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    It seemed rather bizarre considering that no EU member state has English as its official language.

    That’s not correct. Ireland has two official languages; Irish and English

    Full Member

    He wants a med port for his ships too.

    Full Member

    It’s an official language of the EU still, and dominant language of Ireland of course!

    Free Member

    Interesting convergence of political commentary, both stating that a post election move further to the right would be a bad thing for the tories



    torygrapy non-paywal: https://archive.is/TmqI6

    Full Member

    Douglas Ross has announced he will resign as leader of the Scottish Conservatives


    Free Member

    I’m not sure anyone will notice to be honest

    Full Member

    The use of migrants at the Russian and Belarusian borders to promote instability has been commented on in the media for a couple of years now.

    It would certainly suit Moscow to continue to the flow of migrants to Europe to stoke tensions, though I suspect Putins main reason in Syria is to keep his Med port open.

    Anyway, the UK election….

    Full Member

    Wow Ross resigning mid campaign is remarkable

    Will Holden step down as Party Chair too?

    WHat are the odds of SUnak doing it too?

    Full Member

    ^^It’s extraordinary, the Tory party is imploding before our eyes.

    I thought the prospect of Sunak going before GE day was just hyperbole but now I think anything is possible!

    Full Member

    Interesting convergence of political commentary, both stating that a post election move further to the right would be a bad thing for the tories

    Both really interesting articles – I thought the Guardian article nicely made the point that not all small “c” conservatives are racist, Brexit voting loons as we sometimes tend to assume.

    Full Member

    It’s an official language of the EU still,

    And Malta as well apparently.

    Full Member

    a post election move further to the right would be a bad thing for the tories

    Its the Tories themselves failing to grasp the ‘Shy Tory’ syndrome.

    In the past the Tories could appear incredibly unpopular and still win elections and that was simply becuase a lot of tories voters don’t really make a lot of noise about themselves being tory voters. The don’t voice their satisfaction when the party tries to court them so the popularity of policies don’t really become evident until poling day. I always used to find it odd back in the 90s that there must be conservative voters all around me and I had no idea who any of them were. Genuinely the first conversation I was a part of where someone spoke supportively of the conservatives (who were in the electoral doldrums at the time) – was in the mid noughties, on this forum. (come back CFH!)

    In recent years, when challenged from the right by UKIP / Reform, the party has had to try and court the right wing,  and what its found is – those kinds of Tories – they’re not shy. They make lots of noise – they voice approval of dog whistles and cruelty-driven policies, they voice discontent and any given immigration or Brexit policy ‘not being enough’, all the time threatening to leave and take their vote with them. And that becomes addictive. Pandering to those elements in the media and online creates lots of engagement and feedback from a noisy, but actually pretty small, portion of the electorate. But it’s immediate, visceral reward.  Meanwhile the rest of their voter base has been taken for granted – if they’re silent why do you need to say anything to them?

    But while shy tories have been shy of voicing their support of the party in the past, they’re now just as quiet in voicing their disapproval. They find the cruelty that underlines the party’s overtures to the right wing repellant but don’t engage in the debate. They’ve quietly watched their party being hijacked. Voters are leaving in droves for Labour, the Liberals or anyone else, but they’re just going, they’re not saying that they are going, or saying why they are going, or saying what the party would have to do to persuade them to stay.

    And the numbers show that – and what do the party do? Make more appeals to the right and get a liltle self congratulatory endorphin hit as the socials light up and think ‘yeah we owned the libs’.

    Full Member

    ^^Good post.

    Free Member

    the GB news bubble, they equate the politics of their viewers as the politics of the whole country.

    Full Member

    On Douglas Ross…

    Alba leader Alex Salmond said it was the “first case of a rat deserting a sinking ship while simultaneously trying to clamber aboard a gravy train”.


    Full Member

    the GB news bubble, they equate the politics of their viewers as the politics of the whole country.

    Except…. when they poll their viewers they find out most of them are going to vote labour :-)

    The bubble is pretty much the channel’s funders and its presenters

    Free Member

    wasn’t it behind a paywall but someone created a work around and they got remorselessly trolled or has there been others since.

    Full Member

    wasn’t it behind a paywall but someone created a work around and they got remorselessly trolled or has there been others since.

    I think that was their Brexit poll

    Full Member

    Good LibDem manifesto launch. 👍

    I’ll be voting Labour by choice and it fits the tactical vote here too but id be happy to vote Lib Dem if I lived in a blue wall area.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Sunak on the BBC answering questions in a deserted pub.

    He looks tired and deflated.

    What he’s saying is just the normal shite though.

    Free Member

    Some amazing work on TikTok from Labour and the Lib Dems. Ed Davies is rating dogs on the campaign trail, and Labour are trolling the Tories with Sylvanian families.

    Full Member

    Labour are trolling the Tories with Sylvanian families

    Bloody Sylvanians, coming over here, lampooning our politicians…

    Full Member

    Neil – the better reference is ‘Tricky Dicky’ by Ian Dury…


    Full Member

    Ross is parachuted into a reasonably safe Westminster seat. Mind, his first instinct was to be MP, MSP and ScotTory party leader but as he can’t keep his expenses paperwork straight I think he’d struggle to do 3 jobs.

    Full Member

    Bloody Sylvanians, coming over here, lampooning our politicians…

    I think it’s the Labour party in Ireland that have been using Sylvanian families.

    Full Member

    I think he’d struggle to do 3 jobs.

    4 jobs

    Ross is parachuted into a reasonably safe Westminster seat.

    The manner in which it has been done could well make that safe seat pretty rocky – it’s an incredible dick move. Kick man out of his job (and announce its for his own good – it was a compassionate sacking – not one they would want to trouble the guy about by talking to him)  then declare you don’t really need two of your other three jobs.

    I’d genuinely be surprised if local voters don’t try to oust him, or at least just stay at home.

    Full Member

    That’s not correct. Ireland has two official languages; Irish and English

    Fair point! I don’t know why I never think of Ireland as English 😁

    So anyway………nice of Ursula von der Leyen to make her victory speech yesterday in English for the Irish!

    Full Member

    [ double post – forum struggling ]

    Full Member

    Obviously, it wasn’t just for the Irish. It’s an official language of the EU for good reason.


    The most widely understood language in the EU is English, which is understood by 44% of all adults, while German is the most widely used mother tongue, spoken by 18%. All 24 official languages of the EU are accepted as working languages, but in practice only three – English, French, and German – are in wide general use, and of these, English is the most commonly used.

    Full Member


    Neil – the better reference is ‘Tricky Dicky’ by Ian Dury…

    The song is called Billericay Dickie. That’s why I said it.

    Full Member

    “Reform candidate said UK should have been neutral against Hitler”


    Written on the Unherd web site in 2022, so this one didn’t even require trawling back through 10 years of tweets to find.

    Full Member

    Ross is parachuted into a reasonably safe Westminster seat. Mind, his first instinct was to be MP, MSP and ScotTory party leader but as he can’t keep his expenses paperwork straight I think he’d struggle to do 3 jobs.

    You’d think he’d be “straight down the line” regarding his finances

    Free Member

    I think it’s the Labour party in Ireland that have been using Sylvanian families.


    Full Member

    Obviously, it wasn’t just for the Irish.

    Yes I was aware of that English is the lingua franca, rather ironically. I was merely highlighting the bizarre nature of Ursula von der Leyen speaking directly to fellow Germans, in her party, in English.

    She actually thanked from the rostrum specific German individuals directly, who were on the platform with her, in English.

    Still I guess that it’s great to remind everyone, especially after the advances of the far-right across Europe, who actually won the war 😁

    Free Member

    Douglas Ross has announced he will resign as leader of the Scottish Conservatives

    It wasn’t the most coherent of announcements – as you might expect!  Did he actually say that?  Or did he say “if I win, I will resign”.   I know a decent tory candidate with enough local presence should be able to win that seat even in the current Tory meltdown but its not infeasible that he loses – afterall if he was not trying to sway people he could have waited until July 5th…

    Full Member

    I’m sure I heard somewhere that there’s almost an ‘EU English’ dialect, due to a load of non-native speakers communicating at the EU in it, and directly translating native idiom into English.

    Also by all accounts the Flemish and Walloons often communicate in English rather than the language of the enemy.

    Full Member

    @poly – I understand that he is resigning as leader but will remain an MSP unless he wins the seat as an MP.

    Full Member

    I’ll be voting Labour by choice and it fits the tactical vote here too but id be happy to vote Lib Dem if I lived in a blue wall area.

    And that’s exactly who the Lib Dems are targeting. I’d say it’s working too. That manifesto launch was clearly directed at people who’ve voted Tory in the past, are socially liberal, find the present incarnation abhorrent but just won’t vote Labour.

    I think it was also a tacit nod to Labour voters to vote tactically in seats Labour can’t win that’s it’s safe to vote Lib Dem again.

    I think the Tories might be in for a rude awakening in the ‘Blue Wall’

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