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  • What a lovely surprise (Star Wars Lego content…)!
  • Elfinsafety
    Free Member

    Well. Yesterday I got a delivery from Tescos of something I haddunt ordered. Plastic bayg over what was the same shape and size of a box of cereal. Sounded like a box of cereal to, on shaking.

    Most odd, I thought, as I’ve never ordered owt from Tescos, don’t even shop there tbh. Proper addressed to me and everything though.

    Thought it might be some sort of promotional gimmick, so put it down on the side intending to open it later, as I was in the middle of getting a cup of tea when it arrived. Forgot all about it.

    Remembered it this morning, so went to open it. Why would Tesco personally send me a box of cereal?

    Imagine my surprise and sheer delight on discovering that it was in fact this:

    What a result, eh? :D A proper touch.

    I don’t know who sent it, although I have my suspicions. It could well even be someone off here!

    All I can say is I’m proper chuffed and very grateful. :-)

    Free Member

    They are great. Daniel has this one:

    Free Member

    Secret admirer?

    Full Member

    *Mysterious present envy*

    Full Member

    I bet it was Mark, after all those Obi-Wan emails :wink:

    Free Member

    Well. Yesterday I got a delivery from Tescos of something I haddunt….

    I got this far and gave up. Sure it was a cracking story though.

    Free Member

    That’s a shame, Defydude, cos if your ADHD had abated for just a wee bit, you cooduv read on and then it wooduv enhanced your life. :| Oh whell..

    Scardey; you know, you could be right. You could well be right….


    I’m too excited. Can I open all of them now? Can I? PLEEEEEASE???

    Free Member

    Secret admirer?

    Yeah right. It’s probably contaminated with ricin as part of an elaborate and dastardly deed by someone who hates him.

    Free Member


    You’re just jealous cos no-one sends you surprise Star Wars Legos.

    Maybe if you were nice, like me, you might get such things.

    Free Member

    Well. Yesterday I got a delivery from Tescos of something I haddunt….
    I got this far and gave up. Sure it was a cracking story though.

    What a pointless lie that was :|

    Full Member

    How lovely!

    If I want a present through the post I have to buy it and send it to myself :lol:

    Free Member

    Box states 6-14 You’re to old send it back!

    *If that is the age limit?*

    Free Member

    Ah yes that would apply to most others, BUT….

    …I was born on February 29th. :D

    Full Member


    Have to get one for my son as he has developed a decent collection of Lego Star Wars figures…


    Free Member

    So, now you just need one for 15-24

    Free Member

    Not for quite some time, Mung Bean… :wink:

    Free Member

    :o :o
    I want one!

    Just seen how expensive those things are 8O – someone must really like you :P

    Free Member

    someone must really like you

    How likely is that ? ……. think about it ffs

    Free Member

    Oh Ernie why are you so cruel and mean and nasty? :cry:

    Free Member

    In the unlikely event that someone is reading this and thinking about sending me something that is the same shape and size of a box of cereal and that sounds like a box of cereal on shaking… make sure it’s a box of cereal, eh?

    Full Member

    Oh go on, tell us. Who gets 25? Can we guess?

    Full Member

    It’s an Advent Calendar , you can’t open it until the 1st of December.

    Full Member

    RE: OP

    I always used to shake my Christmas presents when I was younger to check whether they were Logo or not. Now my sister packages up boxes of cereal for me for Christmas and I shake them thinking they are Lego :(

    Full Member

    Someone with a sense of humor has made it Darth, haven’t they?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Oh Ernie why are you so cruel and mean and nasty?

    Class warfare, innit? Lenin hates Lego.

    Free Member

    Megabloks is better :-)

    Halo Master Chief ON TOUR[/url] by SGMTB[/url], on Flickr

    The GF’s young’un made me take Master Chief ON TOUR.

    Free Member

    Feels jealous due to not having any surprise presents in the post … but can live without Lego!

    Free Member

    Lenin hates Lego

    Not true.

    Free Member


    Megabloks is better


    Ladies and gentlemen; we have a BLASPHEMER!!!!!!

    An angry mob gathers:

    Free Member

    The police quickly bring up reinforcements to quell the trouble…

    Free Member

    This angers the crowd even further, and violence escalates:

    There is widespread looting and unlawlessness:

    Free Member

    The rioters are switftly and brutaly dealt with:

    Although a few brave souls try to plead for peace and order, their cries fall on deaf ears, and democracy collapses:

    Free Member

    would also like surprise pressie in the post, but not lego. :(
    as I am not a 13yr old boy

    Free Member

    Emsz and Karinofnine – do I detect a lack of surprise presents for girls … surely this is a bad case of sexism? :lol:

    Free Member

    With the government brought to it’s knees by such widespread civil unrest and general chaos, including financial collapse, sadly certain elements use this as an opportunity to sieze power, and sweep aside the oppsition by using lies, treachery and spreading fear and hatred:

    And I think we all know how this story ends…


    Full Member

    Not sure I should resurrect this thread given its descent into Nazism but what the hell (inevitable given Godwin’s Law)

    Did anyone who has the calendar get what they should have on day 7?

    The picture looks like some tools and Chewie’s bowcaster but all we got is some fairly unexciting black and grey bits.

    Free Member

    Ooh! Reminds me; forgot to open today’s window! :-)

    (Scuttles off in excitement)

    Free Member

    First time I have read thru this thread – LOLs abound. Lego Nazis indeed

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