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  • What is so wrong with having a Monarchy?
  • Junkyard
    Free Member

    ❓ I cant be arsed doing the dance with you

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t be too harsh on Charlie… People are partly a product of their environment, so it’s no wonder he grew up weird. I think he makes an effort, he’s just rubbish at it.

    Free Member

    Members of the Monarchy aren’t “employed” as staff into the Royal Family… they’re born into it,

    …and thereby hangs the tale doesn’t it. So why do you reckon the passing of job from father to son stopped a good while back?

    It hasn’t. There’s loads of family businesses that are perpetuated by siblings.

    But the Monarchy is not a business, & being part of the Monarchy isn’t a job. The stuff they do is just part of what’s expected of you as a member of the family.

    I’m neither pro- or anti- Royal. I remain indifferent. Couldn’t give a monkeys really. Although there is some good history and what-not that we’d not have if the monarchy had never existed.

    I get the impression that the main reason people grumble about the Royal’s comes down to money. As if they’d all turn down that much money for (apparently) “not doing anything” 🙄

    Free Member

    There’s loads of family businesses that are perpetuated by siblings

    Actually there aren’t that many that get past 3 generations, the adage being that it takes one to build it, one to live off it and one to lose it. I think if you check it out you will find that is pretty often the case, although I would concede there are exceptions that prove the rule.

    The stuff they do is just part of what’s expected of you as a member of the family.

    What behaving boorishly, feathering their own nest, breaking their own rules etc etc??

    the main reason people grumble about the Royal’s comes down to money

    Actually you’ve got that back to front, its the main argument people come up with for retaining them, i.e. the tourist income blah blah blah.
    The main people “grumble” about them is that they are an anachronism, which should have been consigned to history alongside such things as ducking stools, stocks, floggings and prima nocta. They are also the pinnicle of the class system, and as such we will never move past that thing which determines the vast majority of peoples life chances still to this day while they are still in place. Sorry to disagree, but financial issues are a minor distraction alongside those.

    Full Member

    joao3v16 – Member

    I get the impression that the main reason people grumble about the Royal’s comes down to money.

    Is that not a legitimate reason to grumble?

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