My daughter who is 2 got stung on the end of her tongue yesterday by a wasp, talk about challenging to remove a sting from the tong of a screaming toddler!
I was told as a kid after getting stung by a bee in the neck, I suffer from anaphylatic shock, my eyes puffed up and found it very hard to breath so ended up in A&E having a bic pen rammed in my neck 😉
But working on a farm years latter, I got stung by some 30 odd wasps and thought I was gonig to be GONNER as I was miles from anywhere, but I had no adverse effects, so now I do wonder if I do suffer from the condition?
Not that I plan to get stung by a bee again 😉
My little one was fine btw, quick dose of liquid piriton just in case and she was her norm self after a bit, could have been a lot worse if she had been stung in the throat I guess.