Home Forums Chat Forum What are your prejudices?

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  • What are your prejudices?
  • garage-dweller
    Full Member

    It depends who you ask

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    You win two tickets to see ‘The Bodyguard’ at the Adelphi on August 30th.
    I can’t get time off work.

    Free Member

    Prejudice means jumping to conclusions without knowing the facts. Having an opinion doesn’t necessarily mean that.

    Free Member

    Cheers Ernie, at least I’m in a position to comment on Russian holiday makers in Goa! Although I have no ‘actual facts’ to quantify this, just a basis on what I’ve seen. 😕

    Free Member

    People who wear driving gloves
    People who ride recumbent bicycles
    People who drive X5s Q7s and Sinclair C5s.

    And I have a habit of screaming like John Clease at cars with the “Powered by Fairydust” stickers…………………..NO ITS NOT! YOU STUPID NINCOMPOOP!!

    Free Member

    People that walk with a funny “swag” and wear “chav” clothing. I immediately presume they are the lowest of the low and put my hands in my pockets to protect my valuables..

    would you care to add ‘people who drive their cars slouched to one side with one shoulder dropped and one hand on the wheel with the seat almost horizontal’ ? i find one often follows the other.

    Free Member

    Only morons read The Sun.

    There’s something demeaning about having a low IQ.

    Having no ambition makes you less of a valuable employee.

    Very strange phase in my life right now.

    Free Member

    I wear driving gloves and sometimes have a go on my dad’s recumbent trike.

    I don’t think those are prejudices themightymowgli, everything you think is true.

    But I have to totally agree with “powered by fairydust” and eyelashes etc. on cars – I can kind of see that even the most horrendously chavved up ugly body kitted Corsa is in a way a unique creation and all that, but I just think people with eyelashes on their cars should be shot. Along with “princess on board” or similar signs.

    Full Member

    You can add “baby on board” stickers to that. What are they supposed to prove? Might as well say “had a shag once.” Well done. Whenever I see them I think “aha, I’m dealing with a halfwit” and expect them to do something ridiculous.

    The Christian “secret handshake” fish is another shibboleth, the only difference there is that I then expect them to do something ridiculous really slowly.

    Full Member

    God botherers of any denominations and footflaps cos hes thin and has no tattoos

    Free Member

    LOL @ Cougar’s response!

    ‘Baby on Board’, So TF What?

    Free Member

    Prejudice means jumping to conclusions without knowing the facts.

    In which case, I’ll need to revise my above choice. As it’s more intolerance rather than actual prejudice.

    I suppose people who wear suits; I can never initially at least, trust a man wearing a suit. They have to go a long way to displce my prejudice. Most don’t manage to though.

    Free Member

    I automatically assume people that like football are yobs, incapable of complex thought but good at shouting mindless slogans.

    Free Member

    I suppose people who wear suits; I can never initially at least, trust a man wearing a suit.

    Same here unless I’m actually in THEIR office.

    I automatically assume people that like football are yobs, incapable of complex thought but good at shouting mindless slogans.

    Same again, can’t bloody stand football!

    Free Member

    Mouth breathers

    Free Member

    I automatically assume people that like football are yobs, incapable of complex thought but good at shouting mindless slogans.

    The medical director of my local NHS trust, a consultant radiologist, and the depute surgical director, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, both football season ticket holders would probably disagree with you.
    But knock yourselves out with stereotypes, so much easier than actually thinking, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member
    would you care to add ‘people who drive their cars slouched to one side with one shoulder dropped and one hand on the wheel with the seat almost horizontal’ ? i find one often follows the other.

    Yes! How did I forget that special group of people! Them too!

    Free Member

    ChubbyBlokeInLycra – Member
    The medical director of my local NHS trust, a consultant radiogist, and the depute surgical director, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, both football season ticket holders would probably disagree with you.
    But knock yourseves out with stereotypes, so much easier than actually thinking, isn’t it?

    Is that not what being prejudice is? Making assumptions not based on fact…?
    I agree with what was said. I see most die hard football fans as mindless yobs as well. The joys of being prejudice I guess?

    Free Member

    Well, I’ve always associated prejudices with stupidity, so yup, I guess you’re right

    Free Member

    I automatically assume people that like football are yobs, incapable of complex thought but good at shouting mindless slogans.

    U WOT M8?


    Free Member

    If only we could get you to re-write the dictionary and explain to everyone what being prejudice is. That would be so helpful.

    Full Member

    People who when you ask what sort of music they like, reply with ‘I like everything really’

    Full Member

    People who engage in conversation whilst driving and they have to keep looking at the person they are talking to. It’s as though their words alone are insufficiently engaging, which is probably true.

    Full Member

    rude & inconsiderate people.
    and folk who only like one type of music 😉

    Full Member

    the monarchy,politics,banks/traders,religion,vehicle drivers who hate cyclists,bad music,awful film remakes-awful films in general.

    i can go on 😉

    what a bigoted bstard i am 😳

    Free Member

    Is it a prejudice if it’s true?

    “babe on board” in the back window, I assume it will be anything but.

    People who wear hats to drive. Either a clueless chav in a baseball cap or a coffin dodger in a trilby. I’m very wary of both.

    Full Member

    I don’t like Elbry.

    Possibly ‘cos he’s working class according to another thread (although I know very little about him beyond what’s been on here over the years) but really because everything he does seems to come out of the Fast Show “Let’s Off-Road” school of self publicity.

    Free Member

    Audi drivers,

    Drivers in white cars, especially Insignias or Audi’s

    Football fans

    Grossly fat people (at what point will they actually think OMG, I’d better go on a diet)

    Tosses who wear Cravats

    Youths whose kecks come to just below their buttocks.


    Full Member

    Yoot who wear oversized baseball caps at jaunty angles.

    Over groomed men.

    Free Member

    People with a life plan. “In x years we will move to a house with 4 bedrooms in y village as it is in the catchment area of A school where we will send the child we have not conceived yet”

    Free Member

    Religion. Toffs. Conservatives. Roadies. Shareholders.

    Free Member

    My best mate always plays as the monkey in timespliters 2 nowt wrong with him .

    Youths whose kecks come to just below their buttocks.

    And girls who forget to put a skirt over their tights before they go out.

    Free Member

    *Gypsys (&Scousers) are thieves, Indians are liars, Afro Caribbeans are lazy, and the Irish spend all their time in betting shops.

    *Prejudices handed down from Grandmother, not necessarily adopted by the author, but you did ask,

    Free Member

    Generally speaking just dealing with ‘people’. Especially if there is money involved. I tend to start any interaction with people that involves money with a sense of dread at the likelihood that they are going to try to stitch me up.

    Unfortunately, experience has not proved my prejudices wrong overall. 🙁

    Full Member

    Football fans- some lovely gentleman followers of the beautiful game just put my mates son in intensive care, beacuse he looked a bit foreign. This just reinforced my already pretty bloody bleak prejudice.


    scousers, the constant chip on shoulder victim mentality from a bunch of whining gits that have given nothing to the world other than a mediocre pop act and now will never shut the ….. up about it

    Free Member

    People who say stuff like “I don’t watch television” and those people never don’t watch telly they don’t watch television or they only watch ( apparently) the news or some other dull ready stuff and then they turn it off.

    A certain type of middle aged bloke that watches rugby, they are generally fat, generally massively obnoxious loud misogynistic idiots

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Car mechanics. In fact anyone dealing with cars. I have trust issues there. Especially when they tell me that they ‘won’t rip me off because yr too close to home’.

    People who drive superclean Vogueish 4x4s. I’m looking down my nose at them looking down their noses.

    Scoffing bigots in general – they’re another species – like an unkind thing wearing a human skin.

    Full Member

    Fat people and/or religious people en masse, can cope with say, 3 at a time of each but more than that I can’t deal with.

    Doesn’t reflect well on me does it. 🙄

    Free Member

    Land Managers its not your 1000 acres drop the attitude and cooperate

    Russians and Israelis abroad just horrible aggressive idiots, I know why they act like they do but I avoid them if I can.

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