Settled into a routine now at Christmas where its just me, Mrs DBW and the two mini DBWs. No extra family etc to deal with which is nice! I suspect we won’t deviate from the usual which is to skip starters and get straight into chicken, gravy, roasties, stuffing, cauliflower cheese, red cabbage (with stewed apple stirred through it), pigs in blankets, few carrots and peas. Washed down with a nice bottle or three of real old mans beer like Black Sheep… Don’t generally do pudding either at lunchtime as we’re stuffed from the main. Late tea usually consists of bread, cheese, cold meat, pickles, dips, pork pie, sausage rolls etc. Yummy…
Which reminds me of something I saw the other day:
During the Covid lockdown, if you had family round on Christmas Day the police could force entry to your home and make them go home.
Does anyone know if this is a service thats still available and if you have to book?