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    The Times article implied it was a different kind of xenophobia: because the French were organising it they didn’t think it was worth sticking around for, absolute madness, but there you go!

    it’s interesting, I’m not a WW2 historian and don’t get anywhere near as emotional about d-day as many in this country do, so if Rishi had called and asked me, I’d probably have said he didn’t need to go – after all Charles was there for the flag fanatics! But if he’d called me (and was paying for my expert advice) to say he has an opportunity to be seen standing shoulder to shoulder with Biden and Macron and she he maximise that during election time – I’d have said absolutely, Starmer doesn’t have the opportunity and standing next to those two makes you look prime-ministerial.  So clearly poorly advised!

    Should it be the thing that causes his downfall? 100% no.  But I’m entertained by the idea that those who think Rwanda is a good plan even if it punishes people fleeing wars and Human Rights that were fought for and enshrined in law to try to stop rogue states abusing their populations are a nonsense etc BUT his priorities for d-day commemorations were not quite respectful enough and now he must go!

    Full Member

    Anyone know if the Tories have filled all the candidate vacancies?

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    I think last week was deliberate, Sunak really is trying to lose now.

    If all you have to do is be seen at an event (for it’s full duration) channeling your inner boredom into the appearance of a solemn, somber politician and you would be guaranteed positive coverage just for basically just doing your job, then choosing to do anything other is throwing away a chunk of that core, flag shagging vote for the sake of it.

    I do actually reckon now that Lil’ Rishi’s worst nightmare would be to win the GE. He’s going through the motions whilest quietly browsing Bay Area properties.

    I reckon he really does “get it” now, and wants no more part of it anymore. The Tories have more or less wrung the UK dry and another stint in power would be the worst thing imaginable for the party…

    Full Member

    Anyone know if the Tories have filled all the candidate vacancies?

    All but one, apparently. We’ll see how long that lasts as their hastily assembled candidates have their last 10 years of social media posts forensically scrutinised by the press. I expect there are a lot of skeletons ready to come out of their closets

    In the meantime, the Tory’s appear to be re-hashing Ed Milliband era campaign posters. I’m not sure they’ve thought this one through….

    Free Member

    Johnson referred to Keir ‘Schnorrer’ (a yiddish term for scrounger or beggar) obviously alluding to his declared zionism, Jewish wife, Israeli social media man, LFI appointees etc. Surprised this hasn’t been picked up much in the press

    What do you think explains that?

    Full Member

    From the bookies point of view of how the last week has gone:

    I put a bet on last week for the Lib Dems to win more seats than the Tories at 7/1. I’ve just had a look and that’s now down to 4/1

    Overall Labour is essentially evens, the Tories are presently 67/1

    As for next Tory leader to replace Rishi, Kemi Badanoch is absolutely nailed on. She’s half the odds (3/1) of her nearest competition (Priti Patel or Penny Mordaunt at 7/1 and Braverman at 9/1)

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    re-hashing Ed Milliband era campaign posters

    The difference is, that was “vote Labour empower the SNP”, this is “vote Labour and elect a Labour government”.

    Free Member

    Dear god, the Mel Stride interview on Sky….. they have absolutely no shame!

    Full Member

     Mel Stride interview on Sky

    I assume Nigel Farage was on the BBC as usual ?

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    the next leader will be one of Mordaunt, Baddenoch, Braverman,  Hunt, Patel or Shapps.

    Only a nutter would want that job.

    Full Member

    the next leader will be one of Mordaunt, Baddenoch, Braverman,  Hunt, Patel or Shapps.

    doesn’t that depend on them keeping their seat?

    Full Member

    Only a nutter would want that job

    If that’s true it’ll make the queue for Newcastle’s new home shirt look quite reasonable.

    Full Member

    Only a nutter would want that job.

    Badanoch it is then

    Full Member

    So Sunak has sail he’ll give £730m to mental health services.

    Ignore for a second that he’s hollowed it out by much, much more.  £730m sounds a huge number to lots of people but it breaks down to roughly £150 per current patient.  That’s probably 2-3 sessions with a professional at best.  That’s not going to make a dent.

    As usual another headline figure that in reality will make no dent in the damage he and the party have done over the last 15 years.

    Free Member

    where’s Rishi ? come out come out where ever you are. If he can’t face the music he has to go :?

    Free Member

    So Sunak has sail he’ll give £730m to mental health services.

    after taking away their benefits, how nice

    Full Member

    So Sunak has sail he’ll give £730m to mental health services

    It won’t touch the sides.
    This article about the catastrophic state of mental health services in this country was in the Guardian yesterday. They’re now past the point of collapse

    Britain’s judges are sick of locking up children who just need help. Why has nothing been done?

    It makes for pretty shocking and depressing reading that this is happening in an advanced economy. It’s Dickensian!

    Free Member

    So Sunak has sail he’ll give £730m to mental health services.

    Of his own money?

    Full Member

    Badanoch it is then

    I would have thought “any of the above”.

    Full Member

    For election geeks a .csv file of all parties, candidates and constituencies is available here.    

    Free Member

    Johnson referred to Keir ‘Schnorrer’  …

    They are playing the role of a good cop and a bad cop.


    he can’t.  They’d need to change the party rules – or take the massive gambles of dropping the Lords, finding an MP in a safe seat to sacrifice it for him, winning that seat, then actually winning the election battle….

    Good to know because he should not be back.

    the next leader will be one of Mordaunt, Baddenoch, Braverman,  Hunt, Patel or Shapps.

    None of them can be considered a capable leader, but temporary leader for the party yes as seat warmer.  Mordaunt is perhaps slightly better but listening to her debating skills, I don’t I think she is there yet as a leader.  Whether she can improve remain to be seen.   The rest are just shouty shouty type.  Hunt is slightly more composed but lacks any vision etc.  Shapps <- good cop or bad cop?   Patel over the sell by date.  Baddenoch needs more experience.  Braverman cannot communicate.

    Full Member

    Looking at my local candidates we have a gentleman whose family have obviously moved here at some point, standing for reform . On telly the other night was a Chinese looking lady with a thick campaigning for reform accent moaning about immigrants.

    Am I missing something?

    Free Member

    On telly the other night was a Chinese looking lady with a thick campaigning for reform accent moaning about immigrants.

    Am I missing something?

    Probably has something to do with HK?

    Free Member

    £730 million…this has been said before but why now?? You’ve had all this time to put things in motion, maybe after people being locked together in their house for about a year it might have been worth just thinking about this issue for a moment, I’m sick of this last minute BS.

    How ANYONE defends this shower is unbelievable, I couldn’t even list all scandles and corruption, i’d have to start with duck houses and go from there.

    Full Member

    Am I missing something?

    Only that there are greedy, selfish and uncaring individuals from all backgrounds. See the black republicans that say life was better under Jim Crow as it it suits their personal needs in the present.

    Free Member

    Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!

    where are they ?  conspicuous by their absence :?

    Free Member

    tory candidates going “rogue”

    Free Member

    sorry if this has been posted

    Full Member

    They already are, 4 have committed to Reclaim pledges in return for cash donations. In normal times this would lead to withdrawal of the whip I think, but then they’ll have gaps in candidacy

    Telegraph so behind paywall but:

    Four Tory MPs have defied party bosses and accepted a donation of £5,000 from the donor behind Laurence Fox’s Reclaim party. Dame Andrea Jenkyns, Brendan Clarke-Smith, Marco Longhi and Karl McCartney have accepted the cash in exchange for backing the Reclaim Movement’s “four-point commitment to culture”

    Free Member

    Rishi Sunak “doesn’t understand our history and our culture”.

    Is this dog whistle being blown by:

    a) a Guardian columnist

    b) Nigel Farage

    c) STW poster just imagining what prejudices other, nasty people will be disseminating – but definitely not disseminating those prejudices themselves, no, no, no

    d) all of the above?

    Free Member

    Mad Nads half pence worth….

    Full Member

    Jenkins is thicker than a whale omelette and Electoral Calculus are predicting 97% probability she will be unemployed on 05 Jun. So too Longhi (86%), McCartney (97%) and Clarke Smith (86%)

    Full Member

    They already are, 4 have committed to Reclaim pledges in return for cash donations.

    All their seats look like a shoe in for Labour.

    Free Member

    Re. Dorries’ tweet – I was wondering what would happen if Sunak won his seat, that’s the last thing he’d want. I can 100% see her prediction playing out.

    Free Member

    Apart from the SNP and UKIP and Reform and Plaid Cymru and all the Northern Irish parties?

    Well yes, I made that point at the end of the post you quoted. Common opinion is that it’s a two horse race and as long as people view it that way then that’s what we’re stuck with.

    And apart from the PR systems in Northern Ireland and Wales and London and Scotland?

    Which have nothing to do with Westminster elections but do demonstrate that PR works.

    Free Member

    I think you also have to read between the lines of that Mad Nad Twitter post. 11.11pm on a Saturday night. Imagine how many litres of gin she is running on at that time.

    Half an hour more and she will be screaming in the street at the local foxes and scuffling with the neighbours whose turn it is to usher her back indoors this week.

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    Is she still allowed to use the honorofic title given she’s not an MP?

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