer? Cut public sector spending while doling out cash hand over fist to support those institutions that got us here..
    Excellent work chaps, just excellent.

    Then in 10 years, watch as your public sector expands to deal with the crime, with the ill-health, with the social deprivation…and so the stupid cycle goes on.

    We really need to spend more on education, maybe we'd get a better class of idiot.

    Free Member

    Fed up of hearing Dave pedal the line that Public sector need to feel the pain as Private sector have, as if it's just about cutting a few quangos and layabouts in the civil service. The private sector will continue to feel the pain only now they will be joined by public sector workers. Sadly now the two are so linked that the cuts over the next few years are going to pain everyone(public sector workers,private companies, all of us) . 30% of public spending goes to the private sector. Some northern cities their economy is almost dependent on the public sector.And we are all going to have to put up with even shittier public services with the excuse "don't blame me it's the cuts."

    Free Member

    I have to say I find the lack of fore-thought quite frightening. It's as if they think cutting the public sector will be some kind of panacea. Naive to say the least.

    Full Member

    crikey is right

    Free Member

    maybe the need for transgender awareness workshops will evaporate

    Full Member

    Cuts have been going on for a while in the public sector, major reorganisations, rationalisation of offices, lots of staff going etc. Can't say I'm optimistic about being told there won't be job cuts in my department.

    Free Member

    DT78 – Member

    also just read that we are still providing international aid in the millions!

    How? We're £770billionPLUS in the red.

    All enabled by our ex "Iron Chancellor No More Boom And Bust Gordon **** Brown" and his chums, lest we forget.

    Free Member

    Stopping free bus passes for the well off over 60's also heating allowance for the very wealthy and those who winter abroad would be a good start

    Raise university entrance levels to stop youngsters who are barely above speshul staus going to piss it up for three years and ending up with a degree that might as well be written on bog roll

    Free Member

    Well said, Crikey.

    I've spent the best part of a decade working in the NHS, mostly as an auxiliary nurse (prior to nurse training). In that time, I've witnessed colleagues deal with situations that would make the oh-so-glittering employees of Goldman Sachs etc piss themselves with fear, not least on account of the pay. Nothing of our current economic situation can be blamed on the financial largess of any Sister/Charge Nurse I have ever worked for. Indeed, most of 'em have dealt with emergency admissions with an efficiency more brutal than any free-marketeer could ever **** dream of. How ironic, then, that much of the DoH overspend is due to much-vaunted private sector involvement (PFI, consultancy, IT etc) – largely because of dogmatic notions of "competition."

    Full Member

    the nhs is fuct
    callmedave will rip it to shreds, cream the best off for the top tier for those who can afford to 'top up' their care
    and like the utilities and railway sell off the damage will be ireparable

    that toad hanahan sold himself out to the us medical insurance companies

    and Peter Gershon camerons advisor on the NHS is chairman of the largest private healthcare company in the UK and hes the one whos mapped out the tory party nhs plan, i really cant see the limp dems in the coalition being able to stop any of it happening

    Free Member

    How ironic, then, that much of the DoH overspend is due to much-vaunted private sector involvement (PFI, consultancy, IT etc) – largely because of dogmatic notions of "competition."

    So true, not just DoH.

    10% budget cuts across the board where I am since before the election, the Directors are more worried than I've seen for a long time, heh. 'Management' consultants are finally getting thinner on the ground, but the IT contractors have burrowed themselves in deep.

    Staff are not getting replaced even by local short term promotion. We've had one leave and another about to. From a team of 5 that's a big shortfall. It will be back to the days of waiting for someone to die to get promoted.

    Free Member

    callmedave will rip it to shreds

    Oh, I'm well aware of the move to asset-strip & privatise infrastructure, not least as suits the likes of Cinven (the witch Patsy Hewitt's new best friends). But the fcukers still need people who know what they are doing – that's why "choice and competition" fails as an modus operandi. In an emergency, I don't want the political chimera that is "choice" – I want a battle-hardened surgeon who knows what the **** he/she is doing.

    But, yes, the prospects are depressing.

    Free Member

    What is annoying is that they are banging on about the interest payment as if it was something new. The last government were reasonably open about it so why are this lot now going on as if it was some secret that no-one knew about and they have just miraculously found out about it!

    Free Member

    I've noticed that the Prime minister is "looking to involve everyone in the process of where the cuts should fall." So essentially he's saying "it won't be all my fault".

    Come the next election both the Tories and Libdems may have damaged themselves considerably.

    Two birds, one stone.

    Free Member

    Come the next election both the Tories and Libdems may have damaged themselves considerably.

    Two birds, one stone.

    Didn't Mervyn King, Governor of the BoE, just after the election but before the coalition formed, say that the economy is in such a mess that whoever got into power would have to make such savage cuts and tax rises that they would be out of power for a generation?

    Scorched earth policy from New Labour. Trouble is we all get to pick up the tab afterwards 🙁

    Free Member

    ..and how much notice will actually be taken of where we, the ordinary people, might want the axe to fall. Meanlingless drivel.

    Free Member

    So after reading all the thread I cant complain cos I did not vote .

    but whoever got in would still have the shit end of the stick to sort out and we are going to smell the stink .

    I am self employed so can probably look forward to a few years of living like Baldrick cos everyone will have stopped putting floorcoverings down

    It doesnt look too rosy for the common man/woman

    If you are rich you will be fine and if you are poor you will be fine just the rest in the middle will be feeling the pain

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