Noticing the thread on airguns and allotments reminded me: I've got a 1930s-ish air pistol I inherited from my grandfather (an Accles & Shelvoke "Warrior" .22, FWIW) that I neither want nor need, and is apparently a bit collectable.
Do any of you airgun-knowledgeable people have a suggestion where I can find a buyer for it? There seem to be a plethora of forums and collectors and places offering to buy them - I'm basically after somewhere reliable with a big audience so I can get the best price for it.
Have you a local allotment with a bit of a pigeon ‘problem’ and its own Facebook page?
There is a 177 version in fair condition for sale on guntrader for £295 (trade).
Airgunbbs and airgunforum have decent sales sections.
Thanks @gurnster75 - apparently the .177 was the standard, the .22s are relatively rare. I'll check those out.
Another vote for airgunbbs.
I'm more an AGF man myself but BBS probably has the bigger audience. I do remember having to jump through some daft hoops to sell (in fact it was just to browse the sale boards) on there though. You'll get a valuation if nothing else.
Fab, thank you - have registered, will browse and maybe advertise!