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    Liz Truss has made the papers again too, pronouncing Tony Blair the worse UK PM.

    She could win a Nobel Prize from here on in, and still no one would take her seriously.

    But she did what her hedge fund backers wanted, though, so she’s never going to be short of a bob or two.

    I’d quite like Blair to drop the swede on her if a meeting could be engineered. That would be redemption for him in my eyes. A full Duncan Ferguson job.


    Free Member

    I see a story that the Tories are warning members that the campaign is short of money with a claim that they might start triaging constituencies within 48 hours.

    they’ll be saving some for the final week ad blitz, but it may be why they’ve call it for July, party finances might have been completely shot by autumn (Hester probably not going to bankroll them now his knighthood probably went west due to his big mouth, and probably got bored of having a microphone stuck in his face everywhere he goes).

    Full Member

    Considering the methodology & that this is well after the start of the campaign, seeing this poll widen, will be setting off major alarm bells in the Tory party

    Yep, I find it fascinating! 😀 You would have thought we had got to the saturation point where Labour had already taken as much support from the Tories as possible, and that any further movement through the course of the campaign would have been back to the Tories.

    I wonder if the Diane Abbott row played a part? It was widely suggested that some in Starmer’s team wanted a public row with the Left, which they would of course win, because they believed that it would play well with some Tory voters – those who hate leftie black women, I think it is fair to say that Diane Abbott is hated by a lot of Tory voters. In fact according to Forde KC she is hated by much of the Labour establishment.

    So maybe they were right? I don’t think the Opinium poll had a chance to be affected by Starmer’s U-turn on Diane Abbott yesterday. It will be interesting to see if next weeks Opinium poll shows a drop in Labour support.

    Full Member

    I’m not sure the Abbot row really had much cut through

    Anyway, that opinium poll would have the tories on <100 seats


    But their adjustment for don’t knows gave a 5pt swing to tories

    Without it they’d be <50


    Full Member

    I’ve never understood the logic of keeping people employed for employments sake

    Because people get a lot more out of work than just a pay packet, it gives people a reason to get up in the morning, a sense of self worth, social interaction. A ,ot of people dislike their jobs but socially interact with colleagues. When we get to the point of automation being cheaper and better quality than people on basic wages which results in a lot of people not working we will end up with a very divided society between those with the skills and motivation to work and those stuck below the glass ceiling who survive on state support. I cant see that being a very pleasant or equitable society, it really will become a two tier society with many people struggling to move from the not working to working groups like we see with multi generational out of work families.

    The other problem is we will see the basic skills, attitude and intelligence requirements for the remaining jobs increase locking more people out of the opportunity to work.

    I know a lot of people yearn for the days of UBI plus benign AI but I’m not sure it with quite as utopian as people hope.

    Full Member

    As yet I’ve not had a robot spend their wages in my shop.

    Full Member

    Plus unlike Farage he is a grafting campaigner and has been elected as an MP before.

    And he invariably loses his seat. Which is why he has so much experience in winning seats! In the case of Bradford West they kicked him out after just 3 years.

    Support for George Galloway is a little complicated, many of the people who vote for him, ie Muslims, are very aware of his failings. The support he receives is often an act of desperation by those who feel ignored, disenfranchised, and taken for granted.

    I suspect that under the present climate the Workers Party will do better than some imagine likely. He was clever and got his candidates in early in carefully targeted seats (about 145 I think) before more sensible ex-Labour Party Muslims had a chance to organise. Although the Muslim vote has been desperately trying for a few months to organise properly for the general election they still have some way to go, certainly in respect to approved candidates. Galloway didn’t hang about.

    Full Member

    I think DA only really frothed up the left who used the situation as stick to beat Starmer with and people in her constituency. Starmer has actually played it quite well, she’s back in as candidate so that avoids losing a constituency and giving the left something to coalesce around. In the meantime it’s quite clear he didn’t want her back but accepted it in a procedural way which will play well to centralists and those on the left of the Tory party.

    If she’s still an MP and party member at the next GE I’d be surprised, I imagine she will get purged at the first opportunity. It would appear according to the Sky journalist on HIGNFY that Abbot was the source for the rumours of her being blocked from standing. I think she’s made herself persona non grata with Starmers team and they will get shot as soon as they can, she’s a complete liability and rallying pojnt for the left. Getting shot quickly will cause some short term shouting but reduce the long term pain. She might of course tow the party line but I doubt she’ll manage that.

    Full Member

    Liz Truss has made the papers again too, pronouncing Tony Blair the worse UK PM. 🥬

    I now believe that Liz Truss is an abstract performance art piece. It’s the only possible explanation

    I’m not sure the Abbot row really had much cut through

    Despite the best efforts of the media and the Tories, nobody outside Hackney actually gives a shit

    Full Member

    I’m not sure the Abbot row really had much cut through

    Well you need to ask yourself why people who were not saying that they would vote Labour a week ago are saying they would vote Labour this week. And why those who said they would vote Tory are now saying that they won’t.

    Presumably something has influenced them in the last week.

    Full Member

    Starmer has actually played it quite well

    Excellent .

    Full Member

    She might of course tow the party line but I doubt she’ll manage that.


    Stuff that makes you disproportionately cross

    Full Member

    Despite the best efforts of the media and the Tories, nobody outside Hackney actually gives a shit

    And the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party.

    And senior members of the Shadow Cabinet.

    Apart from that no one cares at all. I can’t imagine why Starmer waited until yesterday to perform a U-turn on an issue which no one cares about. It would have stopped all the pointless distraction if he hadn’t waited so long.

    Full Member

    Dialling in a report from the shires – where the GE will be won or lost; no comment about or reference to Diane Abbott from anyone on the doorstep during two canvassing sessions.

    No comment about her at the market stall before canvassing; jenrick and a handful of his acolytes hung around for a while before acknowledging they were out-numbered and cleared off. They had nothing to say about Diane Abbott – or anything else.

    Will be canvassing in two constituencies on Sunday and predict…no-one will refer to Diane Abbott.

    Maybe I’m missing out on those constituencies where it’s a discussion matter – maybe I’m not as it’s a non-issue.

    Hmm, wonder which it is?

    For those who think it matters or has any relevance – carry on frothing.

    Have a look at Sunday’s front pages – nothing.

    It’s yesterday’s news – same as Natalie Elphicke.

    Full Member

    Because people get a lot more out of work than just a pay packet, it gives people a reason to get up in the morning, a sense of self worth, social interaction.

    What drove to get up in the morning was to get work over as quickly as I could to ensure I spent as much time as possible out on the bike in the hills and avoiding all interactions with others.

    To equate work = self worth sounds suspiciously like talking point #1 straight out of a capitalist workhouse playbook

    Perhaps I just had the “wrong” type of work.

    Full Member

    self worth sounds suspiciously like talking point #1 straight out of a capitalist workhouse playbook

    I was waiting for that sort of response but I’ll accept there is some merit in it as what I was arguing could be construed as keeping the masses in their place. But that’s honestly not what I’m getting at, even in your case maybe the desire to get out and ride was heightened by the contrast of work, maybe it wasn’t but a lot of people don’t have other interests that would take up the void not working leaves.

    Personally I get a lot of personal self worth out of my job and really struggled when I was unemployed, maybe I’m an exception but at least I’m assuming that others would struggle like I did.

    Perhaps I just had the “wrong” type of work.

    Or maybe your colleagues didn’t like you 😆

    Free Member

    Because people get a lot more out of work than just a pay packet

    I think that’s true (maybe I lack imagination) but we don’t live in a country that has an excess of labour that needs to be soaked up by low productivity jobs. Quite the opposite.

    I know a lot of people yearn for the days of UBI

    Subsidising people to work for private industry on minimum wage is halfway to UBI!

    Full Member

    Or maybe your colleagues didn’t like you 😆

    Quite possibly true, only had one “proper” well paying job using my degree straight out of uni (gates power transmission) but I only lasted 6months due to my senior manager blaming me for a machinery failure that was due to his fault in not listening to me with regard to a potential major machinery failure issue. I punched him during the investigation meeting as he said it was entirely my fault, I walked out/quit, so yeah……….i can imagine my colleagues didn’t like me much in that job for sure. :)

    Subsidising people to work for private industry on minimum wage is halfway to UBI!

    My last job I had from 2008 ish to 2018 was minimum wage so my pay was subsidised through working tax credit by the government, no different really to ubi

    Full Member

    To equate work = self worth sounds suspiciously like talking point #1 straight out of a capitalist workhouse playbook

    What utter cobblers!

    What is it about those on the left who have this monumentally patronising narrative that if you enjoy your work then you’re some sort of capitalist lackey, an unthinking drone and slave to the military industrial complex

    It really is the most condescending bollocks and seems mostly about an air of superiority in the person making the statement

    Full Member

    Personally I get a lot of personal self worth out of my job and really struggled when I was unemployed

    I had a similar problem when I first retired. It took another ten years before I was actually ready to quit work – and even then I’m still actively doing voluntary work.

    Full Member

    What’s wrong with you binners?, it was a somewhat light hearted comment. I’ve never met nor talked with you in my life but you appear to be on an “attack dog” streak lately with some quite abusive posts towards other users of this forum.

    The sooner we get a functioning forum with the ability to block folk the better as I’d much rather not read nor see another post of yours again.

    Full Member

    This is going a bit off topic.

    Full Member

    So anyway… this election thing…?

    Full Member

    Now’t to read here, just a misunderstanding

    Full Member

    Sorry @somafunk. Nothing personal and apologies if you perceived it as an attack. It wasn’t meant to be.

    Full Member

    I say this in the least argumentative way possible and apologise for taking the thread further off topic but I do agree with somafunk’s statement regarding work and self worth.

    Different people have different metrics, life experiences and expectations. Somafunk is just expressing how some, even many perhaps, feel.

    Each to their own I suppose I’m just saying really and we all have different motivations in life both in work and in a myriad of other ways.

    Anyway, sorry for taking this further off topic.

    Edit: I see everything cooled down whilst I was typing my thesis!😁👍

    Full Member

    Cheers, I’ll edit my post…….. if I could drink I’d raise a beer and virtually chink glasses, forget it happened.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I see a story that the Tories are warning members that the campaign is short of money with a claim that they might start triaging constituencies within 48 hours.

    I thought with all the taxpayers money they’d handed out to mates and cronies, they’d have a huge income stream available to fight the next couple of elections.

    Full Member

    Is there an election?

    Blimey. Next thing, someone will be teling me Joe Cocker is dead.

    Anyway, what about that Diane what’s her name?

    Full Member

    I thought with all the taxpayers money they’d handed out to mates and cronies, they’d have a huge income stream available to fight the next couple of elections.

    I could have swore I read that the Tories had a much larger fighting fund for the GE than Labour did??

    Mind you, a lot of that is going on coke and hookers at the moment as Rome burns but still.

    Full Member

    Within the Labour party the message is that the tories have much more money than us which is probably true; it helps the central messaging and the continued appeals for donations.

    Full Member

    Anyway, what about that Diane what’s her name?

    You really are determined to endlessly bang on about something which you claim is of no interest and importance to anyone, just to prove that it is of no importance! 😂

    You seem as obsessed with Diane Abbott as Keir Starmer was!

    Well until yesterday that is, then suddenly it was strangely no longer important to Starmer whether or not Abbott was a Labour candidate, it was apparently up to her and her constituency.

    Now that this unfortunate and distracting misunderstanding has been cleared up can we move on please?

    Full Member

    Within the Labour party the message is that the tories have much more money than us which is probably true; it helps the central messaging and the continued appeals for donations

    They should get Rishi up in court for paying off a porn star. Apparently Trump has raised 35 million in campaign donations since he was convicted

    Full Member

    Well the Tories can spend no more than £54k per constituency, even if they wanted to. I would be surprised if the Labour war chest was short of the £34m required to cover all 650 constituencies.

    Full Member

    They’ll just spend it on coke and rent boys anyway

    Free Member

    What is it about those on the left who have this monumentally patronising narrative that if you enjoy your work then you’re some sort of capitalist lackey, an unthinking drone and slave to the military industrial complex

    Nobody has said that, but also not everybody (in fact a lot of people) have jobs that are helping them in anyway.

    Would you be happy working on a till in a Supermarket for 40 hours a week for 30 years all while not getting paid enough to live on?  How would your self worth be?

    A good experiment would be to make all jobs pay exactly the same and then see which jobs gets filled/have a queue of people and which jobs don’t.  I say that as an overpaid office worker who would be rather doing a lot of other things if the money was the same.

    Free Member


    Read the 1997 Labour manifesto you linked. There is no mention of tuition fees. Only maintainence is mentioned. They were proposing a pay back system to replace grants but you need to quote if you think they had announced tuition fees which came later when they won the election and the commision discussed both.

    Either way making the poorest pay fees was one of the Tory things Blair did, not the Tories.

    Full Member

    It was Blair himself that u-turned. He promised no tuition fees. Just before the manifesto was published.

    Full Member

    Anyway, what about that Diane what’s her name?

    You really are determined to endlessly bang on about something which you claim is of no interest and importance to anyone, just to prove that it is of no importance! 😂

    Blimey some people were tired and emotional last night!

    In the context of the post referencing Joe Cocker, it clearly wasn’t serious, but away you go, in the same way as binners leaping in with two feet a bit further up.

    Calm down dears, it’s just an election.

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