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  • UK Election!
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    Quite amusing if farage splits the Tory vote & gifts Clacton to Labour

    If he were to win it I could see him standing down & fking off to felate Trump at the first opportunity, can’t imagine he’d want to be declaring all his funding either

    Full Member

    I reckon he’d bring in some policies much to the left of where Starmer currently is.

    I struggle to believe that although I have to confess that I don’t really follow what Farage says about anything much. The little that I hear him say is invariably, imo, bollocks.

    Although as I said earlier that my heart sank this afternoon when I realised that I was agreeing with his comments about PR and the House of Lords, and how it was the sort of thing that Starmer should be talking about. Do you mean that?

    Full Member

    Quite amusing if farage splits the Tory vote & gifts Clacton to Labour

    Well of course that’s what we would expect but the tracker suggests that if the Reform vote increases  a large number comes from Labour. Not as many as Tory but enough to prevent a Labour win.

    Free Member

    What’s your reasoning behind that?

    Hitler gave us the Volkswagen.

    Mussolini made the trains run on time.


    Full Member

    Not sure if it’s been posted but I’ve just read the Rory Stewart article in the Guardian here that was posted on another forum (yeah……there’s actually “other” forums out there) and it’s hard to argue against what he writes

    Full Member

    if the Reform vote increases a large number comes from Labour.

    Well Reform support has trebled in the last year whilst  Labour support has remained fairly stable, if anything it has slightly increased.

    So I would be genuinely interested in how that conclusion has been arrived.

    Full Member

    Mussolini made the trains run on time.

    I believe that is a myth which he created.

    And since it’s still kicking around a hundred years later he was at least good at one thing.

    Full Member

    I went to meeting in the same building as the Tory Party Campaign HQ, about  2 months back.

    Ohhh to have to opportunity to go there again and knock on their door and stick my head around, and offer a voter’s ‘assessment’ 🤣🤣🤣

    Free Member

    The politically engaged. There’s something about the demographic I can’t quite put my finger on!

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Not sure if it’s been posted but I’ve just read the Rory Stewart article in the Guardian here that was posted on another forum (yeah……there’s actually “other” forums out there) and it’s hard to argue against what he writes

    A good read but how to correct all these short comings?

    (Obviously it’s a book excerpt so he probably does have some ideas!)

    Free Member

    ^ is that Frankie Boyle?  Second from the right

    Jesus that photo is depressing

    Full Member

    There’s something about the demographic I can’t quite put my finger on!

    Was just going to type that till i realised you already had.

    Thing is, I bet most of them go weeks at a time without meeting anyone even remotely “foreign” yet they consider it the defining issue of our time. I’ll never get it.

    Free Member

    Jesus that photo is depressing

    The first image from google search with a crowd for a Labour love-in was slightly better but was still dominated by people who looked thrilled to be out of the care home for the day!

    Full Member

    Screenshot_20240604-005801Love the little caption the Beeb have put at the bottom. 👍😁

    Full Member

    Lol, I did have a chuckle at that headline.

    Free Member

    Thing is, I bet most of them go weeks at a time without meeting anyone even remotely “foreign” yet they consider it the defining issue of our time. I’ll never get it.

    They are either just racists or they have so little to worry about/prioritise in their lives that immigration seems a priority for them – or probably both of those things.

    Full Member

    How may radios and TVs will get broken now Farage is on them full time?

    On Radio4 at the mo.

    The anger (on my part) comes from the fact he’s damn good at what he does when given a platform… he’s still more threat than joke.

    Free Member

    Depends what your issues with Labour are. You vote for the person not the party and there are a number of left wing Labour candidates around. Also lots in support of Gaza. If you have one then you are in a great position as they will have some influence on the party likely to be in power.

    Each of us only has one person to vote for, who (or more accurately, which Party) are these people who’ve an ‘issue’ with Labour/Starmer over Gaza going to vote for?

    Full Member

    “On Radio4 at the mo”

    Glad I’m listening to Radio 3.

    He was always going to stand, the guy is a media whore, from the moment he appeared on Question Time it was inevitable.

    Full Member

    The anger (on my part) comes from the fact he’s damn good at what he does when given a platform… he’s still more threat than joke.

    love him or loathe him, its hard to deny he’s been one of the most influential political characters of the last decade or so.

    Free Member

    I’d love to know what vote share the greens might be on if they were given the airtime that farage is awarded. The airwaves would be a nicer place too

    Free Member

    love him or loathe him,

    Hang on , give me a minute…. I think I’ll go with “loathe”

    Full Member

    love him or loathe him, its hard to deny he’s been one of the most influential political characters of the last decade or so.

    I’d say the most influential by miles. He’s scared the Tories into the referendum then won it for Leave, the Tory party has now been purged of all moderates and is just a 2nd rate UKIP/Reform tribute act and he could be about to completely destroy ‘the natural party of government.

    All without ever being elected or having to shoulder the burden of the realities of anything

    Power without responsibility is a nice position to be in.

    Like Boris and Gove with Brexit, he’ll be hoping for glorious defeat by as narrow a margin as possible.

    He’s no interest in the mundane day-to-day realities of dealing with constituents problems, just as Boris and Gove had no interest in actually delivering Brexit.

    In the unlikely event he’s actually elected, I’ll imagine he’ll be about as chuffed as these two were about the ‘victory’


    Full Member

     its hard to deny he’s been one of the most influential political characters of the last decade or so.

    Which is a depressing thought if you’re comparing him to more mainstream politicians, who should by rights easily knock everything he says into next week, shouting ‘four’ every time. That they can’t; speaks volumes.

    Full Member


    There’s something about the demographic I can’t quite put my finger on!

    They’re all ****s?

    Full Member

    There’s something about the demographic I can’t quite put my finger on!

    Ah fingers. That’s it. Have you counted them?

    Full Member

    Looks like Nige isn’t really a details man. Who’d have thunk it?

    Full Member

    Cleverlys involuntary smirk/eyeroll when McVey’s name is read out on list of MPs to lose their seats is priceless (10 seconds in). Gets funnier every time you watch it.


    Full Member

    its hard to deny he’s been one of the most influential political characters of the last decade or so.

    I don’t think Nigel Farage is anywhere near as influential as some people, including obviously himself, like to think.

    I don’t understand why despite intense efforts his clear and very long inability to win a seat in the House of Commons is dismissed as unimportant with regards to assessing his popularity.

    The whole claim appears to be based solely on the premise that the UK would have voted for remain in the EU if it hadn’t been for Nigel Farage’s enormous influence. And yet he didn’t even that much of a prominent role in referendum campaign. I associate Boris Johnson more with the Leave campaign, and Johnson only decided a few weeks before the vote which way he was going.

    Full Member

    there would not have been a  referendum without him

    Free Member

    And yet he didn’t even that much of a prominent role in referendum campaign.

    I think it was the years of stoking anti EU sentiment before that that was important and his popularity might have pushed the Tory party towards the referendum in the first place.

    Full Member

    Looks like Nige isn’t really a details man. Who’d have thunk it?

    More than that he doesn’t seem to agree with his own party’s policies.

    Which should come as no surprise – Nigel Farage has a long history of confessing, quite correctly, that the policies that he espouses are drivel:

    Nigel Farage: 2010 UKIP manifesto was ‘drivel’


    Full Member

    there would not have been a referendum without him

    That claim is based on what evidence exactly?

    Full Member

    I’d love to know what vote share the greens might be on if they were given the airtime that farage is awarded. The airwaves would be a nicer place too

    Greens might have played a blinder in our constituency, candidate has exactly the same name as the conservatives, even if the same % of voters on either side make a mistake the Greens will have a net gain 😀

    Seems like the peoples vote are also active to try and keep the cons out, even though it’s a new constituency.

    Full Member

    Do you mean that?

    Not really. I don’t have any specific policies in mind, just that all his rhetoric yesterday of politics not working for normal people (the white male ones at least) would require some form of reform to hand power back and/or do some stuff to keep the proles happy. Like Johnson I think he has little interest in the ‘rules’ of fiscal management and would splash the cash on pet projects and other stuff irrespective of whether it was affordable or not.

    Full Member

    Looks like Nige isn’t really a details man.

    In the modern political age details are irrelevant. He just needs to say what his knuckle dragging acolytes want to hear. The fact it’s impossible is irrelevant.

    Full Member

    Nicely summed up by Malcolm Tucker…

    Full Member

    I don’t think Nigel Farage is anywhere near as influential as some people, including obviously himself, like to think.

    UKIP got more votes than the Lib Dem in the 2015 election (12% of the electorate) making it the third party on vote count. That it failed to get a single MP is a system failure rather than a measure of UKIPs (and undoubtedly Farage’s, as who can name a single other UKIP candidate?) unpopularity. He was ranked in the top 5 right winger by the Telegraph about the same time, and was Briton of the year (or some such nonsense) in a poll in the Times.

    There’s no doubt in my mind that if you asked the average punter on the street to name a popular right wing politician, a good percentage would be able to name him above say Oliver Dowden (officially the deputy PM) or Victoria Atkin (who’s the Health Minister, in case you’ve never heard of her)

    Full Member

    Anyway, getting back to actual political parties with actual policies, time to get those tiny violins out again…

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