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    Full Member

    Our son’s school doesn’t have a driveway. It doesn’t have a helicopter pad. It doesn’t have stables. It is nestled on a normal street in a regular town.

    I support your right to put your kids into private school if you want, but RGS Guildford is not nestled on a normal street in a regular town. Guildford is prime real estate itself and the RGS is slap bang in the middle of the High Street. You might not have a driveway but there is a large ‘quad’ frontage, a large all weather sports pitch and car park (where you could land a helicopter, TBF) and a large sports complex on a second site at the foot of the North Downs.

    If it’s nestled on a normal street in a normal town then so is Eton.

    Full Member

    Think Angela meant ‘abject’ not abstract.

    Yeah scrap the main ones and let the smaller ones run together! (Barring Farage – he can be social events manager.)

    You wouldn’t dare be late for Penny Mordaunt’s dinner party would you? Jeez.

    Full Member

    What Farage said: we shouldn’t be afraid of doing stop and search in areas where knife crime is most prevalent (audience claps), even if those areas have a high proportion of BAME people in case we get called racist

    Free Member

    The SNP are the only party to have truthful policies on Brexit and immigration.

    The SNP would like to install a migration barrier between Scotland and England, Ireland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It would have to negotiate a new Common Travel Area agreement with the UK and Ireland to reduce the impact of that barrier. Scotland would also need a trade barrier between Scotland and England & Wales in order to join the EU. Did the guy mention any of that?

    Free Member

    So crime has halved but the prisons are full. How does that work?

    Full Member

    Not looking at your policies (right-wing) over the last few years and not seeing the link to crime and particularly knife crime particularly is obscene.

    Full Member

    Currently I am voting SNP, Plaid Cymru and Green at the moment.

    Unfortunately I live in Sussex

    Full Member

    Good to see Nige back in his comfort zone of being openly racist.

    To summarise: stop and search the black kids!

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t vote snp even though I like some of their policies.

    I want pr so I can vote green and it be meaningful.  However this time I’m voting Labour simply to try and get rid of the blue shite round here

    Full Member

    TBH I’m an on the fence voter, if anything this debate has pushed me away from labour and back to the lib dem’s and green (no SNP candidate in the north Cotswolds 😂). Angela Rayner needs to stop bickering with Penny Mordant.

    Full Member

    Not much relevance to their policies on EU sand immigration

    PCA :-)

    Full Member

    The SNP would like to install a migration barrier between Scotland and England

    Well, at least we aren’t cutting their grass.


    Free Member

    This debate is a compelling reason to tear the whole political system up.

    Right now the global politics of the last 80 years feels out of date.

    We have dictators waging wars. We have extremist politicians and extremist regimes persecuting their own people. And that’s before we even get started with the hotbed of hatred and vitriol that is STW!

    Anybody have any bright ideas? None of the bunch represented on that stage tonight are the answer in my opinion.

    Mordant and Rayner have not come out of it well, but fortunately Farage’s mask of joviality has slipped to expose his vile real self underneath. Sadly that might make him even more popular with his fans.

    Full Member

    Angela Rayner needs to stop bickering with Penny Mordant.

    Given the fuss over the “2k tax increase” for every family and the lie still being propogated right next to her, what choice did she have?

    Full Member

    Pandemic was totally funded by the BoE buying 450bn worth of bonds with BoE created money.  A zero sum balance sheet exercise.

    It didn’t cost anyone a penny, Mordaunt.

    “72.In 2020, the Bank of England conducted three rounds of quantitative easing, which raised the total amount of Government debt owned by the Bank from £425 billion to £875 billion (an increase of £450 billion). Minutes published by the Monetary Policy Committee set out the Bank of England’s explanations for each round of quantitative easing since March 2020:”

    Full Member

    Apologies to Plaid and English green supporters – I do not know their stance on Brexit and Immigration.  I assume similar to the SNP

    Free Member

    Battered Nissan drops kid in boater and blazer at private school…

    Some folks are born silver spoon in hand

    Lord, don’t they help themselves, Lord?

    But when the taxman come to the door

    Lord, the house lookin’ like a rummage sale, yeah

    It ain’t me, it ain’t me

    I ain’t no millionaire’s son, no, no

    It ain’t me, it ain’t me

    I ain’t no fortunate one, no

    Summed up nicely by The Creedence, I feel.

    Full Member

    “Join the revolt”

    **** off!

    Full Member

    Don’t see that Rayner has much choice given the tories are going to lie and lie about labour.

    I just wish they would shut mordaunts microphone off when she won’t stop shouting

    Full Member

    Like the single audience member clapping Mordant before she finished then noticing no one else clapped, so decided not to clap when she did finish!

    Made me chuckle anyway.

    No knock out blows tonight as expected and I doubt a single vote will be changed on STW and very few UK wide.

    We already know the parties and the ramifications of whom we vote for, nothing has changed.

    Free Member

    Apologies to Plaid and English green supporters – I do not know their stance on Brexit and Immigration.

    Your apology to the SDLP can come later ;) I’m sure they’re used to people on the “mainland” who ignore their existence.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    “Join the revolt”

    **** off!

    No auto cue, as he believed in what he’s saying blah, blah… Trump tribute act.

    Full Member

    It’s funny, most I know talk about the Greens being cranky rainbow lovers  – but they’re just about the most pragmatic on the panel.

    Full Member

    Angela Rayner needs to stop bickering with Penny Mordant.

    She didn’t have a choice as mordaunt was going for her. It’s clear from both debates that that is the Tory strategy, shout down everyone else – it’s all they’ve got. Next debates need to have a hand of god to turn off mics when the topies are so disrespectful of the process. Everyone else was pretty good .

    But yes, clear that there are lots of other perspectives (green, SNP, plaid, LD) worth listening to, and PR would allow us all to voice a more nuanced choice. Farage is just objectionable

    Full Member

    As much as I hate the idea that farage would be an mp if we had pr, it is a a m sacrifice that is worth it to make the changes needed.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Think Angela meant ‘abject’ not abstract.

    I thought I imagined that!

    She should thank goodness she doesn’t post on here…

    Wouldn’t last 5 minutes. 😉

    Full Member

    Full Member
    As much as I hate the idea that farage would be an mp if we had pr, it is a a m sacrifice that is worth it to make the changes needed.

    I sort of want him to see a bit of actual, conventional, (limited!) political power AND accountability… He needs to explain why he hasn’t changed the lot of the people of Clacton as it turn out simple policies for complex issues dont work. Particularly when based upon migration. He’s had it far too easy throwing shit from the sidelines.

    Full Member

    Dear god, the Tories have put weapons grade dimwit Laura Trott up as a commentator. Everyone else obviously had found something better to be doing. She’d struggle to find her own arse using both hands

    And who on earth is the Reform party bloke


    Free Member

    I’m happy for [private schools] to exist

    I’m not, I’d ban the damn things. If the kids of the rich and powerful had to go to the local comp you can bet state schools would start to get a lot more investment. The R&P need to mix with the rest of us, and we with them.

    Full Member

    The idea that the very organisations that do more than anything to entrench inequality in society and makes an absolute mockery of any pretence at a meritocracy are given tax breaks and get to claim charitable status is absolutely nuts!

    The real problem I have with it is that a hugely disproportionate amount of the most important jobs in the country end up being occupied by utter morons just because they went to the ‘right’ school.

    Just look at the present cabinet

    How does that benefit society?

    Full Member

    I note RGS Guildford has 900 pupils and £28m+ of turnover (£28k/pupil) and @£40m of assets. £340k of donations last year.
    No, not wealthy at all. Just your average school.

    Full Member

    Can we just drop the private school thing – been done to death already!

    Full Member

    If the kids of the rich and powerful had to go to the local comp you can bet state schools would start to get a lot more investment. The R&P need to mix with the rest of us, and we with them.

    The idea that the very organisations that do more than anything to entrench inequality in society and makes an absolute mockery of any pretence at a meritocracy is given tax breaks and gets to claim charitable status is absolutely nuts!

    I think it’s genuinely difficult to come up with a coherent argument against the above statements.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Can we just drop the private school thing – been done to death already!

    Just wanted to stay I posted my comment before I read your one. My post wasn’t mean as a “poke in the eye” reply to your comment. 👍

    Free Member

    Can we just drop the private school thing – been done to death already!

    Here here. There are bigger things at stake on July 4th and beyond.

    Labour will win, VAT will be charged on fees, whatever will ensue will ensue.

    The deep divisions that exist in this country and the deep rooted cracks in our society won’t be fixed easily. Labour aren’t the answer, but it won’t stop them being the next bunch to have a go, so it won’t be long before we have the chance to see how they do.

    Full Member

    Can’t wait to see the polling next week.

    Farage on TV tonight is likely to lose this Tories even more votes.

    ITV news asking if this is the start of a complete collapse of the Tory vote. 👍

    Full Member

    Labour aren’t the answer

    That seems a tad premature. Just out of interest what do you think is ‘the answer’?

    The only realistic options on offer are Labour or more of the same. The polls are presently pretty illustrative as to what most people think of that particular choice

    Free Member

    Some people would argue that Labour offers a slightly more polite version of ‘more of the same’.  Certainly in terms of the Thatcherite economics that Reeves seems to be such a fan of.

    You’re not wrong though, given the lack of PR then it is a binary choice in most seats, and overall that means either Labour or Tory.  Kier seems fairly cold on PR though.  It’ll be interesting to see what Reeves’ pursuit of growth has delivered by 2029.

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