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  • Wet Garage Floor
  • yetidave
    Free Member

    My garage floor is wet(puddling). I think that its coming up through the concrete, as its (now) dry aroundabout the wet bit. Ive spent time putting a fillet around the garage between the wall and the floor slab and this looks like its holding great. I do need to improve the drainage around the garage a little still, which involves lifting the driveway…and its not coming through the roof, which now has a foil insulation layer to stop the condensation…and is working.

    Is there a good product I can use on the slab to waterproof it, epoxy paint, or pva glue/paint mix? What has been done and worked?


    Free Member

    Are you sure that none of your services are under the garage floor slab. Could be a burst pipe?

    Free Member

    No services as far a can tell. Garage is to the side and behind house, all services go forward that I’ve found.

    Full Member

    Are you sure water isn;t coming under garage door when it rains heavily?

    This happened with mine and it travelled quite a long way before it puddled.

    Solved it with one of those rubber seal things that runs along the entrance plus making sure drainage on the drive was clear.

    Free Member

    Quite a way from the door, but a door seal is also on the list.

    Free Member

    Check all gutters. If they overflow badly, water can get over or into the wall cavity.

    Full Member

    If the garage is an aftermarket build/addition to the house then you probably don’t have a sufficient DPC built in to it so have a google for french drains and see if you could possibly retrofit this round the exterior walls.

    Without examine the garage in question this advice is obviously one of many possibilities

    Free Member

    Wait until it starts to rain heavily and then stand in the garage and watch?

    Free Member

    If you’re getting puddling then, if it is coming up through the floor, it sounds like the floor is below the water table! More likely to be coming under the door.

    Free Member

    gutters are fine on that side, but missing on the other, but that’s quite sheltered (and downslope) and not wet. I think that somafunk may have it that the DPC under the slab is poorly laid or distressed. Drainage around the garage is probably the answer as per my OP, but was wondering if there was a magic paint I could put down to reduce the issue before I get chance to dig up the garden and driveway to get sufficient drainage lines.

    Full Member

    My garage floods due to the neighbour’s garden being slightly higher than the garage floor and when it rains heavily the run-off strikes the wall and in various places comes through. We’ve managed to alleviate it a bit by adding pea gravel in a little trench along the wall to carry the water away to a drain, but if its really heavy then through it comes!

    Free Member

    its not coming under the door as its dry between the puddle and the door. Its not coming from the wall joint as that’s sealed and its dry between the puddle and the wall. It does not appear to be coming from the roof as this is dry and not condensation. The gutter is clear and working. There is a bit of a drainage issue outside which will be sorted soon. Its all built on clay, and unless the watertable is occluded under the clay and we have artiesian conditions under the garage its not watertable, (surface waters/flooding maybe.

    I was wondering if anyone has put waterproof paint/floor paint with pva down to cure a ingress of water from below.

    Full Member

    I had a similar issue albeit on a lesser scale. The garage was built with no DPM so would often become wet and help cause things to rust. I installed a linear drain channel between the garage and garden then i bitumen painted the floor with 5 coats using a old roller then applied self levelling compound. Its done the trick really well ao pleased with my bodge.

    Free Member

    Hmmm. Quite a project then. Starting with a surface drain tonight…

    Full Member

    You could put a vapour barrier down and then build a floating floor above it?

    Free Member

    I was wondering if anyone has put waterproof paint/floor paint with pva down to cure a ingress of water from below.

    I’m not sure something as thin as a paint would stop it (certainly longer term).
    My office is a converted double garage and a couple of adjoining store rooms that have been knocked together – when converting it my [architect] dad specified asphalt flooring as it was doubtful there was a dpc in the floor, works brilliantly but not a DIY solution I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    Insulated elsewhere and cold floor? Condensation perhaps.

    Free Member

    Matt, hope condensation couldn’t do this pool..

    Drain dug around garage last night, pulled up a load of slabs down the driveway, to fill with chippings tonight. Now waiting on Bertha or whatever the next storm is called to do her stuff.

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