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  • vegetarian – why?
  • binners
    Full Member

    Although I am trying to think of ways to shoot down the point.

    You’re a veggie, you’re not allowed to shoot things 😉

    Free Member

    when you have the tat you are the pious wing
    Will bring some cake to Delamere if you are coming

    can’t make delamere, we’ve got a race at lee quarry this sunday mate.

    Free Member

    You’re a veggie, you’re not allowed to shoot things

    Can’t you read? I’m not, I just like supporting both extremes of the argument, although JY has put me off vegans just now…

    Free Member

    well yeah, spot on.
    as i said, we’re all hypocrites to some degree, it’s just that some of the more pious members of the vegetarian and vegan communities won’t admit that.
    the Vegan Society’s registered legal definition of the term “vegan” actually includes the phrase “to the best of your ability” (or something like that anyway)- nobody’s going to be able to avoid animal products entirely so you simply choose the best option available. i mean, obviously it doesn’t mean you go drink a pint of cow’s milk or eat a steak if you’ve got no non-dairy milk or tofu around; nowt necessarily wrong with doing those but you’re NOT veggie/vegan if you do!
    which leads me onto the other point- those people who call themselves vegetarians but eat fish. WRONG. well, they’re not wrong to eat fish (as such; it’s their choice) but why feel the need to claim you’re a vegetarian? these are the real moralisers amongst us all. our own personal dietary choices do not make us inherently any better or worse than anyone else, so just accept your own and stop making crap up for whatever silly reasons

    i like you :mrgreen: i’d happily go out of my way to prepare a special meal if people like you came for dinner, the preachy ones dont get invited 😉

    Full Member

    Oh….erm….. in that case, Carry on!

    Free Member

    I could publish a foto of me with my dead prey to prove it..

    Free Member

    although JY has put me off vegans just now…

    RESULT Given what a love god you are more vegan ladies for me 😉

    Free Member

    Ahh I think you will find in that sense I have always been off vegans, the farts. I prefer to avoid sharing a quilt with a women whose farts smell like a brontosaurus turd ..

    Free Member

    you need to join in , try covering ther head with the duvet then let rip….mmmmmaybee only me that one 😳

    Free Member

    don’t like meat.

    Edit: Jamie, Yeti, don’t…OK, just don’t 😆

    Free Member

    yeti has had his punchline ready for that line all day emsz

    Free Member

    I’ve nothing too add to this debate really but I’ve met a lot of women recently who say they’re vegetarian because they simply don’t like meat. I put this down to how it’s been cooked. Nobody can dislike a well hung bit of prime beef… cooked rare with a delicate sauce.

    Free Member

    emsz – have you ever actually tried black pudding?

    Free Member

    Started with Lamb (and yes, mostly because they are sooooo cute) Cooked meat can be nice, I know this, but more often than not it just isn’t…It’s stringy, tasteless, and a bit pointless. Plus restaurants, right, they have to make money, the meat they use is going to be cheap, you’ve no idea where it’s from.

    Black pudding is pig blood isn’t it? No, don’t fancy it.

    Full Member

    The best thing about being nearly veggie…

    The V-Pud!

    Free Member

    Yh it’s a blood filled sausage. It’s a lot tastier than you might imagine and extremely good for you… the high iron content is very good for menstrauting women.

    Free Member

    you are a font of knowledge here TSY.
    Yes the veggie black pudding is quite tasty but a very odd concept. Someone bought me mine.

    Free Member

    What’s in a veggie pudding? Druidh was telling me how good veggie haggis is… which I can imagine as the best bit is the flavouring.

    Free Member

    veggie haggis is nice never had the real thing though.
    No idea re the ingredients.

    Free Member

    Sorry, but veggie haggis is quite simply revolting. It’s that bad that a veggie mate of mine gave me one as he hated it and thought “Ah, the dwarf will eat anything..”

    No he won’t. Some veggie food is lovely but i’ll disembowell the next clown who pulls that trick on me! 👿

    Free Member

    Do you like normal haggis though? I was told they taste pretty much the same.

    Free Member

    yes the veg does not have the same offal flavours

    Free Member

    Thank god for you Junky… that awful joke has made me feel a lot better for not inserting a load of pork sausage gags for emsz.

    Free Member

    I love proper haggis (groans at JY) just like i love black pudding etc, IMHO trying to recreate a dish that has offal and blood as its basic and intrinsic ingredients and replacing them with non-meat products just makes something neither fish nor fowl so to speak.

    I’ll attempt to eat most things and i love trying new foods but i’ll never eat anything vegetarian attempting to ape a meat dish again.

    Free Member

    I’m selfish so I eat meat. I find it odd that you could argue it isn’t morally wrong to kill something tbh. If it was supermarket meat I’d probably not bother, that shite is worse than sprouts!

    Free Member

    muddydwarf – you do have a point! I will eat pretty much anything and respect other peoples rights to do so, but why try to make artificial meat products? if you are a veggie why would you want to eat something that looks like and/or tastes like meat?

    And don’t get me started an alcohol free beer!

    Full Member

    Gosh, sorry I’m late to the party.

    I’m vegetarian. I’ve been vegetarian for about 20 years, which is pretty much half of my total years on this world.

    I am, perhaps, atypical. Certainly if you believe a lot of the stuff that regularly gets trotted out about veggies, I don’t exist.

    I’m vegetarian because the concept of eating meat repulses me. It’s dead flesh. That’s minging. I’d be squeamish about dissecting a corpse or getting covered in blood pulling lumps out of (say) a dead cow, so it’d be hypocritical of me to eat meat so long as someone else did all the ‘dirty’ work for me. Fortunately for me, in the modern western world there’s plenty of alternatives which means that I don’t have to, so why should I?

    The bottom line is, conceptually, I don’t see flesh as a foodstuff, any more than I see gravel as food. And yeah sure, you could argue that we’re “designed” to eat it and you’d be right, but that misses my point. A better analogy for me might be, “why don’t you eat turds?” Say they were delicious and nutritious, would you eat ’em?

    I reject the original premise as flawed that eating meat is default and not eating it has to be justified in some way. Choosing to eat meat or choosing not to eat meat is a choice either way. You can come up with all the reasoning you like but at the end of the day it’s cultural. Some cultures eat horse; some cultures don’t eat pig; some eat dog; what’s the difference here exactly? The original question, therefore, boils down to “why don’t you do what I do?” – arrogant, hmm?

    This, then, renders a lot of Bingo arguments invalid, for me at least. I’ll field some specific questions in the next post.

    Free Member

    I think cougar has it bang on.

    I’m a meat eater and i accept it’s a choice, just like vegetarianism is a choice, TBH i’ve heard so much BS from both camps on this subject over the years and it’s all just that – BS. From the ‘save the planet’ veggies to the ‘we’re evolved to eat meat’ carnivores and they’re all really, really boring.

    Eat what you like, it’s your body and nowt to do with anyone else.

    Just don’t tell anyone else what they should be eating unless you want a fork in your forehead….

    Full Member

    One of my mates is from Glasgow and as such, despises all vegetables.

    His wife is a vegetarian

    He lives on pizza’s

    I’m not sure that adds anything to the discussion

    just thought I’d share

    Full Member

    toys19 was doing well.

    As a confirmed killer and meat eater I admire vegans and deride supermarket only meat eaters. There is nothing that irritates me more than people telling me how cruel it is to shoot a deer or a bunny but will still happily eat a lamb chop.

    Nobody needs to eat meat, therefore eating meat is only for pleasure, therefore you are complicit in killing for pleasure if you eat meat.

    If you are happy to accept this, or even like it (as I do) then eat meat. If you cannot accept this then have the courage of your convictions and become a vegan.

    +many. Eat what you want, accept it for what it is, and be happy. If you’re an omnivore who only eats meat when someone else chops it into unrecognisable cubes for you, or a vegetarian who goes to pieces at the prospect of a bacon butty, you need to take a good hard look at yourself. However, it all goes wrong with the last bit:

    So called Vegetarians are the worst of the lot, moralising hypocrites. Either no meat or meat there is no middle ground.

    … which is patent nonsense. Sorry.

    bigyinn asks:

    Why do veggies / vegans always feel the need to preach about it

    I hear this a lot, it’s the “Christian” attack. As a vegetarian and an atheist I sit on both sides; the omnivores whine about ‘preachy’ vegetarians and the atheists whine about ‘preachy’ Christians, whereas in my experience the complainers are far more common. I’ve met very few preachy Christians / vegetarians, but I’m met a metric shitload of vocal atheists and omnivores complaining about them.

    McHamish said:

    BBQs must be boring at a vegan’s house.

    TBH, this just shows ignorance. Why not find out? “BBQs must be boring at a carnivore’s house. It’s just meat.”

    HoratioHufnagel posited:

    Not eating a vegetarian food just because its been on the same plate as some meat? WTF?

    I can’t speak for other veggies but personally this goes back to my ‘turd’ analogy. If you’d been served a burger that someone had shat on and then gone “oh, never mind” and wiped it off, would you eat it?

    Clong makes a good point:

    I find it weird how some vegitarians claim to be vegetarians, but eat fish/chicken/bacon on occasions.

    So do I. The answer is, these people aren’t vegetarians. They’re pescetarians or some other variant, or Americans. You might as well argue that you’re a non-smoker (apart from cigarettes).

    Finally, binners entertainingly argued,

    You’re a veggie, you’re not allowed to shoot things

    To which the answer is, of course you are, you just can’t eat it afterwards.

    Full Member

    From the ‘save the planet’ veggies to the ‘we’re evolved to eat meat’ carnivores and they’re all really, really boring.

    The PETA ‘meat is murder’ screwheads really have set vegetarianism back years. Like most demographics, it’s the vocal minority giving the rest a bad name.

    One point I forgot to add. I really, truly don’t care what you eat. You can be a carnivore or a vegan or a creamcakevore or whatever, just be happy with it. Accept where your food comes from and be comfortable with it, and let me do the same.

    If you come drooling over my bag of chips but “can’t have one because you’re on a diet,” you’re Doing It Wrong. You’re just going to be miserable, hungry, and irritating. If you’re vegetarian and want KFC,
    have one, you’ll feel better.

    I have eaten better, healthier and with more variety since I got rid of my meat problem. Even today, someone at work commented how delicious my lunch looked, I said “yeah, I do ok for a veggie” and they were shocked.

    It’s a bit more than just a simple choice though, isn’t it ?
    To go back to my earlier analogy, if you moved to a country where rape in marriage was commonplace, would you join in with the local customs or become a preachy women’s rights activist and try to persuade them it’s not a very nice thing to do ?

    Full Member

    One of my mates is from Glasgow and as such, despises all vegetables.

    His wife is a vegetarian

    He lives on pizza’s

    What you’ve got there is two incompatible diets. Which is fine.

    However, the conclusion is cock all to do with being veggie or carnivorous, and everything to do with being a crap cook.

    Non-vegetable veggie food:

    Pasta, rice, noodles, lentils, chickpeas, nuts, beans. Meat substitutes: Quorn chunks / TVP mince, egro spag bol, chilli, curry; veggie burgers, sausages, hotdogs. Quorn ‘ham’ sandwiches, butter pies, cornish pasties, ‘meat’ and potato pies…

    That’s off the top of my head. They’re not trying.

    Free Member

    Jed, you might have to accept that your analogy just isn’t working here.

    yeah, I do ok for a veggie

    He’s probably on an Internet forum this evening whinging about preachy vegetarians 🙄

    Free Member

    I will eat pretty much anything and respect other peoples rights to do so, but why try to make artificial meat products? if you are a veggie why would you want to eat something that looks like and/or tastes like meat?

    And don’t get me started an alcohol free beer!

    i am quite happy to eat fake meat products (occasionally, and selectively- many of the commercially available ones are very high in fat), because i don’t have a problem with the taste of some meats (i never really liked lamb or pork when i did used to eat meat, and have only eaten steak maybe 4 or 5 times ever), just the fact they are part of an animal.
    it’s strange really, i definitely started out as an ethical vegan (very strongly AR based) and to a great extent i suppose i still am, however PETA are, as cougar said, a huge load of idiots. well, ingrid newkirk and those in charge of their policy making are anyway.

    oh, and i drink alcohol-free beer. i like it, but i don’t like what alcohol consumption does to me. don’t worry about it though, nobody’s gonna try to make you do the same!

    Free Member

    To go back to my earlier analogy

    The place your analogy falls down is that rape and eating meat are simply not comparable on most people’s moral compass. I can see the underlying point you’re trying to make, but it gets distorted by that fact.

    I disagree with your first barbed comment as well. Is it hard for you to accept that people might have thought for themselves and still decided to eat meat?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the analysis Cougar, but you misunderstood my comment about vegetarians. I mean this to apply only to vegetarians who give me grief about killing animals and eating them. I am fine with whatever anyone wants to eat, but I don’t think vegetarians (ie those who don’t eat meat but happily use animal products to a lesser or greater degree) have any right to moralise about the killing of animals for meat. Which essentially you have already agreed with. So please accept my apologies for confusing you, but please do read my post and subsequent posts carefully before casting your opinion.

    EDIT – I have just seen that you are a vegetarian, Well done for your non moralising attitude, I appreciate your latitude to allow me to make my own choices..

    Full Member

    It’s a bit more than just a simple choice though, isn’t it ?
    To go back to my earlier analogy, if you moved to a country where rape in marriage was commonplace, would you join in with the local customs or become a preachy women’s rights activist and try to persuade them it’s not a very nice thing to do ?

    Well, no, it’s not. It’s still a choice of course.

    In your analogy, I’d do exactly what I’ve done with my diet choice which is to find what I’m comfortable with and to hell with what anyone else thinks. I would neither ‘join in’ nor ‘become an activist,’ I would do what I felt was right for me. Why is there this need to conform? Baa. Baa.

    Full Member

    My wife is vegetarian for medical reasons.

    Just thought I’d share.

    Free Member

    share your wife … she a looker 😉

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