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  • Whats with these high def eyebrows?
  • lyrikal
    Free Member

    Following on from the looks you don’t like thread. I rant to myself on a regular basis when I see women of all sorts with these horrendous looking dark eyebrows that seem to be all the rage now. It’s awful looking, looks like they’ve taken a permanent marker to their foreheads. Is this some sort of fancy dress or am I missing something?

    I stopped a girl on the street to tell her her brows were drawn on too high. She looked surprised.

    Free Member

    A young woman in work had hers removed and tattooed back on. I have no idea why she would but she did. She had a very pretty face and nice proper natural eyebrows, she looks very silly now. Bizarrely all the other young woman couldn’t stop going on about them and how amazing they are. I will never understand.

    Free Member

    Fashion innit, like 29ers.

    Free Member

    They all look like they’ve had their features stuck on a la Mrs potato head to me.

    Still, what do I know.

    Free Member

    It’s particularly bad when the curtains are a different colour to the pelmet! The media can make anything fashionable, like boost hubs!!

    I guess if I was a young man on the pull it would be an easy way to identify the bunny boilers.

    Free Member

    Bin dun ( © Drac )

    Free Member

    I stopped a girl on the street to tell her her brows were drawn on too high. She looked surprised.

    Free Member

    I guess I missed that last thread. Wasn’t in a ranting mood back then :oops:

    Free Member

    That’s probably because it was in Chat . . . :wink:

    Free Member

    Properly flamed! A kind mod will move it no doubt

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