[Closed] URGENT ACTION ALERT: Scottish Action to Condemn the rise of Fascism

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Working for the 3rd sector, I am part of a big network of people who discuss and share information on current social/environmental issues. Further to my post which illustrates how Nick Griffin makes me sad, and the comments from folk telling me I should be outraged, etc, (I am still sad) I thought I'd share this with you all and call for some action against these lunatics. This is an email from someone in my network who works for an organisation called Positive Action on Housing:

"Dear Supporter,

As you will be aware, two members of the British National Party, Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons, have been elected to the European Parliament. This has serious consequences for all of us.

Less people went to the polls, meaning the BNP got a greater percentage of the vote. In fact, less people voted for the BNP this year, than in 2004; so there was no upsurge of support for the BNP, less people voted generally and therefore votes for the major political parties collapsed.

For anyone who believes that members of the BNP are legitimate, respectable representatives of the European Parliament, it should be noted that, firstly, Nick Griffin, the BNP’s Leader, is a convicted Holocaust denier, leading a fascist organisation, http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/the-real-bnp/Profile-of-Nick-Griffin.php . Andrew Brons was previously a chairman of the National Front. In 1982, he led an NF march through Northfield on which marchers chanted “We got rid of the blacks”, “Death to Jews”. ( http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/the-real-bnp/Andrew-Brons.php)

For those who claim the “free speech” argument, there is a clear correlation between fascists speaking on a public platform and violent racist attacks on members of minority ethnic communities, Asylum Seekers and Refugees, and other minority groups. We do not believe in free speech for Fascists, as they are using a non-violent platform, to promote their own racist and extremely violent policies and manifesto.

The politics of the BNP stand in complete opposition to the values and beliefs of a decent civilized society. Nick Griffin does not advocate non-violence, he denied the Holocaust and stood on the very spot where Black Teenager, Anthony Hopkins was murdered for going out with a White girl. Griffin claims this was not a racist attack. He is not a person who should be respected.


1. We call on all SCOTTISH BME ORGANISATIONS, VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS AND HOUSING PROVIDERS to circulate this email to your colleagues and committee members, hold work place meetings, raising awareness of exactly what the BNP stands for and that they have no place in our midst and publicly display this poster in your reception area and other resources available on http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/ .

2. We are calling on STUC and all Trade Unions to take up the ‘Hope not Hate’ campaign and brief your members and circulate the leaflet at this link http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/download/Union_Friday_May09.pdf link to your members.

3. We call on MPs, MEPs, Councilors and MSPs to demonstrate their resistance to fascism and publicly declare not to share a platform with these two MEPs or any other Member of the BNP.

4. Sign the attached petition and get your friends, family, colleagues and others to sign it too,

5. If you have any other ideas for campaigning to make our voices heard, please reply to this email

6. Send messages of support to home@paih.org

7. Please support our campaigning work and donate now to: https://www.charitychoice.co.uk/donation.asp?ref=51590

Thank you for your support,

R Qureshi

On behalf of Positive Action in Housing "

No doubt, there will be a prominant and more organised resistance movement soon, but why wait for someone else to do it, right?

Posted : 11/06/2009 3:18 pm

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