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  • UK Election!
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    Full Member

    another watery moment

    Politely, quietly, waving… how very civilised.

    Full Member

    “oh gosh… we’re going to keep going”

    How little nous would it take to stand up, turn around…. and wave them goodbye? Take control of the situation.

    Full Member

    Darren Williams to Keir Starmer: Why I am resigning from Labour


    “It looks virtually certain that Labour will comfortably win the general election and the overdue expulsion of office of the awful Tories will be something to celebrate, but my concern is that this opportunity for lasting change will be squandered because you lack the moral and political courage to deliver the radical reform that is needed to improve people’s lives – and seem determined to alienate and antagonise so many of Labour’s natural supporters along the way.”

    It won’t make the headlines unlike any resignation under the previous Labour leader. Starmer will be relieved.

    Full Member

    He only mentions Jeremy Corbyn twice. Oh, and Gaza twice as well.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    “oh gosh… we’re going to keep going”

    How little nous would it take to stand up, turn around…. and wave them goodbye? Take control of the situation.

    There’s is a follow up to that boat vid where Sunak is lead away before the Libdem boat passes again, you’d think there was an assassination plot unfolding from their haste!😁

    Full Member

    theyre not narrowing at the moment

    Full Member

    Rish! having a problem with small boats today

    Full Member

    He only mentions Jeremy Corbyn twice. Oh, and Gaza twice as well.

    Welsh Labour Grassroots, of which he’s a member are the Welsh equivilent/version/partner organisation of Momentum.

    Full Member

    He only mentions Jeremy Corbyn twice.

    Not everyone is obsessed with Jeremy Corbyn. Although I am surprised that Gaza isn’t mentioned more considering that it is likely to have some impact on the Labour vote in some areas on July 4th. As it did in the local May elections.

    Full Member

    That redfield polllooks like this in electoral calculus

    Farage boosting reforms vote could make this worse for the Tories!


    Full Member

    theyre not narrowing at the moment

    That 10k sample is huge.

    114 is the Tory seat prediction here:


    Full Member

    That redfield polllooks like this in electoral calculus

    24 Tory seats?

    Let’s not get carried away.

    Free Member

    Honestly would just prefer it if Starmer and Sunak battled it out in a Thunderdome environment.

    Who would play Blaster?

    Full Member


    Well I for one will be glued to the telly in a few minutes time. It makes perfect sense for Farage to stand. The Tory Party is on its knees like never before. This is the best chance that UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform UK as ever had to offer themselves as a right-wing alternative to the Tories. Farage standing would give them a huge boost.

    And to think that a couple of months ago some people on here claimed to be convinced that Reform UK would not stand any candidates in the general election!

    Full Member

    24 Tory seats?

    Rees-Mogg could really lie across the benches then.

    Full Member

    And to think that a couple of months ago some people on here claimed to be convinced that Reform UK would not stand any candidates in the general election!

    I was pretty convinced they’d pull out like last time, farage himself said he wouldnt stand just a week ago, what has changed?

    Full Member

    Who would play Blaster?


    Free Member

    Well Mrs g has been out canvassing in a middle class area and quite a few labour supporters say they are thinking of voting something else (liberal, green or plaid to choose from) for the reasons you might expect. A safe labour seat though, so a cheap protest vote I guess.

    Full Member


    To start off with, Rishi Sunak was asked what his favourite Nando’s meal was.

    The answer – a half chicken with medium spice along with chips and broccoli, which the PM said he had eaten twice last week.

    I thought Sunak was vegetarian, and “hardly ate at all” ?!?

    Now I’m confused.

    Full Member

    24 Tory seats?

    Let’s not get carried away.

    43 in the FT one & 3rd party behind lib dems

    Full Member

    I was pretty convinced they’d pull out like last time, farage himself said he wouldnt stand just a week ago, what has changed?

    Reform UK said a very long time ago that they would definitely stand in the general election and that there would be no deals with the Tories like the last general election.

    I don’t know why some people didn’t believe them. It’s obvious that they are not scared of Starmer becoming PM as they were of Corbyn. Besides, the UK has left the EU now, why would they do the Tories any favours?

    Full Member

    And to think that a couple of months ago some people on here claimed to be convinced that Reform UK would not stand any candidates in the general election!

    Nope – what we said is that they will pull out of tory target seats.  Farage has already offered this publicly

    Full Member

    Farage has already offered this publicly

    No he hasn’t.

    Free Member

    Not everyone is obsessed with Jeremy Corbyn. Although I am surprised that Gaza isn’t mentioned more considering that it is likely to have some impact on the Labour vote in some areas on July 4th. As it did in the local May elections.

    These folk with a Labour/Gaza issue, who else are they actually going to vote for?

    Genuine question.

    Full Member

    3rd party behind lib dems

    The British public have the power to make this happen… I fear it’s more likely that the more solid a Labour win looks, the more seats the Tories can stop switching to Labour or LibDem as people decide to register their “protest votes” rather than doing what needs doing to stop their own MP being a Conservative. The only thing keeping the Tories on the front benches is complacency in the voting public… we can make third place happen… and they deserve it. British politics could genuinely change if more political exchanges and challenges were between the LibDems and Labour in parliament and in the media… rather than being dominated by the Conservatives and their offshoot parties on the right.

    Full Member

    These folk with a Labour/Gaza issue, who else are they actually going to vote for?

    Genuine question.

    I think the answer to that ^^ question might be answered on July 5th

    ATM it is up in the air.

    Full Member

    8th time lucky for the man-frog?

    Probably another failed attempt but the prospect of daily bile-spewing, racist rants by Nige to appeal to the headbangers (their core vote) will have them absolutely bricking it in Tory Central Office.

    Full Member

    Some of those polls and predicted seats are not a glowing endorsement of FPTP. Again.

    It would be rather delicious if the tory were to suffer from it though.

    Full Member

    What a huge free election broadcast for Reform UK.

    Jeezus I hate that ****.

    Full Member

    He had me in tears when he talked of not wanting to let people down. ****

    Full Member

    Clacton is the only seat that UKIP ever won. I think it is highly likely that he won’t win. I can see him splitting the Tory vote and letting Labour win the seat. Depending how big the Labour swing is.

    Full Member

    I’d forgotten how much I hate him he’s such a ****

    Full Member

    He’s just repeating his lines from the referendum campaign… you’d hope the voters have moved on since then… I wouldn’t bet on it though… not in every seat.

    Full Member

    Doesn’t say much for Clacton if that’s where he thinks he has the  best chance of winning.

    I thought he lived in k*nt, which is a fair old distance away. Wonder if he’ll move to be closer to his people?

    Full Member

    From the Frog Faced C***:

    We’re in economic decline in relative terms. Oh, sure. We’re doing better than our former partners in the European Union. But we’re massively behind America and many other parts of the world. We’re in social decline. And we’re actually in a form of moral decline. We’ve forgotten who we are as a country.

    Bit rich seeing as you were prioritizing being at the front of  the queue to lick “34 Felonies and Proven Rapist” Donald Trumps boots a mere 11 days ago, I wonder what might have changed your mind…

    Full Member

    Managed to squeezing in a D-Day reference…

    Full Member

    Farage is already talking about five years’ time. I think it’s sadly not unrealistic for Reform to be eyeing up an M5S-style landslide if Labour doesn’t deliver change.

    Free Member

    Rees-Mogg could really lie across the benches then.

    At least he’d only have a short walk from the division lobby to the minor opposition party benches 😃

    Full Member

    Hopefully Labour wins in Clacton, and Labour significantly improves the lot of people in places like Clacton.

    Full Member

    I took the day off yesterday. Had a normal day. Walked the dogs. Did a bit of fishing.

    The “man of the people” act still going then? No doubt he’ll be telling us how kicking off a massive hufty in the national press when his private bank acct was going to be closed was the act of a every-day fella. I mean, isn’t that what we’d all have done?

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