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  • What jobs do you enjoy?
  • cynic-al
    Free Member

    Following molgrips' thread, could those of you who love/hate your job say what it is and why?

    Just curious like!

    Free Member

    I enjoy some aspects of my job – nurse looking after the elderly

    I enjoy the basic care work as it can be very satisfying and you can end a day knowing that you have made a difference – even if only in small ways.

    I have also reaped satisfaction from the support and counselling aspects – knowing you have helped someone come to terms with the situation even if the situation is traumatic

    I loathe and despise the buzzword bingo and bollox paperwork that goes along with it and I hate managing staff

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I love that it pays the mortgage and bills! 🙄

    Free Member

    I'm a luthier, I primarily make custom guitars for people, and spend about 20% of my time doing maintenance and setups for people and I love it lots. I get to play with loads of different guitars every week and get paid quite well for it,which is nice. 🙂

    Free Member

    i enjoy finding a new way to do something that is more effective than the old way, and that can be in any industry, any sector. currently work with a financial services business in Brazil. paid to find ways of doing things better than they had set up before and i get to deal with some very interesting people. hate the day to day admin bollox, the 'we've always done it that way' brigade, the office politics, but find the navigation through and around various ego's in the organisation to be enjoyable. dislike any routine, set working hours, and find it hard to deal with people who are just there to pick up a cheque and who have perfected the inverted snobbery thing that this area seems to have claimed for it's own…

    it's not what i want to do forever, but in a couple of years it will fund those more interesting things

    Full Member

    enjoy – developing new stuff, testing, trials, going new places.

    don't enjoy – routine shit, writing manuals.

    Full Member

    I'm stuck with the curse of competence, as Dilbert so aptly put it. Do well at what I do, so get given more things to do because it's known that they'll get done. However it's all essentially pointless and difficult and big projects do not equal interesting projects, despite how they're sold to you as your next 'opportunity'.

    I'm quitting, going to travel a bit, and then do something a bit more worthwhile.

    Free Member

    As a maintenance engineer, I love repairing stuff that others would otherwise through away. Its massivly rewarding, stops otherwise perfectly good stuff going to landfill, saves my company, myself and my freinds a fortune on new equipment, repairs, or servicing costs, actually draws on the theoretical qualifications Ive spent over a decade collecting, and no day is ever quite the same. I'm always learning, discovering new things, and technology will always be one step ahead of me, which just excites me.

    Like TJ, I lothe the buzzword and acronym bollocks that middle managment make up in a desperate attempt to baffle and make their work sound far more complicated than it actually is.

    Although….I have to admit my department have our own acronyms for describing faults in front of the operators or managment, when we dont want to upset them. Such as "We found the fault, it was the OTS" or "All sorted, it was the TCITC that caused a process error"

    OTS = Operator Too Stupid!
    TCITC = The C**T In The Corner


    Free Member

    Grimy – EBKS

    Error Between Keyboard and Seat

    Free Member

    not having to work every day.
    working in different/interesting places.
    not having a boss.
    having posh lunches paid for by clients.
    not having to deal with all that management/office politics toss.
    doing something creative (some of the time).
    meeting interesting people.
    my hobbies and travel are subsidised by my work.

    vat returns.
    book keeping.
    not really being able to plan things like holidays.

    Free Member

    PICNIC is my favorite.

    problem in chair not in computer

    Free Member

    Director of beer at the Big Bike Bash is a good job, meeting people, serving them fine local beverages and raising money for charity.

    My day job isn't to bad, a few personnel changes would make it an excellent team. A bit more power and full internet access and flexi time would make me stay.

    Free Member

    I'm a luthier, I primarily make custom guitars for people, and spend about 20% of my time doing maintenance and setups for people and I love it lots. I get to play with loads of different guitars every week and get paid quite well for it,which is nice


    My dad's an ex pro bass player and very good chippy. He recently made a lovely bass from flamed maple and a few bits (neck and some internals) from a Fender Precision. I'm not up on this kind of stuff but it looks amazing and apparently plays really well. It took him forever to make it though – not exactly commercially viable!

    Run a PR company with my wife – enjoy is 95% of the time – varied clients, flexibility, no hard sell (done lots of sales), no ar5e of a boss to answer to, see lots of my little boy (work from home), brings home decent money, etc. Do wake up at night worrying about certain aspects of it but that's mainly because I'm a born worrier.

    Free Member

    In Denmark is is call an error 4o

    meaning that the error happened 40cm away from the computer…

    Free Member

    I'm an IT contractor. I essentially love programming computers, but only when there's a good challenge to rise to. I feel like I want to paint the next Guernica but all anyone wants me to do is whitewash their fence.

    I do love the pay, and the fact I am self employed, but general malaise got the better of me and I've spent far too much of the money I should've saved to pay for time off. I also love the fact that as I get older I get more skilled, and more people start coming to me for work.

    Ultimately, I only do it because I can make money. Just need to make that work for me…

    Full Member

    I'm an academic – run a research group in chemistry.
    I love the freedom and creativity of the job – to go into work and try and come up with original science is constantly challenging and very difficult. It's a competitive and stimulating environment that way.

    Only real negative is raising funding – always difficult and super-competitive, can get demoralising. Particularly as it never ends – you never get to a position where you can just stop writing grants, even if you're highly successful. It keeps me awake at night with stress if I'm going through a bad patch.

    Free Member

    Grimy – EBKS

    Error Between Keyboard and Seat

    Hahahaha, I'm adopting that one too now!

    Free Member

    Being on the job with the wife 😀

    Full Member

    During the project I have just finished there were lots of defects raised at implementation that we were able to reject with our favourite defect classification code – ID 10 T.

    F***ing users…

    Free Member

    Setting up new projects which have real benefits, e.g. I've just done the feasibility study and secured funding for insulating a medium sized primary school which gets very cold in winter; should bring good benefits in terms of health and eduction.

    Slow death by email.

    Full Member

    Dislike – Excel
    Like – Talking to customers and sorting out their problems.

    Free Member

    I like doing interesting research into interactive art/performance, theme park rides, and other fun stuff like that. I like taking stuff we've made and letting random members of the public have a go*, or putting it in TV shows (and I've got a Blue Peter badge now!). I also like writing, so writing it up is good fun too. I also really like standing up in front of people and presenting it to large groups of people, which is an extra bonus of the job. I like that what I do now is something I can interestingly talk about with random people in the pub for 10 minutes without boring them with software geek anecdotes. Oh yeah, and having quite a lot of freedom to push the area our research goes in is great, we've done some really neat stuff, just because I thought it might be worth a try.

    I also like being junior enough, and currently on quite a well funded project, so that all the funding and blah doesn't massively affect me yet.


    *A recent prototype:

    Free Member

    I actually don't mind the VAT returns, it's the thought of doing them that I hate.

    I run an online editorial consultancy and the bit I like most is pricing up new projects, finding staff, brainstorming ideas, bringing clients' requirements into focus.

    Also enjoy writing when I get the chance still – as well as developing editorial strategies and managing freelances.

    It's all the annoying little tasks, emails and problems that get on my wick.

    Free Member

    IT Security Architect.

    Some bits are ace, the massively techy side of delving around into state of the art 'keep ahead of the hackers' stuff is brilliant. The forensic side is pretty good too and when I can, getting my hands grubby inside a firewall/VPN/network/computer is splendid fun too.

    On the other hand there are a million governances, policies, standards and protocols to keep ahead of, that side is crap.

    Mostly enjoying it at the moment though but I'm only three days into a new job.

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