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    Free Member

    Meanwhile I see Farage has had a spot of trouble with defectors. Apparently, behind the curtain there’s a bit of racism, sexiism and homophobia – who’d a thunk it?

    Ha, this cracked me up when I read it on the BBC earlier.

    I’ve just had a gig come in to play a party on Friday night. Free bar and I’m not driving. I’m going to be a poorly boy on Saturday 😭

    Full Member

    Some of Starmer’s detractors probably (deliberately or subconsciously) lean on the Sir because it makes him seem crooked or a participant in clientelism.

    Well, by all accounts he’s going to fill an already stuff HOL with a load of labour leaning peers in his first weeks to ensure he can counteract the tory stuffing and get legislation through. I can totally understand the logic (and by the sounds of it they are going to be chosen with very different priorities to the tory peers-for-a-favour hoards) but given the public’s misgivings about perceived cronyism in politics it’s not going to be a good luck.

    Full Member

    Booming, Brian-Blessed-voiced, bell-end barrister Geoffrey Cox has just been on radio 4 saying ‘the country is sleepwalking into a single-party, socialist superstate’

    Righto Geoff  😂

    Free Member

    what are peoples plans on election night?  I’ve planned an all nighter and taken Friday off work.  We’ll see how it goes as I can see me having drinks at exit polls and then falling asleep at 3am.

    I’m really looking forward to it (if I manage to stay up).  I plan on having channel 4 on as my mainstay (mad nadz notwithstanding) and then OGWN podcast on Youtube as my second screen option.  Plus Whatsapp convo ‘the two matts’ (New European) as my third screen.  Im going in like William Baldwin in Sliver

    Drinks will be red wine, then possibly whisky cokes for the caffeine (I’ve no longer access to uppers)

    Free Member

    I’ve just had a gig come in to play a party on Friday night

    Do you know “Things can only get better”?

    Full Member

    what are peoples plans on election night?

    Working on one of the Election Counts.

    I did the same thing for the Mayoral Elections recently and it wasn’t too bad. Obviously this one is overnight (starts at 10pm as soon as polls close) so it’ll definitely be an all-nighter, just not involving any alcohol! Anyway, it pays well.

    It’s for a strongly Labour city though so the result there is pretty much certain. I look forward to catching up on the rest of the results though!

    Full Member

    mad nadz notwithstanding)

    You what now….gooogles….****ing ****. What were they thinking. That’ll make very interesting chemistry. Matlis (on the newsagents) and especially Stuart (on RIP) have (to paraphrase) called her a braindead shitgibbon pretty much relentlessly. As much as I’m for freedom of speech, there are limits and giving that turd access to a camera that someone might actually be watching should be a criminal offence.

    But like you I plan to do an all nighter on this. I was on holiday abroad for ’97 but this feels like it could be similar.  Only with a much better array of commentary available than just Peter Snow and his swingometer. I’m basically in it for the carnage; sadly too many senior tories have run for the hills and we’ll miss out on the grimaces at the local counts.

    Full Member

    The irony of it being that postal votes tend to go disproportionately to the Tories as a lot of them are used by pensioners, so they’ve shot themselves in the foot once again.

    You mean Tory voters have been deliberately prevented from exercising their democratic rights?


    (And I’m only half joking)

    Free Member

    Booming, Brian-Blessed-voiced, bell-end barrister Geoffrey Cox has just been on radio 4 saying ‘the country is sleepwalking into a single-party, socialist superstate’

    If only we were, I would be much happier if that was the case.

    Free Member

    You what now….gooogles….****ing ****. What were they thinking. That’ll make very interesting chemistry. Matlis (on the newsagents) and especially Stuart (on RIP) have (to paraphrase) called her a braindead shitgibbon pretty much relentlessly.

    Also the whole trying to privatize C4 thing.

    Full Member

    I’ve taken friday off to watch some of the Portillo moments – which will hopefully get a whole round of new names, like a Mordaunt, Rees-Mogg, Sunak moment – whatever. Staying awake for the exit poll and then the first couple of seats that actually race to finish, then sleep for a bit until 3-4 when the rest of the seats get called.

    Things to keep a look out for: turnout – will it be respectable?; as the Independent pointed out, Starmer’s total vote share at the end. His campaign will be interested in whether he exceeds Corbyn’s 40% from 2017, as some kind of internal metric of success or seeing off voices from the left, that kind of thing. I still stand by my early prediction on page 1 or 2 of this thread that David Miliband will return in some capacity. It’s based on absolutely nothing than a random punt, and I don’t really care either way! :-) Perhaps I should place a bet…

    Full Member

    Rishi’s been out this morning saying they’re going to ‘squeeze’ benefits even more than the Tories have done for the last 14 years.

    Must not reply as to what i’d squeeze of Rishi’s…….

    Full Member

    You what now….gooogles….****ing ****. What were they thinking. That’ll make very interesting chemistry. Matlis (on the newsagents) and especially Stuart (on RIP) have (to paraphrase) called her a braindead shitgibbon pretty much relentlessly

    You know i think watching Mad Nadz cringe and try and bluff her way through all those Portillo moments could be TV Gold for years to come. She’ll attack the bar in the green room and vomit on Krishnan’s shoes

    Full Member

    I think you’d need to see the question

    Its included. Seems straight forward enough

    “Some people talk about ‘left’, ‘right’ and ‘centre’ to describe parties and politicians. With this in mind, where would you place each of the following? Yourself”

    And then the eight choices including unknown.

    So deciding to use simply “fairly left wing” and “fairly right wing” as the measures for the left and right is somewhat odd.

    Either way, generally around the middle is a big chunk of respondents.

    Yes but its nowhere close to a majority which is the point. They cannot win without the left or right but unfortunately the current labour attitude is chase the centre and tell everyone else “who else will you vote for?”

    The other thing that stood out is how low the very and fairly rightwing numbers are.

    As above its also problematic for because its asking people to place themselves without trying to measure how accurate they are. Quite a few raving tories will announce themselves to be centrists whilst saying that Sunak and co are a bunch of lefties.

    If we take this then 2% of people being asked the same question about the tories say its very left wing and 13% that its generally left wing. Which then raises the question of where do they think they are personally.

    Full Member

    what are peoples plans on election night?

    I think my days of staying up all night are over (as I’m well into the ‘dozing off on the sofa’ age demographic) but I’ve already written Friday off, just in case! I’ll be fortifying myself with plenty of cheese and some nice red and see how long I last. I really, really want to see my local Tory MP, James Daly, lose his seat. That’ll be my personal ‘Portillo Moment’ (as he’s an utter ****), but I’m hoping there will be many of those. Who would be the most satisfying? Rees-Mogg? Truss? Rishi himself would be priceless. I live in hope.

    I’ve just had my last leaflet and letter delivery dropped off ready for tomorrow, all individually addressed and targetted acording to ‘the data’, athough what precisely that is I was scared to ask :D

    Free Member

    Why are people obsessed with the “SIR” ? It wasn’t hereditary, he got it by virtue of working his way to the top of a public organization.

    Without wanting to sound like an absolute bootstrapper, working hard, being successful and getting rewarded for it should absolutely be relatable!

    I don’t think its that relatable.  I know a lot of hard working, successful people who have made it to the top of their field/organisation by their early 50’s but not been made a Knight!  I find the whole notion of honours rather bizzare, the only other Knight I’ve spent any real time in the company of was as it happens privately educated, lawyer who did nothing to debunk the stereotype.

    There’s a fundamental problem with the ambition for social mobility through hardwork and being successful – it implies that those who don’t achieve it just didn’t try hard enough / weren’t ambitious enough etc.  Now Sir Keir may not have come from a traditional establishment background, but he went to a selective school which privatised whilst he was there.  His parents were a toolmaker (not sure if you’d heard!) and a nurse.    On the one hand you can style them as being “working class” but those are both skilled jobs attracting moderate incomes, he wasn’t struggling for survival.  His post grad at oxford, his six honorary doctorates he is either exceptional or lucky.  Or perhaps exceptionally lucky!

    To be clear I don’t have a strong objection to him becoming PM – he’s the best of the likely candidates BUT if I had been on his team when he become party leader I’d have told him to drop the Sir.  If he’s that good he doesn’t need the establishment endorsement.  If he’s not that good then the country will just see him as another establishment, private school educated, oxford graduate who has wriggled his way to the top picking up outdated accolades along the way.  I may be wrong about this – but he’s from the SE of England and I suspect that the cow-towing to titles etc sits better in the Home Counties than it does in the north of the country.

    More importantly if I was advising Ed Davey, also a Sir, and Oxford graduate, I’d be telling him to down play that side of his background and play up the “I’m the normal one” card.  Something he seems to be achieving.

    Free Member

    His campaign will be interested in whether he exceeds Corbyn’s 40% from 2017, as some kind of internal metric of success or seeing off voices from the left, that kind of thing.

    I think there’s a single metric that is going to be the beginning and end of that conversation for everyone outside the Islington-Hackney Continuity Front.

    Full Member

    You know i think watching Mad Nadz cringe and try and bluff her way through all those Portillo moments could be TV Gold for years to come

    I am not sure she will. I get the impression she hates at least half of them and as for the rest.

    They will all be victims of the defenestration of Johnson and that if only that hadnt happened it would all be fine.

    Free Member

    what are peoples plans on election night?

    Can anyone show up to the count (or specifically the announcent of the result by the returning officer)? Or do you need to be invited or approved or something?

    Full Member

    to add: also keen to see a Lib Dem take my local Newbury seat, which they are hopeful of doing. Fingers crossed for that for sure. Not a single Tory poster in my area so far, but a few leaflets through the door from crazy independents promising an end to the war on motorists, and an end to the encroachment of the cashless society! All the evils of the modern era.

    Free Member

    There’s a fundamental problem with the ambition for social mobility through hardwork and being successful – it implies that those who don’t achieve it just didn’t try hard enough / weren’t ambitious enough etc. …………

    ………. he is either exceptional or lucky.  Or perhaps exceptionally lucky!

    I’d agree that an amount of being exceptional and luck is required, and to get the “Sir” without being a Tory donor recently probably requires both in spades and to be doing it in the Civil Service rather than the private sector.  And I’ve read the opening chapter of Capitalism too, but within the system we have he’s done a lot better than most.  I can’t see how on the one hand you can say that social mobility is a good thing (it is) and yet on the other complain that people who have achieved social mobility aren’t relatable as a result because they’re an exception.

    The front benches are always going to be made up of a certain type of people, and it’s more important that they can relate to the normal lives of average people than whether normal people can relate to them, because beyond the election that side of the equation is immaterial.

    Full Member

    I think I’m saving any drinking for Friday evening. Shocks can still happen.

    Full Member

    I can’t see how on the one hand you can say that social mobility is a good thing (it is) and yet on the other complain that people who have achieved social mobility aren’t relatable as a result because they’re an exception.

    Social mobility that only a very few experience, but is used as a stick to make everyone work harder with the majority of the benefit going only to a few isn’t really a good thing. It’s a scam, and in my experience those that succeed aren’t the hardest and smartest, they are the bullshitters, the backstabbers and the sociopaths. Society should be working to make everyone’s life better, not just a few examples to create a false narrative.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    It’s not over til the fat lady sings but I no doubt will be checking in at  first light as in previous years, with hope in my heart.

    That’ll be my personal ‘Portillo Moment’ (as he’s an utter ****), but I’m hoping there will be many of those. Who would be the most satisfying? Rees-Mogg? Truss? Rishi himself would be priceless. I live in hope.

    I really want badenoch gone, that would be perfect but I accept it’s a long shot. Shapps would be nice, Jimmy d too. Rishi would be utterly hilarious although he’s such a wally I couldn’t really care less.

    Ooh Hunt. Hmm, that would be satisfying. Then there’s baker of course, and jenkyns. And anyone in the ‘star chamber’

    Full Member

    The Count Binface elction broadcast makes more sense the Tories latest offering. Looks like they’re tripling down on this ‘supermajority’ cobblers. This really is desperate shit!

    Full Member

    Thursday night I dont plan to stay up too late and tbh Ive been far too disappointed too often over the lats few years to start celebrating & enough undecideds likely to go back Tory to give them a last minute boost

    I mean the state of this…

    Exit polls are usually pretty accurate so we will know early on where we stand

    an early indicator will be 12.15am:– Basildon & Billericay- if Holden doesnt get in after parachuting himself in to such a safe seat will be mega lols

    Cannock Chase at 2:15 will be interesting 68th safest Tory seat last time, pretty much a 3 way split between Lab/Ref/Con this time so that will indicate whether reform vote is

    tbh the most likely/possibles ones arent until later:

    3 amBraverman Fareham

    IDS Chingford

    3-30Hunt Godalming

    Shapps Hatfield

    Jenkyns- Leeds south

    Mordaunt Portsmouth

    Mercer Plymouuth

    McVey Tatton

    4amSunak Richmond

    Keegan Chichester

    Brendan Clark-Smith- Bassetlaw

    Cleverly- Braintree

    4-30Mogg Somerset

    5amGullis Stoke

    5-30 Truss Norfolk SW

    6am Baker WYcome

    full list of declaration times

    Thursday July 4
    11.30pm:– Blyth & Ashington
    11.45am:– Houghton & Sunderland South
    Friday July 5
    12.15am:– Basildon & Billericay– Swindon South
    12.30am:– Broxbourne– Sunderland Central
    12.45am:– Cramlington & Killingworth– Washington & Gateshead South
    1am:– Makerfield– Rutherglen– Tynemouth– Wigan
    1.15am:– Newcastle upon Tyne Central & West– Newcastle upon Tyne East & Wallsend– Newcastle upon Tyne North
    1.30am:– Barnsley North– Barnsley South– East Kilbride & Strathaven– Leigh & Atherton– Putney– Tooting

    1.45am:– Hamilton & Clyde Valley– Harrogate & Knaresborough– Leicester South– Swindon North
    2am:– Cambridgeshire North West– Castle Point– Darlington– Dunbartonshire West– Dundee Central– Essex North West– Gateshead Central & Whickham– Glenrothes & Mid Fife– Havant– Hexham– Leicester East– Lewisham East– Lewisham West & East Dulwich– Middlesbrough & Thornaby East– Middlesbrough South & East Cleveland– North Down– Peterborough– Redcar– South Shields– Strangford– Swansea West– Torbay– Tyrone West– Warwickshire North & Bedworth

    2.15am:– Gower– Knowsley– Leicester West– Paisley & Renfrewshire South– Rayleigh & Wickford
    2.30am:– Arbroath & Broughty Ferry– Battersea– Blackburn– Caerphilly– Cannock Chase– Chorley– Clwyd North– Colchester– Durham North– Easington– Fylde– Heywood & Middleton North– Holborn & St Pancras– Jarrow & Gateshead East– Kilmarnock & Loudoun– Lewisham North– Newport West & Islwyn– Norwich South– Nottingham East– Nottingham South– Pendle & Clitheroe– Perth & Kinross-shire– Rochdale– Stratford-on-Avon– Vale of Glamorgan
    2.45am:– Aldershot– Bedfordshire Mid– Bolsover– Burnley– Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard– Folkestone & Hythe– Hampstead & Highgate– Harlow– Paisley & Renfrewshire North

    3am:– Aberdeen North– Aberdeen South– Airdrie & Shotts– Alloa & Grangemouth– Alyn & Deeside– Amber Valley– Antrim East– Bangor Aberconwy– Belfast East– Belfast North– Belfast West– Bexhill & Battle– Blackpool South– Bolton North East– Bolton South & Walkden– Bolton West– Bootle– Bracknell– Brent East– Brent West– Canterbury– Carlisle– Chelsea & Fulham– Cheltenham– Cheshire Mid– Chester North & Neston– Chingford & Woodford Green– Corby & East Northamptonshire– Cowdenbeath & Kirkcaldy– Crawley– Droitwich & Evesham– Dudley– Dwyfor Meirionnydd– Eastleigh– Edmonton & Winchmore Hill– Ellesmere Port & Bromborough– Enfield North– Epping Forest– Epsom & Ewell– Erewash– Fareham & Waterlooville– Fife North East– Forest of Dean– Glasgow North– Gloucester– Great Grimsby & Cleethorpes– Great Yarmouth– Halesowen– Hamble Valley– Hammersmith & Chiswick– Hinckley & Bosworth– Hull East– Huntingdon– Ipswich– Isle of Wight East– Isle of Wight West– Islington North– Islington South & Finsbury– Leyton & Wanstead– Lichfield– Londonderry East– Luton South & South Bedfordshire– Mansfield– Meriden & Solihull East– Midlothian– Mitcham & Morden– Na h-Eileanan an Iar– Newark– Newport East– Nuneaton– Oxford East– Pontypridd– Reading Central– Rhondda & Ogmore– Romford– Romsey & Southampton North– Runcorn & Helsby– Rushcliffe– Sefton Central– Shrewsbury– Skipton & Ripon– Smethwick– Solihull West & Shirley– South Ribble– Southend East & Rochford– Southend West & Leigh– Southgate & Wood Green– St Helens North– St Helens South & Whiston– Stevenage– Stockton West– Stourbridge– Telford– Thanet East– Tipton & Wednesbury– Torfaen– Ulster Mid– Walthamstow– Watford– West Bromwich– Whitehaven & Workington– Widnes & Halewood– Worcester– Wrekin, The– Wrexham– Ynys Mon
    3.15am:– Bristol Central– Caerfyrddin– Eltham & Chislehurst– Erith & Thamesmead– Gosport– Hayes & Harlington– Kingston & Surbiton– Llanelli– Merthyr Tydfil & Aberdare– Northumberland North– Renfrewshire East– Scunthorpe– Stroud– Witney

    3.30am:– Aldridge-Brownhills– Antrim South– Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock– Ayrshire North & Arran– Bedford– Belfast South & Mid Down– Berwickshire, Roxburgh & Selkirk– Bethnal Green & Stepney– Bexleyheath & Crayford– Birmingham Edgbaston– Birmingham Erdington– Bristol East– Bristol South– Burton & Uttoxeter– Bury North– Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket– Chester South & Eddisbury– Chesterfield– Chichester– Chippenham– Cities of London & Westminster– Coatbridge & Bellshill– Coventry East– Coventry North West– Coventry South– Cumbernauld & Kirkintilloch– Derbyshire South– Devon South– Dover & Deal– Dumfries & Galloway– Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale & Tweeddale– Dunbartonshire Mid– Durham, City of– Ealing Central & Acton– Ealing North– Ealing Southall– Esher & Walton– Exeter– Frome & East Somerset– Gainsborough– Gedling– Glasgow East– Godalming & Ash– Harrow East– Harrow West– Hartlepool– High Peak– Hull North & Cottingham– Hull West & Haltemprice– Hyndburn– Inverclyde & Renfrewshire West– Lancaster & Wyre– Leeds Central & Headingley– Leeds East– Leeds North East– Leeds North West– Leeds South West & Morley– Leeds South– Leeds West & Pudsey– Leicestershire North West– Liverpool Garston– Liverpool Riverside– Liverpool Walton– Liverpool Wavertree– Liverpool West Derby– Lowestoft– Luton North– New Forest East– Newton Abbot– Norfolk Mid– Nottingham North & Kimberley– Old Bexley & Sidcup– Oldham East & Saddleworth– Oldham West, Chadderton & Royton– Penrith & Solway– Plymouth Moor View– Plymouth Sutton & Devonport– Portsmouth North– Portsmouth South– Preston– Queen’s Park & Maida Vale– Rawmarsh & Conisbrough– Reigate– Rother Valley– Rotherham– Scarborough & Whitby– Sheffield Brightside & Hillsborough– Sheffield South East– Sleaford & North Hykeham– Slough– South Down– South Holland & The Deepings– Stafford– Staffordshire Moorlands– Stirling & Strathallan– Suffolk Coastal– Surrey East– Sutton Coldfield– Tatton– Walsall & Bloxwich– Wells & Mendip Hills– Welwyn Hatfield– Wolverhampton North East– Wolverhampton South East– Wolverhampton West– Worcestershire West– Wyre Forest
    3.45am:– Birmingham Hall Green & Moseley– Birmingham Hodge Hill & Solihull North– Brighton Kemptown & Peacehaven– Bristol North East– Bristol North West– Bromsgrove– Carshalton & Wallington– East Ham– Glasgow South West– Glasgow West– Grantham & Bourne– Hertfordshire South West– Hertsmere– Redditch– Ribble Valley– Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner– Sutton & Cheam– Tamworth– Wimbledon
    4am:– Aberafan Maesteg– Altrincham & Sale West– Aylesbury– Ayrshire Central– Barking– Barrow & Furness– Basildon South & East Thurrock– Basingstoke– Bassetlaw– Bath– Bathgate & Linlithgow– Beckenham & Penge– Bedfordshire North– Bermondsey & Old Southwark– Beverley & Holderness– Birkenhead– Birmingham Ladywood– Birmingham Northfield– Bishop Auckland– Blackpool North & Fleetwood– Blaenau Gwent & Rhymney– Blaydon & Consett– Bognor Regis & Littlehampton– Boston & Skegness– Braintree– Brecon, Radnor & Cwm Tawe– Bridgend– Bridlington & the Wolds– Brigg & Immingham– Broadland & Fakenham– Buckinghamshire Mid– Bury South– Cambridge– Cambridgeshire South– Cardiff East– Cardiff South & Penarth– Ceredigion Preseli– Chelmsford– Clacton– Clwyd East– Cotswolds North– Cotswolds South– Dagenham & Rainham– Dartford– Devon Central– Devon North– Dunfermline & Dollar– East Grinstead & Uckfield– Eastbourne– Falkirk– Fermanagh & South Tyrone– Foyle– Glasgow North East– Glasgow South– Glastonbury & Somerton– Goole & Pocklington– Greenwich & Woolwich– Guildford– Hampshire East– Hampshire North East– Hampshire North West– Harborough, Oadby & Wigston– Harpenden & Berkhamsted– Harwich & North Essex– Hertford & Stortford– Hornchurch & Upminster– Hornsey & Friern Barnet– Kenilworth & Southam– Kettering– Lancashire West– Lothian East– Macclesfield– Melksham & Devizes– Moray West, Nairn & Strathspey– Morecambe & Lunesdale– Motherwell, Wishaw & Carluke– New Forest West– Newton Aycliffe & Spennymoor– Norfolk North– Norfolk South– Norwich North– Peckham– Pembrokeshire Mid & South– Penistone & Stocksbridge– Richmond & Northallerton– Richmond Park– Rossendale & Darwen– Rugby– Salisbury– Sevenoaks– Sheffield Central– Sheffield Heeley– Sherwood Forest– Sittingbourne & Sheppey– St Neots & Mid Cambridgeshire– Stockport– Stockton North– Stone, Great Wyrley & Penkridge– Stretford & Urmston– Suffolk Central & North Ipswich– Suffolk South– Suffolk West– Sussex Mid– Sussex Weald– Thurrock– Tottenham– Twickenham– Upper Bann– Wakefield & Rothwell– Wallasey– Warwick & Leamington– Waveney Valley– Wellingborough & Rushden– West Ham & Beckton– Westmorland & Lonsdale– Wiltshire East– Wiltshire South West– Wirral West– Witham– Woking– Yeovil– York Central– York Outer
    4.15am:– Birmingham Perry Barr– Birmingham Selly Oak– Clapham & Brixton Hill– Dorking & Horley– Dulwich & West Norwood– Feltham & Heston– Kingswinford & South Staffordshire– Shropshire South– Streatham & Croydon North– Uxbridge & South Ruislip– Vauxhall & Camberwell Green

    4.30am:– Antrim North– Ashfield– Ashford– Birmingham Yardley– Blackley & Middleton South– Bournemouth East– Bournemouth West– Bradford West– Brentford & Isleworth– Brentwood & Ongar– Bridgwater– Brighton Pavilion– Cambridgeshire North East– Cardiff North– Christchurch– Crewe & Nantwich– Derby North– Derby South– Derbyshire Dales– Derbyshire North East– Dorset South– Edinburgh East & Musselburgh– Edinburgh North & Leith– Edinburgh South West– Edinburgh South– Edinburgh West– Faversham & Mid Kent– Gorton & Denton– Gravesham– Kensington & Bayswater– Lagan Valley– Leicestershire South– Lincoln– Livingston– Maidstone & Malling– Manchester Central– Manchester Rusholme– Manchester Withington– Milton Keynes Central– Monmouthshire– Montgomeryshire & Glyndwr– Neath & Swansea East– Newry & Armagh– Norfolk North West– Normanton & Hemsworth– Pontefract, Castleford & Knottingley– Poole– Poplar & Limehouse– Reading West & Mid Berkshire– Runnymede & Weybridge– Shropshire North– Somerset North East & Hanham– Southport– Stratford & Bow– Surrey Heath– Taunton & Wellington– Tunbridge Wells– Weald of Kent– Worthing East & Shoreham– Worthing West– Wythenshawe & Sale East
    4.45am:– Aberdeenshire North & Moray East– Cardiff West– Hove & Portslade– Milton Keynes North– Rutland & Stamford– Tiverton & Minehead
    5am:– Aberdeenshire West & Kincardine– Banbury– Bicester & Woodstock– Bradford East– Bromley & Biggin Hill– Broxtowe– Buckingham & Bletchley– Calder Valley– Camborne & Redruth– Cheadle– Congleton– Cornwall North– Cornwall South East– Daventry– Devon South West– Didcot & Wantage– Doncaster Central– Doncaster East & the Isle of Axholme– Doncaster North– Dorset Mid & North Poole– Dorset North– Earley & Woodley– Ely & East Cambridgeshire– Exmouth & Exeter East– Filton & Bradley Stoke– Gillingham & Rainham– Hackney North & Stoke Newington– Hackney South & Shoreditch– Halifax– Hastings & Rye– Hemel Hempstead– Henley & Thame– Hereford & South Herefordshire– Herefordshire North– Hertfordshire North East– Hitchin– Honiton & Sidmouth– Inverness, Skye & West Ross-shire– Keighley & Ilkley– Lewes– Louth & Horncastle– Maidenhead– Maldon– Melton & Syston– Newbury– Newcastle-under-Lyme– Northampton North– Northampton South– Orpington– Ossett & Denby Dale– Rochester & Strood– Salford– Sheffield Hallam– Shipley– Somerset North– Southampton Itchen– Southampton Test– Spelthorne– St Albans– St Austell & Newquay– St Ives– Stoke-on-Trent Central– Stoke-on-Trent North– Stoke-on-Trent South– Tewkesbury– Thornbury & Yate– Truro & Falmouth– Warrington North– Warrington South– Weston-super-Mare– Winchester– Windsor– Worsley & Eccles
    5.15am:– Gordon & Buchan
    5.30am:– Angus & Perthshire Glens– Arundel & South Downs– Ashton-under-Lyne– Bradford South– Caithness, Sutherland & Easter Ross– Chipping Barnet– Derbyshire Mid– Dewsbury & Batley– Dorset West– Finchley & Golders Green– Hazel Grove– Hendon– Herne Bay & Sandwich– Horsham– Leicestershire Mid– Loughborough– Norfolk South West– Orkney & Shetland– Stalybridge & Hyde– Tonbridge
    5.45am:– Spen Valley
    6am:– Beaconsfield– Chatham & Aylesford– Chesham & Amersham– Colne Valley– Croydon East– Croydon South– Croydon West– Northamptonshire South– Oxford West & Abingdon– Thirsk & Malton– Torridge & Tavistock– Wokingham– Wycombe
    6.15am:– Huddersfield
    6.30am:– Argyll, Bute & South Lochaber– Farnham & Bordon– Ilford North– Ilford South– Selby– Wetherby & Easingwold

    right i really better go and do some work now

    Full Member

    That’ll be my personal ‘Portillo Moment’ (as he’s an utter ****), but I’m hoping there will be many of those. Who would be the most satisfying? Rees-Mogg? Truss? Rishi himself would be priceless. I live in hope.

    Rees-Mogg. He’s a thoroughly loathsome individual and he’s in a super-safe Tory seat so if he goes it’ll be really something.

    I think / hope our MP is toast, It’s a very marginal seat anyway (like, about 800 votes in it last time it flipped from Labour to Tory) so he’s done all he can to hide the fact he’s a Tory. Lots of “not blue” coloured election leaflets, use of the phrase “independently minded” and a very tiny Conservative logo tucked down in a corner somewhere.

    Full Member

    what are peoples plans on election night?

    I’ll be taking part in a pub quiz after voting then heading home to see what the 10 O’clock News has to say, hopefully with the exit polls. Then I’m going to bed and waking up to a glorious new world at 6:30 on Friday morning.

    Does anyone have any idea about what time to expect the final counts to be completed?

    Free Member

    There’s a fundamental problem with the ambition for social mobility through hardwork and being successful

    No-one is making the stupid and circular argument that social mobility should be a matter of hard work and success.

    You’re reaching so hard to portray Starmer as “another establishment, private school educated, oxford graduate who has wriggled his way to the top” that you’re gonna need a physio by election day!

    Full Member

    Does anyone have any idea about what time to expect the final counts to be completed?

    see my post above, took me ages!

    Full Member

    I have a fear about the reality of Friday morning not being as tory-crushingly-wondrous as maybe some of us hope. Can’t shake the notion that comments like that posted above using language like ‘socialist state’ will have an impact. Fingers crossed though.

    Free Member

    You’re reaching so hard to portray Starmer as “another establishment, private school educated, oxford graduate who has wriggled his way to the top” that you’re gonna need a physio by election day!

    +1 and probably the first time I’ve ever agreed with anything PCA has posted :-)

    And this, seriously?

    Now Sir Keir may not have come from a traditional establishment background, but he went to a selective school which privatised whilst he was there.

    So he was bright enough to pass the exams (I went to a Grammar School too, and so did my folks) and the school happened to change to full private while he was there, (but his folks didn’t pay).

    So attending Grammar School is now classed as ‘establishment’ – utter ballcocks!

    Free Member

    what are peoples plans on election night?

    I’ll be staying up, the 4th is also my dogs 1st birthday so double celebrations in my household. Not a fan of caffeine but I’m sure I’ll be able to stay awake.

    It will be the first time that my vote in a GE has actually meant anything, all the previous ones having been living in a safe Conservative seat.

    Full Member

    I have a fear about the reality of Friday morning not being as tory-crushingly-wondrous as maybe some of us hope.

    I’ve thought all along that loads of the racist pensioners and general bastards are going to tell pollsters one thing, then in the polling booth they’ll allow the pen to hover for a moment over the Reform box before their muscle memory defaults to Tory.

    One things for sure….  those running the Labour campaign are pretty much ignoring the polling and taking absolutely nothing for granted.

    Full Member

    Society should be working to make everyone’s life better,

    Absolutely. We need equality of opportunity to help everyone reach their potential and liftveach other socially and economically.

    but is used as a stick to make everyone work harder

    Depends very much how it is used and perceived. Plenty of unis and employers are keen to support it, though I agree it needs to start at birth.

    It’s a scam, and in my experience those that succeed aren’t the hardest and smartest, they are the bullshitters, the backstabbers and the sociopaths

    Which is pretty **** insulting to my lad who went to a failing secondary but graduated last week from Cambridge and has a great graduate job lined up, while continuing to work and support the youth groups and organisations that supported him.

    There are people out there who are bright, have talent, and a work ethic to succeed. They need supporting and encouraging, not being put down for their efforts. It’s the lack of support and ambition and wider negative attitudes that stifles people even trying.

    Full Member

    see my post above, took me ages!

    Cheers, I think you must have posted it as I was typing.

    Free Member

    I’ve got my conservative wipe out bingo card ready , from the latest issue of the ‘New European’. It’s going to be getting a hammering. Every seat they’re putting up a candidate is on it

    Full Member

    The irony of it being that postal votes tend to go disproportionately to the Tories as a lot of them are used by pensioners, so they’ve shot themselves in the foot once again.

    You mean Tory voters have been deliberately prevented from exercising their democratic rights?


    (And I’m only half joking)

    Postal voting may have saved the tories a worse result – I’ve seen voxpops of Tory voters who had posted their votes before Rishi’s D-Day Debacle and were now regretting it

    Full Member

    The centrist nutters taking the biggest share at 21% with the “off centres” making up 12% and 14%.

    Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I’ve always been of the opinion that the majority of the population want to be comfortable and happy. Add in the 14% of slightly left of centre and you have a good mix for social democracy. Only 10% are fairly or very right wing. I wish this was recognised in political circles but they mostly seem to be polarising the electorate.

    Note though that 23% are don’t know. Assuming those are distributed equally across the other categories, the numbers become:

    Very Left 5% Fairly Left 18% Slightly Left 18% Centre 27% Slightly Right 16% Fairly Right 10% Very Right 3%

    So centre plus slightly left and right represent 61%. Fairly Left plus Slightly Left plus Centre = 63%

    I’ll be coming back to look at these figures again once we get to see the actual vote share amongst the parties following the election.

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