Home Forums Bike Forum What helmet for helmet cam use?

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  • What helmet for helmet cam use?
  • Potdog
    Free Member

    I currently have a Giro Xen helmet and find that the outer shell moves quite a lot when my helmet cam is fitted to it (Go Pro Helmet Hero camera) so have started to fit it to the frame. But this gives some shaky footage too especially on rough terrain where I think it would be better on a different helmet. I don’t want a “pisspot” type but here must be something else out there that doesn’t allow the shell to move around on the inner fixing system quite so much.

    Free Member

    I also have this problem. I just put it down to the camera (ATC 2k) I guess you just have to do your helmet up really tight kind of thing…

    You don’t have any videos i can watch do you? Really want the helmet hero wide, but just don’t know how it will cope with rough terrain.

    Free Member

    THESEare all with the camera fixed to the bike or hand held.
    THISand THISwere helmet mounted. You can see the difference.
    For me the tightness of the helmet doesn’t seem to make a difference as the design allows the “shell” to move a little even with the retaining system all tightened up.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that. They look ok to me, i guess you are using the none wide angle version?

    You could email GoPro, think they would be able to help you…

    Free Member

    Yep, i’ve had the camera just over a year, so the standard version. I’m really happy with the camera, although batteries were a problem at the start, some lasting only 15 minutes or so before giving up. Now I use the Energizer Lithium ones which last a phenomenally long time.

    I’m not sure that it’s a Go Pro “issue” as I know that the Xen helmet is introducing a lot of the movement into the picture. I might dig out my old Met helmet and try it on there to see if it makes a difference.

    I was more interested to see what helmets others use with their cameras which maybe avoid the problem.

    Free Member

    I use an RF Concepts ‘bullet’ cam and have experienced no shaking etc on several helmets, either on Dark Peak rides or in the alps.

    I think it is down to the weight of the camera and how well you fix it on

    Free Member

    It is probably due to the weight of the camera, but the design of the adjustable bit at the back of the helmet doesn’t help as it allows the shell of the helmet to move up and down a bit at the back. This is probably emphasised by the camera being fixed to it.

    Free Member

    So its not really what camera but what helmet mount? The helmet mounted Go pro vids on vimeo look pretty good, would it be easier to change your helmet/mount or ask go pro what they suggest? They seem pretty good people and are keen to spread the word on their cams

    Free Member

    Will chance an email to Go-Pro. The helmet mount itself is the standard Go-Pro offering, I’m almost certain that it’s the helmet that is the cause of my frustrations.

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