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    Full Member

    How the hell are you embedding x posts Binners?

    My embedding just stopped. Are you doing anything other than sharing a post?

    Can you share your secret?

    Full Member

    “Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer”

    Does he really really have to go this far this late in the campaign?

    If the goal is to win votes from Richie Rich and Nigel Hitler then that’s probably a sensible approach TBF.

    Full Member

    How the hell are you embedding x posts Binners?


    twitter dot com embeds, x dot com does not.

    Full Member

    If the goal is to win votes from Richie Rich and Nigel Hitler then that’s probably a sensible approach TBF.

    This late in the day with this predicted lead?


    Full Member


    twitter dot com embeds, x dot com does not.

    All-rate … but it did until very recently from my app.

    Full Member


    “Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer”

    Does he really really have to go this far this late in the campaign?

    It’d only give a shedload of ammo to Reform / Tory at the last second. They’d be all “look at Starmer, going against The Will of the People!” and that’s before the likes of the Daily Wail get their headlines into it.

    Full Member

    It’d only give a shedload of ammo to Reform / Tory at the last second. They’d be all “look at Starmer, going against The Will of the People!” and that’s before the likes of the Daily Wail get their headlines into it.

    He just doesn’t need to say it though. He’s said enough.

    Full Member

    “Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer”

    Does he really really have to go this far this late in the campaign?

    Well it is still a bit touch and go whether Rishi Sunak can pull this one off or not.

    Although maybe Starmer has received some worrying medical advice and he is trying to break it to us slowly?

    Full Member

    This late in the day with this predicted lead?

    Pass.  If I’ve learned anything in politics in the last decade, it’s a mistake to be complacent.

    This is an interesting website.  In my constituency, it shows a near-equal split between Tory and Reform.  If they hadn’t split the vote, the Tories would be in danger of winning.  The difference in 2019 between Labour and Tory was a handful of votes.  So, uh, yay Nigel?


    Full Member

    All-rate … but it did until very recently from my app.

    Dunno about that, then.  I don’t use an app.  Maybe it’s rebranded itself internally?

    Full Member

    Well this is encouraging – Opinium have probably been the pollster which have been the least generous to Labour in recent times.


    And even their worse case scenario is hugely encouraging:

    Almost one in ten (8%) of 2019 Conservatives still say they don’t know how they will vote in the general election tomorrow, twice the number of 2019 Labour voters (4%). If they did return to the Conservatives at the very last moment, there could still be a narrowing of a couple of points, although this would still leave Labour with an unprecedentedly large lead in vote share.”

    Full Member

    @monkeyboyjc – Thank you for your efforts re. your parents seeing the real Suella. Sadly, it is going to be another win for the tories but maybe she will resign, or get lost on her trip to America, anything really, anything at all.

    Full Member

    This late in the day with this predicted lead?

    Most people haven’t voted yet. Predictions are worth nothing. Expect a whole load of “surrender to Brussels” nonsense online tonight. If they’ve dragged the yeti PM out of hiding to campaign today, it must mean they want a last day of campaigning on a “freedom from the EU” ticket.

    Full Member

    Does he really really have to go this far this late in the campaign?

    He’s 61. Given that he’s a bit of a boozer it’s probably a simple statement of fact that he won’t be around if and when we ever rejoin the EU. I almost admire his self-awareness. 🙂

    Full Member

    Yup, a decade or more before we even begin the accession process, and another decade to complete it. Anyone still thinking Brexit is a reversable process need to be told the truth. Joining the EU is so far away most of us will never see it. If “trying” a spell of being outside the EU was a thing, then us boring types who thought we could see what we were walking into wouldn’t have been so vocal against it.

    Full Member

    Interview on local news just now with the Tory candidate for High Peak (wherever that is).  She asks – I paraphrase, sorry – “are you still happy to be a Conservative candidate” and his reply is “yes, I think they’re the least bad option.”


    Full Member

    the Tory candidate for High Peak (wherever that is).

    Glossop/Buxton way I think?

    Full Member

    Most people haven’t voted yet. Predictions are worth nothing.

    Why have we been debating polls for years then?

    I think it’s more to do with the Sun endorsing him a short while earlier.

    (I’m not pushing for EU rejoin at all it’s just interesting watching all the remainers roll over on to their backs an agree with whatever Starmer says.)

    Yup, a decade or more before we even begin the accession process, and another decade to complete it.

    I’ve no idea how you can timeframe that.  That’s one of those predictions you just said were worth nothing.

    Full Member

    (I’m not pushing for EU rejoin at all it’s just interesting watching all the remainers roll over on to their backs an agree with whatever Starmer says.)

    Even amongst the Labour faithful on here there are significant policy differences on their and my the wish list.

    None of us will get everything they want, not one of us.

    As for rejoining, id love us to but the population as a whole have absolutely no appetite for another lost decade of arguing and division over it. Most dont like Brexit but that’s not the same as wanting to go through all that crap again.

    People want the NHS fixed, housing, schooling childcare, social care… the list is huge. Even as someone that will never really come to terms with us leaving the EU I am forced to acknowledge that we won’t be rejoining anytime soon. The countries mood will no doubt change over the years but now is not the time to light that stick of dynamite. It consumes all the political oxygen to the detriment of everything else.

    If Labour had campaigned on holding a second referendum they would have been ripped apart in the media, hell, Reform might well have stood down in an effort to stop Brexit being overturned and I doubt we would be looking at a (potential) Labour government come Friday morning.

    Full Member

    (I’m not pushing for EU rejoin at all it’s just interesting watching all the remainers roll over on to their backs an agree with whatever Starmer says.)

    Just watched Nick Thomas-Simmons labour shadow minister without portfolio on C4, he talked a lot, said absolutely nothing – absolutely spot on interview, Starmer will throw him a bonio later..

    Cathy did ask him about keeping open the option of rejoining the customs union at some point in the future (it’d be an easy 3% to 4% of immediate lift) but he ruled it out.

    Full Member

    Yup, a decade or more before we even begin the accession process, and another decade to complete it.

    absolutly no need for it to take thatlong

    People want the NHS fixed, housing, schooling childcare, social care… the list is huge.

    All of which will be much harder outside the EU

    I was beginning to think of voting labour.  That statement has hardened my resolve.  I won’t be.  I cannot vote for brexiteers which is what labour are now.;

    Full Member

    When in history has capitulating to right wing views and projects like brexit resulted in the right going “great we have achieved what we wanted now we will piss off and shut the **** up”?

    There are more votes to be gained by not ruling out a return to the EU, than there are by chasing the racists.

    Full Member

    Meh again, i can’t see us ever rejoining the EU in my lifetime either, Brexit was built to be a one way system, and the French more than helped to make sure any u-turn would cost the UK dearly.

    I can see us joining the single market, and potentially other ‘solutions’ that aren’t fully rejoining, but that’s a moving feast just now with all that’s going on in Europe and Ukraine!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    “Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer”

    Does he really really have to go this far this late in the campaign?

    If it weren’t starmer, I’d say this is basically myth-building… Labour have spent the last X years saying “Blair made us electable” and claiming his platform was the only way to win even though it’s bollocks, and now they’re probably going to spend the next X years saying “Starmer got in on this platform and is the only Labour winner in a generation therefore this is the only valid platform”, exactly the same.

    If you’re certain of winning, you can stop fighting for the victory and start to reshape what that victory means instead of just winning it. Start solidifying positions on the stuff you want to really stick and start retroactively making them key to the win. But it’s Starmer so tbf that’s probably overthinking it, I’m not sure he has anything he really wants to stick.

    Full Member

    The vast majority in the country want to rejoin.

    Free Member

    There are more votes to be gained by not ruling out a return to the EU, than there are by chasing the racists.

    Can you show the research you did to establish this? Why do you think it’s more accurate than the research Labour have undoubtedly done?

    Full Member

    There are more votes to be gained by not ruling out a return to the EU, than there are by chasing the racists.

    It’s not about chasing the racists, it’s about telling people you aren’t going to put the country through years more of arguing and even more division. Most people are no where near as engaged in politics at as the people on here and they voted in large part for Boris in ’19 because they were sick to death of Brexit consuming politics.

    People largely seeing Brexit as a negative is not the same as them wanting to pick the scab off.

    I wish it wasn’t how it was but my wishes count for nothing.

    Full Member

    I know I shouldn’t even say it, but I’ll be disappointed if the Tories are still the second largest party on Friday.

    Free Member

    Zomg +1

    That is my thoughts exactly. My next measure of success now is the sub 100 seats mark

    It’s crazy how everything has been recalibrated

    For me the Tory seat count is more important than a record labour majority

    Free Member

    Would it even be possible to rejoin the EU in under ten years by which time Starmer is in his 70s?

    It’s depressing certainly but it is a statement of reality.

    Free Member

    My Twitter feed, which up until last night was predominately tories trying to scare voters about how bad Labour will be, is now full-on pro Reform.

    Free Member

    Edit – maybe Reform leased a bot-farm over night?

    Full Member

    There are more votes to be gained by not ruling out a return to the EU, than there are by chasing the racists.

    Labour have said they will go back to the table to get a better deal with the EU. Can we start with that please?!

    Rejoining the EU would be great, but let’s be realistic, it will not happen soon because why would the EU want us after we spurned them?

    Better trading relations and maybe a Swiss or Norway style deal might come, but that will be years in the making and will require consistent government to reach that point

    Full Member

    What’s your ultimate scalp you’d like taken tomorrow night people?

    For me it’s got to be Mogg. That would be exquisite.

    It might happen too.


    Full Member

    It’s not about chasing the racists,

    Its 100% about chasing the racist vote in some conbsti9tuencies.  Rationalise it all you want – thats all it is.

    Full Member

    tjagain Full Member
    The vast majority in the country want to rejoin.

    I’d be very happy if we rejoined the EU.

    I’d be delighted if we could just hit Ctrl-Z and go back to being in the EU.

    Would I still vote for re-joining the EU knowing that it would probably be a long and arduous journey, made longer and more arduous by a constant guerrilla war fought against it by Nigel Farage, the Tory party and the right wing media and probably also by some existing EU members annoyed at us for acting like a cat who spent the last hour scratching and meowing to get let out, only to immediately want back in?

    Well yes, I probably would. But I’m not sure everyone else in the country who’d like to be in the EU too would make the same call.

    I am sick and tired and exhausted of living in political “interesting times”. And it’s not just that re-joining the EU would dominate the news for years on end and be the only political subject ever discussed. It would absolutely dominate the government’s attention too.

    As others have said a lot of stuff would be easier to fix if we were in the EU, but if we want to start fixing it all from the 5th of July then we don’t want the government’s attention locked up on EU ascension, putting a lot of everything else on pause for years instead. It’s a paradox and not one that has the simple black-and-white answer you want it to have.

    Would I be happier if Labour sounded less intransigent on Brexit? Hell yes. But I can see why they’re concerned to show any signs of being pro EU. Northwind makes a good point that it would be good if they used their commanding lead to set the agenda rather than play it safe, but after 14 years out of office I’m not surprised that playing it safe is the approach they take, and while I’m disappointed in it I don’t think it means they’re demons for doing it.

    Free Member

    I wonder how the voters in Kent that wanted Brexit and got a lorry park in their back gardens for their troubles will vote?

    over ready deal and all that.

    Full Member

    Labour have said they will go back to the table to get a better deal with the EU. Can we start with that please

    This is 100% a non starter – yes a bit of fiddling around the edges but the EU have moved on and will not revisit the main withdrawal agreement – they are just not going to waste time and energy on this.  There is no significantly better deal available without CU and SM which involves the 4 freedoms which Starmer has ruled out.

    The idea Starmer and co can negotiate a better deal is just one of their lies over brexit.

    Its a binary choice – stay out of the CU and SM or rejoin

    Full Member

    I think the EU thing is more about a mix of reality and shutting off another avenue of attack. It smacks of caution more than anything. I’m hopeful that in ruling some things out, it keeps open other pragmatic possibilities that create better relations and bespoke agreements that are almost as good as rejoining any kind of union, and would be quicker to achieve. Just a hope. I do believe labour is still pro European, but the issue of the EU is totally off limits now

    Free Member

    Britain will not rejoin EU in my lifetime, says Starmer

    Glad I voted Libdem….

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