Being as @spengle have come out of this looking rather great on here, how about they P-up? Come on…’s a lovey place (usually) and worth the money 🙂
the team here are 4 months into a review, so maybe you can read about us, without it being written by us 🙂
And while they are happy to work with sick bikes again, I’ll bet they don’t give them a credit account 😂👍
We are Swiss, we've got the finance side of things on lock!
We are Swiss, we’ve got the finance side of things on lock!
Came across all of this business a few days ago when I saw one of their frames for sale on eBay. The whole thing is shocking.
Their Facebook page lists their business address as a tattoo parlour over near Brighton. If it was me waiting for a two grand refund, I'd be inclined to go and hold their tattoo equipment to ransom.
If it was me waiting for a two grand refund, I’d be inclined to go and hold their tattoo equipment to [s] ransom [/s] their testicles
Bloody hell, there's folk on here have been freeloading for years you know and there you go, putting them all to shame
From FB via PB
I have waited for a refund from these cancerous polyps on the anus of humanity for months.In the end I took them to court and a CCJ was issued against them.This was also ignored and they are fast running out of time before the court appointed bailiffs turn up to seize their property to pay the debt.ORDER NOTHING FROM THESE LYING,INCOMPETENT CRETINS!!!!
Bonus points for the description in the opening sentence.
they are fast running out of time before the court appointed bailiffs turn up to seize their property to pay the debt.
They have property?
It certainly would be an episode of 'Can't Pay? We'll Take it Away!" worth watching.
Wondered if this would pop back up again as they were live on insta earlier.
Their Facebook page lists their business address as a tattoo parlour over near Brighton. If it was me waiting for a two grand refund, I’d be inclined to go and hold their tattoo equipment to ransom.
But... It looks shut down, and there's a commercial 'for rent' board outside it...
(I cycle past it most days)
Do Directors of ltd companies have a duty to ensure that Companies House has an up to date address for them?
Serving a writ/sending bailiffs to a co where there's no physical address would be tricky.
But also, as above, if the CCJ is against the company and they have no tangible assets you'll end up issuing a winding up order against them to get the funds against them and I'd probably just go down that route first given their history...
Website still taking preorders,
'Please note, this is a preorder, we currently do not have a firm date for delivery. Estimated completion date of manufacture is 29th May 2019.'
I note that says when they intend to finish making them, not when they intend to deliver...
Insta showing new projects.
At what point does this become criminal?
i possibly stand corrected... the for rent sign MIGHT be the building next to the tattoo shop.... did look closed!
EDIT - I'll cycle past there after work today!
i possibly stand corrected… the for rent sign MIGHT be the building next to the tattoo shop…. did look closed!
The tattoo shop certainly looked closed up with a note in the door when I drove passed on Saturday.
didn't stop to see what the sign said.
I'm sure this has happened in the last week or so.
Please note, this is a preorder, we currently do not have a firm date for delivery. Estimated completion date of manufacture is 29th May 2019
For both "available" frame options.
As Marino is apparently making them, and and he hasn't been paid for the last lot, and as there'd also be international shipping etc to arrange, 16 days seems just a touch optimistic. (12 working days, obvs)
CFH, i think the Sesh/Shrike are the 150 taiwanese frames, not the Marino ones.
Also, I think the Companies House registered address is their accountants address, not sure if that is relevant? (edit, that was changed to the tattoo shop a couple of weeks ago) did look closed!
I think this is a common theme with tattoo places, I'm always amazed to see people walk out of places that look like they have been closed for years. It's not all of them but a significant minority seem to deliberately present the image of a squat to the outside world.
they are fast running out of time before the court appointed bailiffs turn up to seize their property to pay the debt.
They have property?
It certainly would be an episode of ‘Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away!” worth watching.
Do Directors of ltd companies have a duty to ensure that Companies House has an up to date address for them?
Serving a writ/sending bailiffs to a co where there’s no physical address would be tricky.
But also, as above, if the CCJ is against the company and they have no tangible assets you’ll end up issuing a winding up order against them to get the funds against them and I’d probably just go down that route first given their history…
Sadly CCJs aren't easily enforceable, the 'Bailiffs' would just be debt collectors sending scary letters. The real power of a CCJ is it pretty much makes the owner uncreditworthy until it's paid, which won't affect the Directors personally.
They're required to keep CH updated with an correspondence address. The address lodged at CCH is 193 Tarring Road, Worthing, England, BN11 4HN, but that could be a Accountants Address or just a Mailbox. There is no longer a requirement to lodge directors home addresses at CH, or at least in the public domain anyway - all the directors are at the same address as above at CH.
Forgetting it's a bike thing at the moment and thinking as a (former) Debt Collector and Bad Debt investigator, if they owe you a bike or money, I wouldn't hold your breath. The only way you'll get paid is if they think that there's any future in Sick, the moment they throw their hands up and call the liquidators in you're done for, they're insolvent and tiny - the liquidators will take the lot and still won't come close to covering their fees.
The guy who lodged a CCJ was probably wasting his time, Small Claims / CCJ won't force anyone to pay, not really - High Court would, but would a Bailiff bother?
CFH, i think the Sesh/Shrike are the 150 taiwanese frames, not the Marino ones.
My mistake!
Suspect China rather than Taiwan itself though, wouldn't you?
Just going on what sick have said, for all its worth...
I was passing a few weeks back, the sign said they have moved to another premises almost opposite
The anniversary edition page on Bird's site looks likes they're having a dig at Sick.
I think the tattoo place moved down the road a bit. Just further down from the new place is a 2nd hand bike place that looks much more professional than Sick!
The anniversary edition page on Bird’s site looks likes they’re having a dig at Sick.
I don't see any "new projects" on Instagram. Just a pair of headtubes with badly drilled / rivetted badges.
I think the problem is too many skulls.
Needs more flowers.
I can do flowers - they're easy, just 30 minutes with hacksaw, drill and dremel (probably quicker than a CAD rendering).
I also struggled "on shoring" this project as there was a puddle between the shed and back door.
It even has a Sick length seat tube, only this one was done for a ten year old....
[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url]
She looks older than 10 in that link.
Wow. We made it to five years old! Our story isn’t one of glamour, multi-million pound investments or being the latest cool kids.
Sick took the piss out of the forum/website for saying they were too cool for school, sick’s response was that you can’t be too cool...
The anniversary edition page on Bird’s site looks likes they’re having a dig at Sick.
It's easy to read it in that context but it's pretty straightforward comment on what people would consider to be a good way to run a business.
Comments like making it to 5 years, not aiming to be cool kids; customer service;delivering for our customers etc.
Mick_r - looks good. Will it be one the "what I have made" thread?
I was passing a few weeks back, the sign said they have moved to another premises almost opposite
I solved this ‘mystery’ in noir photos a few pages back
Interesting that Sick say they answered all of STW questions and insinuate that it was down to the journo not telling the whole story (replies to one of the comments on the post below)
I’d like to see Hannah’s response to this.
I’d like to see Hannah’s response to this.
I think we're all capable of making a judgement on that one by now. Especially if they're still taking those pre-orders.
Hello folks. As of now, I have still not received answers to my questions. I have not even had a corporate 'we're not answering the questions in detail but here's a blurb' type statement. All I have had is a repeated promise that answers are on their way.
You may note that in yesterday's Instagram live post, Jordan said he hadn't answered my questions because they couldn't agree the answers between the directors.
If they agree some answers or send me a statement, I'll put it in the story.
the directors
In a company of about three employees, this is a bold statement.
You may note that in yesterday’s Instagram live post, Jordan said he hadn’t answered my questions because they couldn’t agree the answers between the directors.
Oh dear. They can't even keep the 'line' consistent for 24 hours.
There are four directors.
And one CCJ
So far
I’ve repeatedly said I don’t think this is a scam, just folk who don’t know what they are doing.
I’ve heard enough half truths, flat out lies, and now libellous/slanderous statements. This must be verging in criminal now. They know exactly what they are doing.
Smooth talking con-artists. Nothing more
interesting the comments for singletrack are disabled/limited on that post but not for others. maybe the directors should have a morning meeting to remind themselves of what fibs were told in the previous few days
They can’t even keep the ‘line’ consistent for 24 hours.
I assume they're trying to figure out if it's "punk" to offer to fight Hannah, what with her being a her, or if it might be deemed a step too far.
@newworldlobster To be fair and transparent (and we really are trying to be) we just followed them and I think it may have taken a few minutes to update to allow us to comment.
Comments Blocked for me too, though not sure why, as I’ve never followed or commented on any of their posts. Can you open comments up to a select few?
4 directors.
They probably haven't even delivered 4 frames this year.
Sooner the whole operations disappear into their own backsides the better.
The lot of em need a good talking at by a responsible adult.
Nice idea but a pyramid selling set up is setting up for a fail leaving any punters out of pocket
I’ve heard enough half truths, flat out lies, and now libellous/slanderous statements. This must be verging in criminal now. They know exactly what they are doing.
Exactly. Like I said below Hannah’s article: when Hanlon’s Razor goes blunt, you’re left with Nolnah’s Razor: the exact opposite.
Incompetence doesn’t stretch to this. Their website is still explicitly taking pre-orders. They’re just shamelessly lying.
Smooth talking
Ha! I don't think Nigel Havers will be losing any sleep over that pair of jokers.
thanks hannah.
it's amazing, they say "all questions answered to both mags" then come back in saying the questions at the bottom of the article weren't. can't even keep the line going for a thread in a comments section!
oh, and it's the toxic forums fault
Also I love the idea that two years ago 29ers "were still pretty taboo".
A 29er in 2017?! Holy ****! Mind. Blown. Too rad.
I have just asked the pre-order question. Guess the toxicity of the forum has rubbed off on me.
Also I love the idea that two years ago 29ers “were still pretty taboo”.
A 29er in 2017?! Holy *! Mind. Blown. Too rad.
Leaders of the nu skool.
Now saying they didn’t think Hannahs’s questions were asked in Good faith, and whatever he said would be used against him.
* them. I hope they go down in flames. Truly sorry to those who may lose out because of it.
Nigel Havers
My son's girlfriend had to deal deal with that horrible man and his "don't you know who I am" rant.
I rather deal with sick bikes than that weasel.
Any of anything been delivered yet?
What happened to FTW working for them on the kickstarter that they took money for?
£20k wasn't it?
My son’s girlfriend had to deal deal with that horrible man and his “don’t you know who I am” rant.
I remember to recall he’s got strong form on hating people riding bikes, too.