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    Free Member

    Anne Widecombe, didn’t realise she was still alive

    That’s just the host preparing to discard the husk

    2010 – 2024 government achievements? Same sex marriage.

    That’s it.

    Have a squint at the Atlee government record for comparison. You’ll not be disappointed

    Full Member

    Anne Widecombe, didn’t realise she was still alive.

    She’s a member of the undead isn’t she?

    Full Member

    2010 – 2024 government achievements?

    I think this pretty much sums things up….


    Full Member

    Farage is going to boycott the BBC because they are nasty to him and picked a QT audience that he didn’t like.  Its so unfaIR!  iTS A COINSPIRACY!

    Free Member

    2010 – 2024 government achievements? Same sex marriage.

    1. Didn’t they need Labour support to pass the bill because so many of their own MPs opposed it.
    2. One of the deals done to get it through was to agree to a vote on a Brexit referendum.
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    Free Member

    Farage’s ill-fitting double-breasted suit looks a little like a military tunic (for someone much larger than him, obviously)

    I don’t know why, but, the look is basically exactly what everyone making a steampunk wargame instantly jumps to for their officers. I mean, there’s not that many steampunk wargames really so that makes it weirder that it’s happened at least 4 times. The only thing missing is some goggles and a pith helmet, and a sort of cod-fascist flag with cogs on.

    But he couldn’t look more like he should be sticking out the top of a clockwork mech basically.

    Full Member

    Farage is going to boycott the BBC because they are nasty to him

    I can rent him a fridge to hide in

    Full Member

    2010 – 2024 government achievements? Same sex marriage.
    Didn’t they need Labour support to pass the bill because so many of their own MPs opposed it.]

    They did indeed.

    Free Member

    I’m glad the ‘MSM’ (well Sky news) have picked up on the young conservative nazi fanboy’s (and possibly girls) at Warwick Uni.

    1) It’s pretty awful. Actually probably more shocking/disappointing than “purple-faced Clacton landlord doesn’t like minorities”. Clearly some of the crowd knew the song already, but even if you didn’t know it, wouldn’t it seem a bit weird for a German polka to come on? Like a socialist student group playing Katyusha.

    2) There did seem to be glimpses of a couple of Nazi fangirls but it seems to have overwhelmingly been a bratwurst party.

    Full Member

    Oh dear, the far right eating itself.

    Reform UK candidate disowns party and backs Tories

    Liam Booth-Isherwood, the Reform UK candidate for Erewash, said there is a “significant moral issue” in parts of the party following what he called “reports of widespread racism and sexism”.

    Not sure how this is all a surprise to him!?


    Free Member

    I can rent him a fridge to hide in

    I dont suppose you also live next to the sea and have access to a trebuchet?

    Full Member

    I dont suppose you also live next to the sea and have access to a trebuchet?

    Answer to question 1 is yes

    Answer to question 2, funnily enough is yes too,

    Full Member

    1) It’s pretty awful. Actually probably more shocking/disappointing than “purple-faced Clacton landlord doesn’t like minorities”. Clearly some of the crowd knew the song already, but even if you didn’t know it, wouldn’t it seem a bit weird for a German polka to come on? Like a socialist student group playing Katyusha.

    I just find it a weird thing, I’m an oldie and I can’t name or know any hitler yoof songs.

    Full Member

    I see Farage is absolutely going full trump at the NEC today, the rally to the true believers and the anti MSM/ woke stuff blah blah…

    Not a Trump Rally, the NEC with Farage:


    Ok, it’s the union flag but there’s is something truly 1930’s about this pic.


    Free Member

    2010 – 2024 government achievements? Same sex marriage.

    Didn’t they need Labour support to pass the bill because so many of their own MPs opposed it

    To be fair…it was the Lib Dems that proposed it within the coalition. It was Cameron that made sure it got parliamentary time. Labour hadn’t got around to it in all their years in government and didn’t propose it in opposition. Tories and Labour whips alike made it a free vote/vote of conscience so MPs did not have to vote with their party. And 22 Labour MPs (disproportionately from Scotland and the North of England) voted against it.



    Free Member

    Answer to question 1 is yes

    Answer to question 2, funnily enough is yes too,

    I… have a cunning plan….

    Free Member

    What is it about reform candidates and double barreled surnames. They seem to crop up all the time

    To be honest, I thought they’d be more “Hang out your washing on the Siegfried Line”

    Full Member

    Ok, it’s the union flag but there’s is something truly 1930’s about this pic.

    Must watch “The Wall” again.

    Full Member

    I just find it a weird thing, I’m an oldie and I can’t name or know any hitler yoof songs.

    You haven’t watched “Cabaret”?

    Full Member

    Reform are truly giving the older generations a bad name.


    Full Member

    Reform are truly giving the older generations a bad name.

    All just one loud popped balloon away from a heart attack

    Full Member

    That looks like an OAP disco if school kids were OAPs

    Free Member

    I honestly thought that picture was a Cold war Steve!

    Full Member

    At 55 I admit that I’m not as excited by change as I once was, I now see that change is not necessarily not for the better. I also look back on my younger years with a rose tinted fondness that I think is inevitable really. All that said, I don’t feel I’ve lurched to the right in my ways of thinking. I’m still “live and let live” and genuinely try not to break rule 1. I’m fallible but I try.

    So the lurch to the right as many get older really saddens me.

    Free Member

    That is a very misleading graph. It shows a line going down under labour but if you read the small print it’s the % change in waiting lists (is it year on year? I guess it’s something like that), and never dips below 100 so the waiting lists were increasing every year under labour, just at a slower rate than the Tories.

    I’m not saying Labour aren’t better for the NHS, but it shouldn’t take abuse of statistics to demonstrate that

    Free Member

    The original graph from the FT doesn’t have it showing a % change.


    Full Member

    The way I interpret is that the lowest point is given 100 and the other points are related to that. So for example if the waiting list in 2010 was 1 million then in 2000 it was 2.3 million and it’s now over 3 million. However that graph is interpreted one thing for sure is that the waiting list has gone up to beyond where it was in the 90s under the Tories despite having been in decline for 10 years under Labour.

    Free Member

    I think waiting lists could be getting larger simply because the population is increasing (and ageing) and there’ll be more people wanting operations.  So even if performance stayed the same the number would go up.

    Free Member

    getting larger simply because the population is increasing

    that’s why having a competent government matters :?

    Full Member

    @5lab; No, waiting list in absolutes was decreasing under labour. A quick google found this which is last couple of years of the labour admin but shows decline and then increase.


    The graphs in earlier posts as % change can’t be, even allowing for 100% change would mean doubling and assuming that means actually static, a change of 200% or 300% would mean doubling or trebling on a yearly basis and compounding that leads to grain of rice on a chessboard sized numbers very quickly.

    Full Member

    Farage’s ill-fitting double-breasted suit looks a little like a military tunic (for someone much larger than him, obviously)

    I’m reminded of Larry Grayson for some reason

    Full Member

    and to Molgrips – correct but even normalising for population, and being charitable and discounting the post covid numbers, from 2010 at about 2.5m to 2020 at 4.5m the population went from about 63m to about 67m

    2.5m in 2010 increasing by the same rate as population would get you to about 2.66m

    Full Member

    Must watch “The Wall” again.

    Full Member

    I’m reminded of Larry Grayson for some reason

    shut that door…….on yer way out and **** off for good

    Free Member

    We are being priced out of having a family…. 

    having kids is now a luxury many can’t afford…. what state to get into :?

    Full Member

    Being an NHS worker there is no doubt in my mind that the NHS improved under labour.  the main issue was still money.  Even at its best NHS funding was well short of the european mean and well short of what is needed.

    Don’t expect much improvement with an incoming labour government.  They are not prepared to fund it properly nor to have the harsh conversations about what the NHS should cover and Streeting is not to be trusted.  He has already been told by all the NHS professionals that his plans will not work and his answer is to say he will pick fights with them.

    The last thing the NHS needs is another round of major reorganising – its just needs a basic rationalisation  of the fake market nonsense and increased funding.  Reorganisation if needed can be dealt with later.  the first prioritry is more funding.  significantly more.

    Full Member

    Surely a lot was to do with lansley reforms moving social care responsibility to councils &  then decinating their funding with austerity.

    NHS ends up with chronic bed blocking because nowhere to discharge oaps too & everything backs up (certainly what I saw interacting with cancer surgeries, especially in winter)

    Full Member

    yes that is a major issue – not so much the social care moving to councils or even the privitisation of it but the total lack of funding for it.  social care is very poor much of the time.  Funding is so poor that carers get barely minimum wage – which means its very hard to recruit staff, which means delays in getting folk discharged.  This is a problem that can only be solved with money – lots of it.

    Free Member

    The NHS just killed my FiL. 6 months ago he was living independently. He fell and broke his elbow (only) and under their care basically never took another step. His funeral is tomorrow.

    Full Member

    This is a problem that can only be solved with money – lots of it.

    There’s an alternative but it doesn’t appear to be palatable. Euthanasia and minimal medical interventions for the over 70’s were there isn’t a significant benefit in active quality of life.

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