I think he’s right – he certainly talks a lot of sense.
We (humans) are multiplying at an alarming rate and this is likely to be the biggest threat to our own well being when combined with our human nature. We’ve been programmed over the last 100 years to aspire to lifestyles that tare unsustainable and we’ve go very good at not dying.
At some point the Earth is going to have to make a massive correction. Whether that be with floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes or plain old climate change it’s almost certainly going to happen. In a similar manner to the way our body deals with an a virus, the Earth will hunker down and all but eliminate the irritants. no matter how important we like to think we are we are but specs of dust in the grand scheme of things.
Not that makes any of us feel better about our or our offspring’s impending doom. Lets hope that future generations, if there are any, will be more enlightened.