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  • Wearing a tie,
  • soobalias
    Free Member

    Suit Up!

    Full Member

    Is that Doogie Howser?

    Free Member

    if it isnt its gotta be his brother

    Full Member

    Perhaps I was hung in a previous life

    Like in that programme, Hung? 😯

    Full Member

    Perhaps I was hung in a previous life

    Like in that programme, Hung? 😯

    Gah, doublepost. I work in the IT/meeja industry, so ties are unnecessary. hurrah! Went for an interview with another company in the IT/ meeja industry, suited and booted – my boss to be turned up in t-shirt and jeans. I think I'm going to like it there 🙂

    Full Member

    IME you see less and less (sic) office based people wearing ties and the ones that do just look stuck in the past.

    IME, I see more and more people looking really scruffy in suits, largely becasue they aren't able to dress themselves properly before they leave the house.

    Full Member

    if it isnt its gotta be his brothet

    So your argument is: wear a tie and suit so you can look like Doogie Howser?

    Wouldn't an oversized white coat and stethescope be equally effective? 🙂

    Free Member

    largely becasue they aren't able to dress themselves properly before they leave the house.

    it might be a "fashion statement" ? Of course, some of us have a gentleman's gentleman to attend to such details…

    Free Member

    IME, I see more and more people looking really scruffy in suits, largely becasue they aren't able to dress themselves properly before they leave the house.

    well at least we agree less people are wearing them, but a nice shirt/suit/shoes are hardly transformed into something scruffy due to lack of a tie.

    Are you by any chance quite old and even wear a tie down the allotment?

    Free Member

    simonfbarnes – Member
    some of us have a gentleman's gentleman to attend to such details…

    Or a 'carer' as the rest of us call your assistant 😀

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