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    seen on twitter

    “I think the way the MSM has treated the Conservatives and Reform over the campaign is nothing short of a national disgrace, and I recommend all supporters put an X in both boxes on Thursday to register their anger”

    Made me laugh, I wonder if any will go for it.

    I’m working on one of the General Election counting stations, I’ll let you know. ;-)

    Full Member

    “I think the way the MSM has treated the Conservatives and Reform over the campaign is nothing short of a national disgrace, and I recommend all supporters put an X in both boxes on Thursday to register their anger”

    I wonder if that’s actually been posted by a lefty, deep, deep, deep undercover.

    but I'm going deep, deep, deep undercover.

    Ive been reminding Tory voters to get out and vote in the 5th.😉

    Just as a wind up as obviously they aren’t that daft but the replies are “amusing”.

    Full Member

    Theres now video of  Farage  being up staged by putin


    Full Member

    Wonderful! They can’t even take the bloody thing down! 😂

    I bet it Nige is having a big dose of paranoia these days. 👍😁

    You know that although he tries to make light of it, he goes off stage later and verbally kicks the shit out of his team!

    Full Member

    Superb 👏

    II just wish that he personally tried to take it down.

    Full Member

    That’s priceless! 😂

    Free Member

    Farage’s ill-fitting double-breasted suit looks a little like a military tunic (for someone much larger than him, obviously).

    Full Member

    ^^ Farage seems to be having his very own Portillo (clothing) moment these days.

    Bit ot but did anyone read anything about Portillo declaring support for Reform or something? Not sure if it was a fever dream or something.

    Full Member

    It’s not the blazer that worries me it’s that he’s wearing korma coloured pyjamas underneath it with a natty lavender tie (to mask the smell of wee)

    Full Member

    His clothing looks like the bastard offspring of Portillo and Rees-Mogg 😂

    Full Member

    Farage’s ill-fitting double-breasted suit looks a little like a military tunic (for someone much larger than him, obviously).

    Apparently he’s the same height as Sunak?

    Free Member

    All the other stuff he said too… about killing immigrants if they are picked up in an ambulance for instance.

    Yeah, had a bit of an Aktion T4 ring to it, I imagine he gets a hardon over sonder wagen.

    Full Member

    His clothing looks like the bastard offspring of Portillo and Rees-Mogg

    In that clip the double-breasted jacket in a contrasting colour to his trousers was pure Adolf Hitler.

    He just needed the swastika  armband to complete the look.

    Full Member

    In that clip the double-breasted jacket in a contrasting colour to his trousers was pure Adolf Hitler.

    Now you mention it, you’re spot on there.

    Full Member

    I love the fact that the putin poster was robust enough and didn’t hang so low as to make it too easy to pull down.

    Whoever you are, I owe you a drink!!!!!

    Free Member

    Random thought I had earlier:

    Can opposition parties form a coalition to give themselves more chance of being the official opposition?

    Free Member


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    Whoever you are, I owe you a drink!!!!!

    You can here…


    Full Member

    I feel this whole gleeful Tory’s are toast meme isn’t going to age well when we are faced with proper naked facism

    Yep, what comes next might be very bad, the only saving grace is that time is not on the side of the older reform/Tory voters with xenophobic views and Trump.

    Free Member

    Which is why the parties should have attractive policies to people under 30.  Maybe scrap student loans, no tax requirement until 30 years old, housing subsidies and so on.

    If you can get younger people more engaged they will start to drown out the old reform/tory **** but you have to be offering something to them to give them a step up to even come a bit closer to the boomers situation.  It doesn’t look like any parties are bothering to me.

    Free Member

    @kerley we tried that under he who is not allowed to be named, seemingly we’re never allowed to do that again.

    It doesn’t help that any young person engaged enough to actually get elected (Ross Greer, Mhairi Black etc.) just get roundly ridiculed. Almost like anyone not pandering to Gen X or older isn’t welcome. Wonder why?

    Full Member

    Young tories at Warwick uni signing Hitler youth songs

    Apparently it’s popular with the far right on TikTok at the moment

    Genuine WTF?

    Free Member

    Twas ever so. Young Conservatives have always been wrong uns.

    In their (very limited) defence, they are young, probably don’t fully understand the significance and stupidity, and it’s in the vein of “We are Millwall, everyone hates us, we don’t care” type bravado.

    I wonder how many of them realise that if they’re identified from this video, that’s the end of their political careers? And rightly so.

    Full Member

    Apparently Rishi has said that the country is in a better place now than it was in 2010…..

    Is he trying to prove outright he has no connection with reality?

    Free Member

    I spent a few seconds too long reading Reform tweets to get in the mind of the enemy and now the algorithm is deluging me with facist nutters

    I must say Liz Kershaw was a suprise! Always remembered her as someone who played great music back in the day when the radio was the only place to hear new stuff

    Full Metal Hat now

    Full Member

    Isn’t this the problem once you start using the MSM and sheeple rhetoric you just end up in the batshit crazy mob, there’s no middle ground.

    Full Member

    No doubt there were some polls that said Corbyn would beat Johnson

    I doubt that.

    And I think that most polls showed that Sanders was the best placed Democrat to beat Trump, it wasn’t just the odd outlier.

    Full Member

    In the interests of research I watched a bit (only a bit – I’m not a masochist) of QT on iPlayer, and Farridge did get quite a bit of stick from the audience. Probably a bit of a surprise to him considering the deference usually displayed by the Beeb.

    Free Member

    That Farage video is excellent

    Full Member

    Full Member
    In the interests of research I watched a bit (only a bit – I’m not a masochist) of QT on iPlayer, and Farridge did get quite a bit of stick from the audience. Probably a bit of a surprise to him considering the deference usually displayed by the Beeb.

    Farage has had a hall pass for way, way too long hasn’t he?

    Full Member

    I’ve just been reading a few Sunday paper summaries – last set of sundays before the actual election. And one thing that has struck me is how anonymous some of the previous visible conservatives have been. I know some aren’t standing again but Priti Patel, Mark Francois, Ree-Mogg, etc, …… have barely been seen. Do they not endorse Rishi, are they too toxic to be let out, what’s the deal?

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Apparently Rishi has said that the country is in a better place now than it was in 2010….. Yeah, I saw that.

    I can’t see a single government run aspect of society that’s better than in 2010. As a country we are far more divided too.

    I don’t think for a second he believes it either. However, his life and that of the cronies are undoubtedly better and by better I mean richer.

    Full Member

    Do they not endorse Rishi, are they too toxic to be let out, what’s the deal?

    This election is already history to them. They are either on manoeuvres or behind the scenes drumming up support for those that are.

    Full Member

    And one thing that has struck me is how anonymous some of the previous visible conservatives have been. I know some aren’t standing again but Priti Patel, Mark Francois, Ree-Mogg, etc, …… have barely been seen. Do they not endorse Rishi, are they too toxic to be let out, what’s the deal?

    Hopefully they’ve been decommissioned and their body parts put to better use, such as bait for creel fishermen/bottom feeders

    Full Member

    Do they not endorse Rishi, are they too toxic to be let out, what’s the deal?

    Political genius and delusional,  ego-crazed narcissist that he is, it was Rishi’s decision to make this a presidential style election campaign with himself front and centre

    I’m sure that the rest of the cabinet were more than happy to go along with that, given the polling

    Free Member

    I can’t see a single government run aspect of society that’s better than in 2010

    Corruption beneficiary returns? Pretty small segment of society admittedly.

    Full Member

    Apparently this afternoon tiktok took down a line stream from a Reform event following hate speech from Anne Widecombe, didn’t realise she was still alive.

    Full Member

    I’m glad the ‘MSM’ (well Sky news) have picked up on the young conservative nazi fanboy’s (and possibly girls) at Warwick Uni.

    With little bit of luck it’ll at least bugger up their nascent political careers.

    Full Member

    I’ve just listened to Rishi’s interview this morning with Kuenssberg. Dear god, even by his recent standards he was ultra-tetchy, bad-tempered, irritable and condescending. Does he really believe that the tone he takes in this situations – just shouting the same pre-prepared soundbites over and over – makes him look like anything other than a petulant toddler?

    Nicely summed up, along with Oliver Dowdens car crash interview, by John Crace

    Dim Dowden is not the right Tory frontman to energise flatlining campaign

    So it was a rather breathless and even tetchier than normal Sunak that found himself talking to Kuenssberg at about 9.30am. If only the country would show more gratitude to him for the things he had done on its behalf. Laura could barely get a word in edgeways. I’m not sure who told Rish! that a feisty, entitled and condescending manner was the way to endear himself to the public. Maybe he just can’t help himself. Perhaps he’s just not a very nice man.

    Full Member

    With little bit of luck it’ll at least bugger up their nascent political careers

    Or even enhance them if we go full fasc over the next decade.

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