Great fun - unfortunately I have had to pack it up as I am about to rush off to see Dunkirk at Bradford Imax!
brakes: RC Racing is quite a large thing, national series for all different scales etc, I race at club meetings twice a week, sometimes three. Got a large event on Sunday on the tarmac track at Carlisle (hoping weather holds!). I do occasionally take my buggy for a general thrash but that is normally a bit boring after a while, much better racing around with others for fun/actual races
It's CERTAINLY more fun with more vehicles than just your own on the go; whether that be on the highly regulated racing circuit or just bashing around with mates. Hence my cautious suggestion above.
STW crawling club
What was that? Oh Rock crawling, as you were.
I've always wanted a [s]good[/s] decent toy RC car, always had crap ones when I was kid because I didn't fancy building up from a kit. Wish I'd had a Lunchbox though, still fancy one of them.
If I won the lottery I'd happily spaff the cash on a few good ones and race them round the grounds.
I have one of [url=¤cy=GBP&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI8P6J_qWE1gIVo7XtCh1skwvKEAQYAyABEgIpo_D_BwE ]these[/url]
It's massive and mentally quick, and because of the size of it you can drive it across pretty much anything. It needs a proper exhaust on it but it's antisocial enough as it is. I've also got a couple of Lipo's, including an Annsman running an 8s. If you hold it off the ground and give it some throttle it'll happily blow the tyres off the rims.
I'm thinking of selling the Losi as it's just too big to use anywhere. Once sold I think I'll be having one of those Defenders
Would quite like to get the youngest into racing them, there's a race meet in Tonbridge on Sunday and I think she'd like the Mini series they do. Well, I know I would...
I'll 'fess up to being a real YouTube RC geek!
Me too 🙂
I've always been a big fan of RC cars but haven't owned one for a while.
After reading this thread that is going to change prompto...
Well I took it out yesterday and (after fighting my two little girls off) I put it through its paces - it is amazing, drives so well and all but the steepest (ie, when gravity takes over) inclines are drivable. I took it over some really rough stuff and the only time it got stuck was when it grounded when straddling big roots.
And with a 5000mah lipo power pack, it lasted about 1hr 30 mins too so no having to carry a dead car back home afterwards.
1hr 30? That's mental, I've got a similar lipo in one of my cars and I'm lucky if I see 15 minutes out of it. Assuming it's not running hard if you're mainly doing rock crawling with it?
As much as I love Lipo's, they do scare me a bit after one went bang whilst charging. Thankfully it was only a 1s, although it left a bit of a crater in the worktop...
As much as I love Lipo's, they do scare me a bit after one went bang whilst charging.
I might start charging mine in the garage then! I had heard they can do that sometimes.
But yes - as it's crawling it doesn't use anything like the same power as a fast car.
Is yours in a hard case, or a soft case one? I've had both and I've never had issues with a hard case. Soft case...well, not so much. If charging inside I'd recommend getting one of those charging bags. Seriously, they go off with a proper bang - have a look at the youtube footage of them...
It's a hard case - and I am getting a charging bag!
dlr - Where is your home track? You will know Chris Mitchell & Co I presume.
Me and my son got ourselves pretty competitive on minis (Mo5) for a season but his interest died. Still have an older Xray setup, controller, lipo charger, and all the other tools etc etc. Its all boxed up for if I get interested myself again.
John - that defender looks properly awesome!
I keep watching videos of's only the lack of stock preventing me click 'buy'..the wife'll go mad, but they sure look fun!
REally you need a group of 'crawlers' to have proper fun, right?
Hmm, a group of grown men walking around the woods while twiddling their joysticks. Make it even more fun and do it at night and upgrade them with led lights.
It wouldn't be the coolest activity I have ever seen but as long as you guys are enjoying your toy cars (As my wife used to call them).
That's the spirit...
There's something about the crawlers and especially scale trucks, which the defender is sort of, that appeals to me much more the just blatting the loud stick and powering over / through / off things, as my revo does now.
Probably explains why it doesn't get used.
Might sell it and look towards a more dare I say it - grown up rc car.
Annoyingly, I had a wraith that I upgraded and got running very nicely, then sold it. Doh.