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  • Weird secret santa type scenario
  • finbar
    Free Member

    I returned to my desk after an hour or so in the lab to find a mysterious brown paper bag sitting on my desk. Opened it up and there was a packet of organic falafel mix inside. Nothing else.

    The Chinese guy who sits next to me says a girl dropped it off, he didn’t recognise her but she looked like an undergraduate. He wouldn’t tell me whether she was attractive or not.

    I’m confused!

    Free Member

    You obviously don’t know the significance of a gift of falafel.

    Have you upset anyone recently?


    Free Member

    Probably, but no-one from the middle east i think.

    What does it mean then?

    Free Member

    Very odd. I’m jealous.

    Free Member

    It means big trouble in little China my friend, B-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-G trouble!

    Full Member

    It means WIND my friend, BIIIIIIIGGG WIND :-)

    Free Member

    first it’s the falafel on the desk, the next thing is a horse’s head in your bed.

    Full Member

    That’s a bit extreme! I mean, how about an intermediate step or two? Maybe a sheep’s head in the lounge, or a goat’s head in your swimming pool.

    It’s a big leap from falafal to a horse’s head.

    Bloody mafia types

    Free Member

    Damnit i thought i was onto something, not receiving a threat.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    she’s just creating a reason to call back on you when you’re there to pick up something she ‘left behind by accident’

    She just wanted any old ex-couscous

    Full Member

    ‘groan’ @ jonv

    Free Member

    I’d get on the blower to that Banksy Moon fella. Isn’t there supposed to be a cease fire?


    Free Member

    Was she wearing and IDF uniform, if so check your life insurance is up to date :?

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