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    Unsurprisingly, on tonight’s debate everyone is getting well and truly stuck in to the little fella and him finding something more pressing to do than honouring the D Day veterans

    Penny Mordaunt apologising repeatedly for his behaviour has a face like Dot Cotton licking piss off a thistle

    I hope there are no naked flames around with the amount of hairspray she must have on that 80’s haircut

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    Full Member
    A kid was dropped off at my local independent school in a helicopter today.

    I’ll admit I’m a little naive to the  ways of the world but wow, I just feel like I’ve always lived in a parallel universe on occasion. I can’t get my head around statements like that.

    Full Member

    It is fascinating how a number on here want to be seen as being anti-racist and at the same time supporting apartheid genocide (whilst cracking ‘jokes’).  Pure sociological phenomena.

    Full Member

    Unsurprisingly, on tonight’s debate everyone is getting well and truly stuck in to the little fella and him finding something more pressing to do than honouring the D Day veterans

    I saw a comment online earlier, “the guy that wants people to sign up for National Service can’t even do one full day of it.”


    Full Member

    Full Member
    It is fascinating how a number on here want to be seen as being anti-racist and at the same time supporting apartheid genocide (whilst cracking ‘jokes’). Pure sociological phenomena.

    Its not for me to defend other posters but he didn’t say that at all.

    Free Member

    There are rich people that decide to educate their children in the independent system.

    There are rich people that decide to educate their children in the state system.

    The are some obscenely rich people that can afford to educate their children in the independent system. In my experience these are the minority.

    There are some moderately well off people that can’t really afford it but make sacrifices. In my experience these are the majority.

    If your measure of wealth is the type of car that they turn up to school in, you would be quite shocked by the sheer variety parked outside the school gate. Sure there are some nice cars, but there are some really old ones and kids wearing hand me downs. I see the same mix outside the local state schools. Those cars by the way are nothing more than an outward show of wealth but I suspect that most are leased and the days of car ownership being a measure of wealth are long gone.

    Whilst I wouldn’t pretend for one moment that the families that elect to educate their kids in the independent sector are hard up, it certainly isn’t purely the preserve of the obscenely wealthy.

    The stretched middle are an easier target than the super rich that can afford to avoid tax payment, or the corporations that make huge profits yet pay little in tax. Maybe I am a little biased but there are more lucrative targets (albeit harder to hit) than the families paying for their education for whom a sudden 20% increase in fees was neither foreseen or affordable.

    Full Member

    I’ll admit I’m a little naive to the  ways of the world but wow, I just feel like I’ve always lived in a parallel universe on occasion. I can’t get my head around statements like that.

    And, it’s not even super league.

    Full Member

    “ Labour and Conservatives both don’t understand or don’t want the public to understand that if you press the button in retaliation, we are all already dead. It’s irrelevant in a global nuclear war (which all nuclear wars would be) if you have a deterrent or not as the two main players would wipe out the northern hemisphere”

    I’m fairly certain most are aware of the outcome of such an event.

    Full Member

    If your measure of wealth is the type of car that they turn up to school in, you would be quite shocked by the sheer variety parked outside the school gate. Sure there are some nice cars,

    It’s an absolute measure of wealth.

    I can guarantee you every 3 or 4th car is snazzy as hell.

    I mean I saw a MCLAREN ARTURA COUPE going up the drive the other day.

    I’m sorry but this is not de rigueur down the street at the statey and neither is a **** helicopter in a deprived post-industrial mining town.

    (The point being here is they can afford the VAT.)

    Full Member

    Rishi won’t quit now – he knows he’s gone on July 5th. He’s probably already got a flight to California booked.

    The only explanation for yesterday’s “mistake” is that he doesn’t want to be an MP on 5th July either.

    Full Member

    I’m fairly certain most are aware of the outcome of such an event.

    If that were the case it wouldn’t be such a strong part of the two main party’s defence policy’s. Our ballistic missiles are more to DK with Anglo American relations than defence.

    A kid was dropped off at my local independent school in a helicopter today.

    I went to two private schools is the 80’s – helicopter drop offs were relatively regular at both back then (once term or so). I’m also pro putting vat on private education and removing charitable status.

    Full Member

    The current debate on TV…

    Nigel not the firebrand I expected so far, almost subdued.

    Banana intolerant?*

    *No, I still dont think it should have happened but it did.

    Full Member

    “ If your measure of wealth is the type of car that they turn up to school in, you would be quite shocked by the sheer variety parked outside the school gate.”

    One of the wealthiest families in my group of friends, big house in the South East, pays more tax than my gross pay iirc.

    Battered 2003 Toyota Previa, very little works and the spare wheel lives in the car due to the carrier rotting off.

    But yeah, folks pushing the narrative of kids being pushed out of fee paying schools might be surprised how little a large chunk of the country, who struggle to simply pay the bills care.

    Full Member

    There are some moderately well off people that can’t really afford it but make sacrifices. In my experience these are the majority.

    I’m sorry but if you can afford private school fees, with or without VAT, you are not ‘moderately well off’

    Simply remove one of those three words and you’re there

    Full Member

    Surely ‘No, I still find think it should have happened AND it did.’ Finding and thinking!

    Full Member

    jeez, this is awful, with Mordaunt and Rayner just yelling at each other.

    Plus side – Mordaunt isn’t going to increase support on this performance.

    Full Member

    Jesus Christ – Mordaunt the economy is dead – flat-lining at best.

    They’ve got some nerve with this economy is doing better lark.

    Green (Carla Denyer) has actual ideas and push back – Labour should listen up.

    She’s articulate too.

    Farage is like a decaying fag that won’t go out.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Surely ‘No, I still find think it should have happened AND it did.’ Finding and thinking!

    My mobile is a bloody traitor! 😁

    Full Member

    I’m sorry but if you can afford private school fees, with or without VAT, you are not ‘moderately well off’

    Simply remove one of those three words and you’re there

    this times 100.

    Full Member

    Props to the Scot for bringing up the “conspiracy of silence” around Brexit

    Free Member

    Are you saying that there is an obscenely expensive school where the kids get dropped off in helicopters and super cars nestled somewhere down a driveway in a deprived post-industrial mining town?

    I can certainly see how that juxtaposition would grate.

    Our son’s school doesn’t have a driveway. It doesn’t have a helicopter pad. It doesn’t have stables. It is nestled on a normal street in a regular town. It is a selective school that offers a great education and charges for it. Since there are no selective state schools in the area, if we want the best education on offer, this is way to get it. My sister lives in Kent where selective state education exists. I wish it were the case in Surrey.

    We happen to live in Jeremy Hunt’s constituency which looks increasingly likely to give him a bloody nose. We also live very close to Charterhouse where he was educated. That is by no means a normal school, but it would be wrong to tar every independent school, or judge the families that send their kids there with the same brush. To do so would be inversely the same as treating every state school with the same contempt as the very worst of the breed.

    BTW, being successful and fortunate doesn’t automatically make you a bad person. Since the dawn of time there have been some cavemen that had better caves than others. It’s just society and fact. Not all poor people are lazy. Not all rich people are exploitative bastards. Wealth, success and good fortune don’t automatically go hand in hand with being an awful human being. There is far more bitterness and judgement on this thread from people with an axe to grind and a chip on their shoulder than any other corner of STW.

    Full Member

    Farage is like a decaying fag that won’t go out.

    Lol. Very good.👍

    Full Member

    Mordaunt trying to go with the tax lie again and getting called out on it.

    The greens and the lib dems are coming off well,  the snp guy is just irritating however he did bring up brexit that made the frog faced one look sour.

    I want us to have pr so we might get some change in this country

    Full Member

    One of the wealthiest families in my group of friends, big house in the South East, pays more tax than my gross pay iirc.

    Because they have lots of money and / or assets.

    Let’s not do the ‘Nick Ferrari cars-gaffer taped-together’ so we can get the kids in private school lark.

    My partner works in a private school 95% are proper wealthy.

    Tiny amount on bursaries.

    Besides we have state system if you can’t afford it.

    I’m happy for them to exist but I tell you when I work for them I pay their friggin’ VAT in my company because they opt out due to basically ‘fiddling’ (my words) the charity / private straddle.

    It’s horse-shit.

    Free Member

    Stephen Flynn is on fire.

    Full Member

    Are you saying that there is an obscenely expensive school where the kids get dropped off in helicopters and super cars nestled somewhere down a driveway in a deprived post-industrial mining town?


    My partner has worked their for 11 years. So I accept their contribution to the community/employment but things have to change.

    Full Member

    I’d have liked to see more robust and clearer intervention by the host when the nonsense £2k figure was mentioned multiple times. Couple of minutes ago she just let Morduant and Rayner bicker about it. Should have just muted Morduant the moment she said it.

    Full Member

    Mordaunt needs to shut the **** up

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Mordaunt needs to shut the **** up

    It looks like this is going to be the Tory strategy in the debates. Shout loud, shout often.

    Imo, it’s doing her no favours, or her party.

    Full Member

    However I would caveat the independent school VAT is not the highest priority thing at all when looking a the big issues.

    Full Member

    BTW, being successful and fortunate doesn’t automatically make you a bad person

    I’m certainly not saying that at all, because it would be nonsense.

    What I’m saying is that paying private school fees is so inconceivable to the vast majority of people that the very idea of it represents an absolutely laughably unachievable impossibility.

    That’s worth bearing in mind with your comments

    Full Member

    Because they have lots of money and / or assets.

    Let’s not do the ‘Nick Ferrari cars-gaffer taped-together’ so we can get the kids in private school lark.”

    Not at all, just pointing out plenty of well offfolks don’t spend money on cars.

    I don’t even know if his kids go to private school.

    If it helps, we went to the same comprehensive and his father in law was aghast that someone of his ‘type’ could earn so much money.

    He’s simply very talented and has worked very hard in his chosen field.

    Free Member

    But relying on a tax break to afford this luxury, for that complete phase of a child’s education was always a risk.

    There’s lots of things that are VAT rated: not for profit sports, tuition, healthcare… STW coming out in favour of VAT on physios, dentistry and cycling clubs…?

    (TBF I do see that they’re just not all the same).



    Full Member

    If half these dimwits understood that public spending is made via the BoE and not using tax receipts they wouldn’t be able to argue with the words ‘unaffordable.’

    Lack of resources/labour is the restriction, not money.

    Full Member

    The big question is who sponsors Mordaunt? Insette, Harmony, Thunderbirds????

    Full Member

    The only thing I’m taking from this debate is I’d like to place Mordaunt, Raynor and Farage on a boat and tell them to **** right off, and leave the other parties to form a coalition

    Full Member

    Stephen Flynn is on fire.

    The SNP are the only party to have truthful policies on Brexit and immigration.  Makers it a bit like shooting fish in barrels

    Full Member

    There’s lots of things that are VAT rated: not for profit sports, tuition, healthcare… STW coming out in favour of VAT on physios, dentistry and cycling clubs…

    Worse than this – independent schools have special allowances to not pay VAT on certain supplies. Leaving the supplier to effectively pay it on their behalf.

    It’s a distortion of accounting. But then again the wealthy have always done better with creative accounting.

    Free Member

    a **** helicopter in a deprived post-industrial mining town.

    Sounds a bit nouveau riche to me. Football club owner…oligarch…heir to a chain of chemists that married a billionaire’s daughter?

    Full Member


    That sounds like an idea I can get behind,  Greens and lib dems would be a hell of a good start

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