Waste ground - what...

[Closed] Waste ground - what would you do with this?

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Offline  molgrips
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[url= http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8558/9014463009_6470c18847_z.jp g" target="_blank">http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8558/9014463009_6470c18847_z.jp g"/> [/img][/url]
[url= http://www.flickr.com/photos/11569254@N06/9014463009/ ]Waste ground[/url] by [url= http://www.flickr.com/people/11569254@N06/ ]molgrips[/url], on Flickr

It's a sewer easement, so no house, but no-one's come to claim it. Personally I'd like a wildflower meadow but it'd require a significant investment in seeds I reckon, it's quite large. And it's also currently full of docks which won't take no for an answer I'd guess. I'm not sure I can afford that much round up!

Posted : 11/06/2013 11:20 am