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  • Ukraine
  • imnotverygood
    Full Member

    But if you are Ukrainian, then it makes sense surely.

    Free Member

    Russian tank column getting ambushed near Kyiv

    Full Member

    I saw this earlier and by no means did it ‘Destroy’ the column. A couple of hits and the rest backed off.

    Free Member

    Related to that video, anyone know what proportion of the Ukrainian army is involved in defending the cities and what they have out and about in the countryside to carry out these ambushes, or even sneak up behind and attack artillery positions once a seige starts?

    Full Member

    Their border becomes narrower and consequently becomes more defensible the further  East it is pushed.

    Is it not the physical geography that makes the Western border of Ukraine more easily defensible due to mountains funneling western forces through, rather than the flatlands on the east.

    But regardless, it’s based on an assumption that the West would, for some reason, want to invade Russia which makes a farce of the whole principle (unless you’re an unhinged nutjob).

    Full Member

    If you’re willing to use all our military, including nukes, to defend Ukraine then yes.

    We won’t have to do any of that, because:

    Nato Article 5 is an absolute red line. Russia (and the Soviets before) have never dared to test it.

    Full Member

    Russian tank column getting ambushed near Kyiv

    Saw this earlier, and genuinely have no idea what they think they’re doing rumbling up a road like a Sunday afternoon drive. Don’t they know they’re in a war zone

    Full Member

    Really hope is like schitt’s creek for a lot of the oligarchs now.

    Full Member

    But regardless, it’s based on an assumption that the West would, for some reason, want to invade Russia which makes a farce of the whole principle (unless you’re an unhinged nutjob).

    From what I read, the mindset is to judge the enemy by what they could do, rather than what they would do. I suppose it makes sense, as you’re making decisions based on solid facts, and not making assumptions that could be wrong, or discounting an unexpected turn of events happening.

    Full Member

    A RAF C17 is very close to Ukraine airspace right about now (2045). Dropping what I wonder ?

    Free Member

    It was a joke. You know, black humour, a bit of levity. Try it some time, it may lower your stress levels. 🙄

    (Honestly though it really was exactly the same as Borat. I was half expecting his daughter to appear in a bloodied evening dress)

    Last I checked taking the piss out of foreign people’s accents wasn’t black humour. There’s another word for that.

    Free Member

    We won’t have to do any of that, because:


    Firstly, I didn’t say we would have to defend (with nukes) Ukraine as a NATO member but that we should be prepared to. Why would we think of risking everything for a dodgy kleptocracy well outside the traditional western sphere of influence and very much inside Russia’s historical sphere of influence? Secondly, all bets may be off regarding Russia traditionally being contained by Nato with an aggressive expansion east into its traditional sphere.

    Full Member

    Russia’s historical sphere of influence?

    Full Member

    They should’ve joined NATO.

    The application is currently ongoing. Clearly Putin thought it was a good idea to get in there before it was completed.

    This has nothing to do with the protection of Russian borders, and everything to do with him trying to retaking former soviet lands for his own glory

    Though there is a particular strategic advantage to taking Ukraine – or at least the Black Sea coast. Now if only Turkey can be persuaded to maintain its Bosphorus blockade indefinitely.

    Full Member

    Firstly, I didn’t say we would have to defend (with nukes)

    You literally said

    If you’re willing to use all our military, including nukes to defend Ukraine

    make your mind up.

    and very much inside Russia’s historical sphere of influence?

    This is certainly what the Russians want, is it what the Ukrainians want?

    well outside the traditional western sphere of influence

    Ukraine shares a border with 4 current EU states, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungry. How is that “outside”?

    Full Member

    Though there is a particular strategic advantage to taking Ukraine – or at least the Black Sea coast.

    For all intents and purposes they have had that with the seizure of Crimea for several years now.

    Full Member

    Who would’ve guessed that mtb could produce such military and aviation experts. Quite incredible really.

    Free Member


    I can see you want to split hairs over meanings to ‘win’ a trivial point. I would ask why you’re sure that historical norms apply to an ever-expanding NATO especially when the likes of Ukraine are democracies in name only. We could just solve all the world’s conflict problems by giving everyone NATO membership perhaps?

    is it what the Ukrainians want

    Which ones? The ethnic Russians?

    Full Member

    Good job you’d never resort to splitting hairs

    Free Member

    is it what the Ukrainians want

    Which ones? The ethnic Russians?

    Perhaps the ones that voted to leave the USSR. (92% of the vote wanted to leave)

    Full Member


    They should’ve joined NATO.

    The application is currently ongoing. Clearly Putin thought it was a good idea to get in there before it was completed.

    Slight misunderstanding. My comment was if Russia was so scared by its neighbours as alluded to it should’ve joined NATO rather than invade Ukraine

    Full Member

    Anyone else see anything wrong with that tank buster video?
    Looks like a rogue tank shoots another
    All the turrets are pointing one way, then the all go in the same direction as the turrets, ie not returning to where they came from.
    As for the solo one, think he tried to get it tucked in next to a house, lager it in as a protected position but the driver failed

    Full Member

    I can see you want to split hairs over meanings to ‘win’ a trivial point.

    It isn’t me that contradicted myself. It shouldn’t really be that hard to keep a track of your own opinion.

    Which ones? The ethnic Russians?

    Now that they’ve realised that the rest of the ethnic Russians from across the border are prepared to bomb their children’s hospitals into rubble, I’ll bet that they’re more keen than they were before to join the EU, don’t you think? And I’ll bet that they wouldn’t mind  joining a mutually defensive union to have their backs to prevent that lot from across the border from doing it again in the future.

    Full Member

    Hitler wanted to wipe out the jews. Which ethnic group does Putin want to erase from the planet?

    Hitler started annexing ethnic German areas, then invading neighbouring countries under flimsy pretexts to rebuild what he thought was a lost empire.

    There’s definitely similarities

    Full Member

    Bill – still sneering from the sidelines.
    No-one on the thread is claiming expertise; some have knowledge based on past/present military experience.
    Why not see the thread for what it is – a place where people can comment, ask questions, express concerns, share information they think might be of interest.
    It’s possible there are some military strategists on here but unlikely they would admit to it.

    Full Member

    Anyone else see anything wrong with that tank buster video?

    Yes, I have some doubts about it. When the column moves off at the end, the vehicles ‘hit’ seemed to move off with all rest. There don’t appear to be any wrecks.

    Full Member

    Hitler started annexing ethnic German areas, then invading neighbouring countries under flimsy pretexts to rebuild what he thought was a lost empire.

    Crazy, when all he needed to do was pick a big country with lots of resources, find the warring factions, build a relationship with one, and arm train them to take over.

    Then it’s a simple matter of moving your own army in and incorporating theirs with yours. At least to a lesser role like serving the oysters on the lawn.

    Full Member

    Sticking with your Putin apologism then?

    It’s all still NATO’s fault, right?


    Free Member

    It isn’t me that contradicted myself. It shouldn’t really be that hard to keep a track of your own opinion.

    Don’t start this again. You should learn the difference between actually and potentially.

    Moreover, the known inviolability of NATO’s Article 5 applies only to NATO in its present and past state, NOT a further expanded NATO necessarily.

    To put it simply, you’re comparing apples with oranges.

    I’ll bet that they’re more keen than they were before to join the EU, don’t you think? And I’ll bet that they wouldn’t mind joining a mutually defensive union to have their backs to prevent that lot from across the border from doing it again in the future.

    The EU doesn’t want them because Ukraine is so corrupt. NATO only wants them as a perma-potential member.

    Full Member

    The EU doesn’t want them because Ukraine is was so corrupt. NATO only wants them as a perma-potential member.

    Ukraine was many things but whatever happens now it will be a very different Ukraine by the end of this. A lot of that corruption was also due to the influence of its rather bolshy neighbour. It’s one of the many reasons their eyes turned to the West. I suspect the world, NATO and the EU will view the country in a very different light once this conflict is over.

    Full Member

    Sticking with your Putin apologism then?

    It’s all still NATO’s fault, right?

    Seems to be an awful lot more, even on this thread have agreed the NATO expansionism was a bad idea. Then of course the same thing from Political analysts, ex US defence politicians, even Noam Chomsky. But you doggedly stick to the Putin and Putin alone. Because you feel you have a greater understanding than either the greatest mind living, or people who have been working in the defence industry for 30+ years.

    Incr4edible. You should get on the blower to the defence department of the government, Im sure they’re just lost without your input and take on proceedings.

    I personally and for the umpteenth time say Putin is completely in the wrong, the war is illegal and affront to humanity. As is all war.

    One day i expect to hear a sonic boom as your head leaves your backside :lol:

    Full Member

    The EU doesn’t want them because Ukraine is so corrupt

    That was the case pre-2014, but not since the revolution, which is the main reason what’s happening now is happening now. The Russians aren’t happy that their corrupt satellite state is no more

    Do try and keep up dear. You’ve had 8 years to bring yourself up to speed

    Full Member

    I’m also horrified at the idea of a NATO country invading Russia, whichever NATO country it is. If it ever happens, Russia would be right to defend itself. It’s the one act that would split NATO, as member states would leave.

    One day i expect to hear a sonic boom as your head leaves your backside


    Full Member

    Seems to be an awful lot more, even on this thread have agreed the NATO expansionism was a bad idea

    All the usual suspects?

    Any democratic independent nation state is free to do what is in the best interests of its citizens

    The citizens of Ukraine were overwhelmingly in favour of being part of both NATO and the EU.

    That’s what they voted for.

    And who can blame them?

    I know that offends you and your mates in Moscow and Islington North but it is what it is. Democracy, eh? Pfft!

    You carry on with being an apologist for genocide if you like

    Do you, by any chance, have in your hand a piece of paper?

    Full Member

    which is the main reason what’s happening now is happening now. The Russians aren’t happy that their corrupt satellite state is no more

    I had no idea you were such an expert on Eastern European geopolitics. My, certainly a dark horse there for sure.

    I only picked up on that recently, from a posted vid. I’m glad you’re here to keep us all up to date on the military and geopolitical history of Russia and eastern Europe. Are you a professor or something ?. Genuine question.


    Not sure what you’re going on about Kelvin. I’m pretty sure NATO hasn’t invaded Russia at any time. Are you sure you’re following the correct conflict :?

    Full Member

    Exactly. They haven’t attacked Russia. They have let former Warsaw Pact countries join. Which one(s) shouldn’t they have let join, and how exactly would that have dissuaded Putin from expanding the RF through force?

    Full Member


    Shouldn’t that be something you address to NATO, as to why they postponed the Ukraine from joining. ?

    I think this is the correct email address. mailbox.tribunal@hq.nato.int

    Although you could just ask binners, he’s got his finger on the pulse.

    Full Member

    I had no idea you were such an expert on Eastern European geopolitics. My, certainly a dark horse there for sure.

    I only picked up on that recently, from a posted vid. I’m glad you’re here to keep us all up to date on the military and geopolitical history of Russia and eastern Europe. Are you a professor or something ?. Genuine question.</blockquote

    Look in your mirror.

    You’re a current (or ex) butcher, now a geo-political expert; good to know that transition is possible.

    I shouldn’t waste time posting about dim comments.

    Full Member

    Shouldn’t that be something you address to NATO

    My point is your use of “expansionism”… when referring to NATO, by which I assume you mean accepting new members. But it sounds so much more aggressive when you put it your way. If NATO accepting states was a provocation that can be connected to the invasion of Ukraine, which countries shouldn’t have been accepted? Where is the line you would draw? Which side is Lithuania? Or Poland? Was German unification part of the provocation leading up to this invasion?

    as to why they postponed the Ukraine from joining. ?

    You can’t really talk about the countries they haven’t accepted as members as evidence of “expansionism” that provoked this war.

    Full Member

    I had no idea you were such an expert on Eastern European geopolitics

    Do you need to be? If you watch the documentary’ Winter on Fire’ it gives you a pretty good idea of what the Ukrainian people wanted after the end of the soviet era, which they were denied by their pro-Moscow corrupt regime

    But you carry on with your Kremlin apologism if you like. Are you enjoying the genocide? It certainly seems that way

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