Viewing 8 posts - 41 through 48 (of 48 total)
  • Whats best? Eccles Cake or Chorley Cake?
  • mogrim
    Full Member

    Mind you, I like biscuits.

    And I've got the ingredientes for Sly cakes at home.

    Full Member

    Oh no I like then both.
    They do need to be home baked though. My Granny used to make the best Eccles cakes in the world.

    Free Member

    Nice work Steve!

    Full Member

    ECCLES Cake for me!

    Free Member

    chorley cake all day

    Free Member

    I'd just go for whichever one's nearer my mouth and a cuppa ;)

    Free Member

    Good Eccles Cake>Any Chorley Cake>Bad Eccles Cake. You can't get any of em in Finland :-(

    Free Member

    I think it's the disappointment factor of the Bad Eccles Cake that relegates it to last place.

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