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  • What are your prejudices?
  • cinnamon_girl
    Full Member

    Pretty sure most people who use them are just lazy, they have no problem getting in / out of the car and walking to the shop, they just can’t be arsed to park another 100m away.

    Are you for real? 😐

    Free Member

    Lycanthropes and beetroots.

    Not if they’re together, though. If I stumbled across, say, a lycanthrope eating a beetroot, it’d be fine but individually – **** ’em!

    Free Member

    Daily Mail readers.
    People who were cheap flip flops.

    But the biggest one, is people who work in marketing, without exception these people are worthless.

    Free Member

    I used to be a cheap flip flop but I’m now a fairly expensive sandal…. 😀

    Full Member

    Middle class people in their early to mid 50s for whom Everything is almost always “just not quite good enough” I work in the NHS in emergency dentistry, spoke to a chap today who hadn’t been to the dentist in 15 years (said as if its some sort of badge of honour) phones us in some considerable pain, yes we can see you today at 15:00. Slight pause…”can you not do better than that, I’ve got to tee off at 15:30….”

    I hurted my head when my forehead hit the desk. Trouble is, he’s not the first amongst this group of patients, they hate (detest is a better word) that other people ( read as unemployed, black foreign) get exactly the same treatment, and then complain bitterly about the cost ( a mighty £18:50)

    Next one I swear is being dismembered with a blunt spoon

    Free Member

    My favourite so far that I concur is people lacking the ability to empathise.

    Also, my personal bugbear, anyone incapable of enjoying a gig, social pub visit or meal without using a mobile phone.

    Free Member

    Prejudice about The seemingly new fashion craze of getting tattooed hate it. Robbie Williams vans very dubious set of people. Anyone who wears grey sweatpants and matching top, fat women wearing leggings and all Costa coffee drinkers thinking their hip.

    Also anyone who watches X factor or Britains got talent.

    Full Member

    Are you for real?

    Well if I wasn’t I’d have won the Turin test 😉

    Full Member

    flippinheckler – Member

    Anyone who wears grey sweatpants and matching top,


    Free Member

    is it prejudice if its true?

    Audi drivers.
    People who buy cars new
    People who buy cars new and then choose a white one. Do you aspire to be on “the only was is Essex”?

    Anyone who is into populist rubbish. X factor, eastenders, anything on bbc3.

    Free Member

    I won’t judge anyone until I’ve visited their home.

    Free Member

    People who hate/secretly fear the poor or the working class and refer to them as chavs.
    People who are full of hate for fat people and are proud of it. Well done.

    Free Member

    I detect a lot of inter-STWer passive aggression in this thread.

    Free Member

    And forum thread commentators. Hate ’em.

    Free Member


    Yeah me too.

    Full Member

    Pretty sure most people who use them are just lazy, they have no problem getting in / out of the car and walking to the shop, they just can’t be arsed to park another 100m away.

    You should probably read this.


    She doesn’t “look disabled,” doesn’t have a disabled badge (because she’s been in the system for half a year and still waiting) and on a bad day… well, read the damn post. Then tell me you stand by your post.

    Cos you know what? I agree with you. Many people take the piss. But you absolutely cannot assume that people don’t need that parking space because they “don’t look like they need it.” Thread context aside, as demographics go you’ve picked a particularly shit one to make assumptions about.

    Free Member

    People who constantly tell us how busy they are and how much they’ve got on.

    People who bullshit in work. It’s quite specific this. They learn a little bit about something and now they’re a frigging expert, put their oar in, tell everyone what to do about that particular thing. The problem is that if they sound confident, everyone believes them and then you have to double the effort they put in refuting what they said.

    Free Member

    People who constantly tell us how busy they are and how much they’ve got on.

    How true.


    short drivers (i dont believe they are safe);


    Tatoos, esp of the trendy sort. Old fashioned builders or military for example with ‘love and hate’ etc are fine. They are just being hard and not trying to be cool. and I hate needles.

    Lazy people.

    Scouse or cockney accents. Obviously dishonest.

    White S Africans, obviously semi fascist or worse. (but not my friend B.)

    People driving SUVs, Chrysler Voyagers or any sort of cock substitute, e.g. Posrche, Ferrari etc.

    People that are obsessed with the NHS and how good it is. (wake up).

    Thats enough or I will be banned for good.

    Full Member

    Cougar – I used to follow her blog. Years ago she posted on here, an incredibly brave post and the support from here was great. I think her blog was hacked or something?

    Am so sorry to read that her health has deteriorated and biking is very much on the back burner. I know from the other forum I inhabit how tough it is for people who are dependent on benefits and support. Far too many people are being failed in this country and there’s no accountability whatsoever.

    Full Member

    Then tell me you stand by your post.

    I stand my post.

    I really don’t see what the big deal is, for every ‘genuine disabled but not got the blue disc’ there are 10 times* as many lazy buggers who see walking across a car park as beneath them….

    * probably a massive underestimate

    Free Member

    Probably a massive overestimate I reckon. In all the car parks I use, I see generally mostly empty spaces for disabled, and most of the cars in them have to appropriate badges in the window. Don’t get me wrong, I think anyone who uses one out of laziness is an arsehole too, but it’s few and far between. It possibly seems a bigger problem because it’s such a cockish thing to do, but I really think you’re overestimating its magnitude. And allowing it to cloud your perception of anybody who has to use one.

    Btw, I used one in Birmingham airport car park the other day. I was dropping my father in law and his wife to departures. If you’d have been sat in the car park watching me, you might have thought I was an arsehole. No blue badge in my car. Neither my FiL or his wife has a blue badge, but he can hardly walk due to a recent foot op. He’ll be fully recovered in a few months so no point in applying for a badge is there, really? Of course, once he exited the car (after me, looking fit and magnificent…see? Arsehole!), you’d have seen he had a brace on his leg and was struggling to walk properly, and you’d probably have said “oh well, that’s alright then…” Because you’d have had visual evidence. Shame that’s not always available for the presumptuous.

    Free Member

    I had to use my mums blue badge (she’s 84 has a ostioperosis (sp) and struggles on a bad day, which fortunately aren’t too frequent) when I went to pick up my dad from hospital after he had a double heart bypass. Also used it to pick up my mum from the hospital when she was visiting my dad. Oh and when I had to take her to A&E coz she’d had a mini stroke. Now if you had seen me skipping about (I always dropped them off at the door) you’d think I was a cock abusing the badge. One time I persuaded my mum to walk about .5 of a k back to the car, never again, esp when it started raining! Guilt the size of Texas!

    Can I add White SUV drivers. Scum one and all. On the phone, no signals, ignoring the highway code (in its entirety) and think they own the road.cocks and trophy wife’s one and all…

    Free Member

    Left-wing intellectuals. People influenced by left-wing intellectuals and who know what to think not how to think.

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