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  • weekend BBQ count
  • freeform5spot
    Free Member


    I *heart* the summer.

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    Full Member

    1 already, 1 more to come :-)

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    Full Member

    1 so far this weekend, will probably fire it up again tonight :P

    Free Member

    1 last night, :)

    Free Member

    What have you lot been doing I’m just off to light no5 this year – (will use the heat my sunburn after 5 hours darkside riding to light it)

    Free Member

    have sweet chilli beercan chicken cooking on my Weber as we speak, however i tend to Braii all year round (including Christmas Dinner one year)

    Free Member

    1, and a damned good one it was too! Bought a new BBQ at the weekend. Weber kettle, of course. None of this namby pamby gas malarkey.

    Free Member

    1 bbq, 1 burger, 2 sausages and a kebab.

    I like summer

    Free Member

    CaptainFlash welcome to the club…..

    i recommend the beercan chicken

    Free Member

    2! Both excellent, both with gas bbq’s (charcoal is either too hot so everything gets frazzled on the outside, or it’s gone out and everything is left raw).

    OMG, the sun has been out for several days now. I’m begining to feel like we have moved to the continent!

    Free Member

    aye 1 last night,fell asleep looking at some recent wedding pics though. :cry:

    Free Member

    ron, it was replacing an ancient Weber. Like for like…

    Spongebob, that’s not a prob in a Weber, as you can make it different temperatures at different parts of the grill.

    BBQ asparagus….100% of yum.

    Free Member

    1 just finished lot of chicken shish kebabs and snorkers with jack daniels bbq sauce.

    Free Member

    3 here.

    half a dozen bricks and an old oven rack. None of this posh “just bought a new one” bollox captain!

    Home made barbeque marinade too.

    But I agree with BBQ asparagus: Yumm——eeeee!

    Free Member

    Eaten my own body weight in farm yard animals this weekend.

    Mmmmmmm meat…

    Free Member

    3 for me, last night and a lunch one and tea one today (2 different places) plus a meal out on friday night.

    Free Member

    Is it coz I is posh? :wink:

    Tried courgette on the barbie? Surprisingly good.

    Free Member

    2, one at a friends on the biggest BBQ i’ve ever seen then the other here on a BBQ, that just like Stoner, I built using bricks and breezeblocks, no charcoal just wood!

    Free Member

    Just back from one. The usual “you bring, we will bring, they will get…” routine. So everybody brings enough meat for everybody, and then tries to eat it all.
    Oh, and charcoal, easy to get a decent cooking temperature with a lid and vents, I love the juicy chicken we get off it.

    Free Member

    Beercan Cajun Chicken and ribs tonight mmmmmm!!!!

    Free Member

    Weds eve, Friday, Saturday and Sunday all day!

    Full Member

    BBQ Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Garden Pizza Oven Monday & BBQ Tonight. I love the summer..

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