This may raise some "issues", but just been riding the section of the new red route (as declared open on the Singletraction website).
Now, firstly let me take my hat off too singletraction, they are an excellent group and it is great to see riders making positive steps in the right direction.
I think thought they may have shot them selves in the foot a little by declaring some sections of the the new trail open, but it appears that LOADS of people have been riding it and in doing so ruining some of the really hard work that the group have done.
Some of the trail is worn away to clay and where this has happened everyone has diverted round it and made the nice singletrack into muddy double track.
No doubt I will get shouted at, but I think it is a shame that the hard work has been compromised.
Just an opinion, but I think that it would be better to close the trail until completed, allowing it to be bedded in properly by the builders who know where they want it to go.
Again, well done all involved, I hope you don't take offence.