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    “This is the first time I’ve EVER had any respect for him.

    **** him, **** him and **** him again, about time he got a taste of his own party’s vile rhetoric thrown at him.

    Free Member

    sorry if I upset your delicate sensitivities.

    Nah, you just devalued what could have been constructive content with insult.

    I get the “where do you really come from”, I’m an immigrant, and depending on how I think it’s meant answer the question without complex or just keep replying with where I am till they make fools of themselves.

    I don’t cat call.

    I don’t get beyond “bonjour/bonsoir” unless a stranger takes the lead.

    I’ve dressed up in my wife’s clothes and taken my kid to school when there was an idiot anti-gay, anti homosexual preacher outside the school handing out homophobic leaflets for his church (I live 100m from the school so when I saw him went home and changed for the confrontation) – the support I got from other parents showed how much support there was for trans/homo – take heart from the acceptance of the majority and ignore the few idiots because there will always be idiots.

    And cross-dresser seems like a perfectly reasonable non gender specific term for someone who dresses in clothes usually associated with the other sex.

    Full Member

    All good but to pick up on the end statement.

    My son dresses in clothes that match his identity but which in general are non-gender specific (you conflate sex and gender but I’ll assume not deliberate)  It’s unremarkable for women to wear ‘men’s clothing’ and so barely notable.

    Perthpixie’s partner dresses in clothes that match her identity. And gets comment as a result, because ‘women’s clothes’ are for right or wrong more identifiable. But she’s not cross dressing, hence labelling a trans person as a transvestite, or it’s more acceptable version as a cross dresser is potentially denying them recognition of their identity.

    So while some may use or accept the term, i’d say while it might be technically correct, it fails the be nice test to routinely refer to a trans person as a cross dresser.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to, you know, @Edukator. You could actually not.

    Free Member

    You don’t have to, you know, @Edukator. You could actually not.

    Do or don’t do what?

    Good points, theotherjonv, made without excess or insult. I can’t think of any time I’ve used any of the terms mentioned in the last few posts except on this forum. In real life it doesn’t warant comment, people are people. I know if people are homosexual trans or whatever if they’ve made it public but they have names and it seems more natural to refer to them by their names than their gender or sexual preferences.

    Free Member

    Hahaha!  It seems from electoral calculus that reform sport has panned!

    Halved the seats with them going lab/tory equally,  hahaha 😆

    Free Member

    That is apparently because the mainstream are scared of them and attacking them unfairly.  Maybe not being a bunch of racist **** who would make inequality worse would be a good start if you don’t want to be attacked.

    Although I agree with their policy on raising tax threshold to £20K but should increase taxes for higher earners to offset it rather than giving higher earners more as well.

    Free Member

    Not sure if you’ve seen this one, russian interference in election from the ABC


    Free Member

    Although I agree with their policy on raising tax threshold to £20K

    Everyone does.

    It’s fair and balanced and brings min wages and basic pensioners out of the tax scheme. Everyone should get behind it. Same with the Bank of England QE interest payments that are made to banks. Both solid ideas.

    They’re used to hide some pretty nasty stuff, though.

    But it’s OK, it’s not a manifesto…

    Free Member

    Everyone does.

    It’s fair and balanced and brings min wages and basic pensioners out of the tax scheme. Everyone should get behind it.

    Yet only Reform are proposing it.  If anyone should be proposing it you would expect it to be Labour wouldn’t you but you know, fiscal rules…

    Full Member

    Sunak probably hated the P word not so much as it’s racist bit because he’s of Indian heritage. I worked with a British Indian guy and he used that term to describe Pakistanis – absolutely hated them due to partition.

    Free Member

    So much respect for the balanced way in which you discuss the trans debate @theotherjonv. I don’t recall seeing your username before @perthpixie….sorry to hear of the abuse that your partner has received, here’s hoping for a more tolerant and inclusive future.

    Free Member

    Sunak probably hated the P word not so much as it’s racist bit because he’s of Indian heritage. I worked with a British Indian guy and he used that term to describe Pakistanis – absolutely hated them due to partition.

    I absolutely cannot stand Sunak as a politician and person, but I think that is unfair. He can tell his own story but I would be very surprised if he and his family hadn’t received a lot of racial abuse growing up, and he is still getting plenty of it now. I am aware of his father-in-law’s associations with Modi and I believe Sunak’s references to loving crispy bacon had a dual role (and is bullshit). But all the same I don’t see any reason to suspect he’s annoyed by Farageite racial abuse because he really hates Pakistanis. I think he is entitled to a presumption of innocence on this one.

    Full Member

    It’s fair and balanced and brings min wages and basic pensioners out of the tax scheme. Everyone should get behind it. Same with the Bank of England QE interest payments that are made to banks. Both solid ideas.

    It’s possible for a party be generally hateful but still have some good ideas/policies. The payment to commercial banks is just plain silly.

    Andy Verity of the BBC posted an interesting chart of deficit / GDP per year.  So 23/24 there’s a budget deficit of 120.7 bn Which is 4.5% of economic output. Which is not huge by historical standards.

    Using orthodox economic theory and looking at this chart (which covers deficit per year- not debt/GDP) would Starmer and Reeves like to explain why ‘borrowing;(gilt issuance) is now problematic and the public finances are such a mess that it can’t happen?

    (Also note the handful of times we have budget surpluses.)

    You could also note that years of borrowing have never resulted in the country actually going bankrupt or your children barely paying anything back.

    Another interesting observation is how big deficits were during the austerity years. Altough towards 2017 the brakes came on and guess what GDP starts to flat-line .


    Full Member

    **** him, **** him and **** him again, about time he got a taste of his own party’s vile rhetoric thrown at him.

    This ^^

    The Tories have spent the last decade being divisive, creating culture wars where none existed before (or at least where they were pretty hidden) and now they’re being out-culturewarred by someone further right than even they’ve managed.

    It’s like when a bully suddenly gets confronted by someone bigger than them and they start wailing about how it’s unfair.

    Edit: why has the thread / page count suddenly broken?!

    Full Member

    My local tory incumbent (Jenkinson) has resorted to playing the victim card!

    Apparently some labour canvassers referred to his weight – poor lad has been bigger all his life and now the evil lefties are calling him a fatty.

    I’m filing this under his previous claim of Workington drug dealers swapping food vouchers for weed during Covid.

    He also avoids hustings because he can’t be sure of his safety after threats from ‘lefties’.

    Free Member

    Farage has said he’s been invited on Kuenssburg’s program tomorrow (again) but is refusing until ‘the BBC apologies for dishonest audience’ last night. It’s playing to his base again isn’t it, he just can’t cope with robust criticism. Even at the most positive polling for Reform, four in five people won’t support him yet any situation where he’s not given an easy ride is ‘biased’

    Full Member

    Farage has said he’s been invited on Kunessburg’s program tomorrow (again) but is refusing until ‘the BBC apologies for biased audience’ last night. It’s playing to his base again isn’t it, he just can’t cope with robust criticism.

    He’s playing the role of the plucky underdog, fighting against the Global Elitists who are trying to silence him.

    A lot of the far right do that. Like how Brexit has apparently failed because of Liberal Lefties interfering.
    Rwanda would work perfectly if those Leftie Lawyers weren’t such a bunch of do-gooder snowflakes.

    It’s standard RW playbook. Claim to be the underdog, the victim, the hard done by.

    Full Member

    Good for ronnie throwing help behind Faiza,

    Full Member

    Farage has said he’s been invited on Kuenssburg’s program tomorrow (again) but is refusing until ‘the BBC apologies for dishonest audience’ last night.

    I think its brilliant that now he’s threatening to properly impact the Tory vote, this seems to be the end of the free ride that shyster has been given by the media for about the last 15 years.

    Now he’s being held up to some proper scrutiny he’s wailing that its ALL JUST SO NOT FAIR, like the petulant toddler he is.

    At least now his nasty, racist bullshit is being exposed for what it is, and the representatives of Reform are being shown for the knuckle-dragging thugs they are

    Full Member

    I think its brilliant that now he’s threatening to properly impact the Tory vote, this seems to be the end of the free ride that shyster has been given by the media for about the last 15 years. Now he’s being held up to some proper scrutiny he’s wailing that its ALL JUST SO NOT FAIR like the petulant toddler he is

    His campaign is being heavily ring fenced but if you surround yourself with shit someone is doing to smell it.

    I think the whole “our racist volunteer was a setup, he’s an actor” showed that he’s completely comfortable with going full Trump.

    He needs to be well and truly pulled up on that BS but he hasn’t so far. Imagine, turns out a guy that’s a part time actor can also be a right nasty shit working with Reform, who knew?

    Full Member

    Reform drops three candidates but says people should still vote for them

    As usual, the far right have absolutely no problem with hypocrisy but God forbid the left when have a hint of it… Real or invented.


    Full Member

    Kuenssburg’s program tomorrow (again) but is refusing until ‘the BBC apologies for dishonest audience’ last night.

    Talk about ungrateful. QT has been one of his major platforms for spreading his propaganda.

    Full Member

    But it’s OK, it’s not a manifesto…

    It’s a “contract”, which as Fiona Bruce pointed out to Farage last night, makes it legally enforceable.

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    Full Member

    It’s on their Instagram too. I thinks it’s real 😁

    Full Member

    ^^ I NEED to know if that’s real now!😁

    Full Member

    Just seen something on the internets that suggests that Lab bought up all the advertising space they could get their hands on when they saw the betting markets shift towards a GE on 04 Jul.

    Free Member

    “**** him, **** him and **** him again, about time he got a taste of his own party’s vile rhetoric thrown at him.”

    Someone has had racist abuse aimed at him, and you think thats ok because his political Party does things that you dont like?
    I think you need to take a step back and realise how pathetic your position is, you are saying it’s ok to racially abuse him because in your mind, his Party are equally as abhorrent.
    It doesnt work like that, I dont like a lot of things, but it isnt even remotely acceptable to abuse someone over their skin colour, or agree with someone doing it, because of their views on something you disagree with.
    I’m totally shocked that anyone can think that abuse is even slightly acceptable, and that at least one person,a poster above, agrees with it.
    Ever heard of MPs being killed, threatened etc? It’s hate. No need for it, and certainly no room for racist abuse. What next, Woman MP threatened with rape, but thats ok, as her Party has views that go against yours?
    No, there are better channels to get rid of MPs you dont like, any abuse against them is not the way to do. Someone else could see your post agreeing that racism against Tory MPs is ok, they feel that way too, and continue with it as at least 2 people on here have agreed its ok to racially abuse an MP. Where does it end?

    Full Member

    Just seen something on the internets that suggests that Lab bought up all the advertising space they could get their hands on when they saw the betting markets shift towards a GE on 04 Jul.

    Sopel mentioned this I think. Someone in the Labour campaign said they were baffled, because usually the government has a huge advantage as they know the date before they announce, so they buy up all the ad space the week before the election. But Conservatives didn’t do it, so Labour bought it all. General feeling was that Sunak surprised even his own party.

    Full Member

    Someone has had racist abuse aimed at him, and you think thats ok because his political Party does things that you dont like?

    No it’s not. 100% agree with you there. However….

    Racist abuse aimed at tory PM is called out rightly.

    Racist abuse aimed at Diane Abbott by tory donor. Minor censure and apology but we’ll keep the donation thanks.

    Full Member

    General feeling was that Sunak surprised even his own party.

    He did indeed, but because he’d initially floated the idea to the press of a May election, Labour and the Lib Dems had their campaigns pretty much ready to go from then.

    Unfortunately, the Tories didn’t.

    Just another example of how politically clueless Sunak is. He apparently only told a handful of people he was going to announce an election and it appears most of them, instead of getting involved in preparing the campaign, just headed straight to the bookies

    Full Member

    And only for small change winnings as well by the sounds of it! (reletivley speaking)

    I mean if you are going to pull a stunt like that, at least go big and quickly sod off out of the country! Lol

    Full Member

    The Reform canvassor that made the racial slur against Sunak is a bloody disgrace and there is no excuse for it. All the other stuff he said too… about killing immigrants if they are picked up in an ambulance for instance. Notably not reported much!

    Has Sunak and his party stoked hatred for his/ their political gain? Yes. He’s helped give a voice to that absolute mess of a guy and thousands of others.

    They aren’t mutually exclusive, they are both reprehensible imo.


    Farage has said he’s made a complaint to the electoral commission about the channel 4 programme… Well, he hasn’t, it’s a lie. They confirm they haven’t been contacted, indeed they also say that such an allegation or election meddling is not something with their remit to investigate. As reported by the BBC.

    So basically Farage has again proven he’s a lying piece of poo.

    Free Member

    As reported by the BBC.

    You’re not going to believe anything the British Bureau of Communism says, are you?

    Full Member

    Sopel mentioned this I think. Someone in the Labour campaign said they were baffled, because usually the government has a huge advantage as they know the date before they announce, so they buy up all the ad space the week before the election. But Conservatives didn’t do it, so Labour bought it all. General feeling was that Sunak surprised even his own party.

    Morgan mcsweeney is lab campaign manager, he was watching the betting markets! shortening that convinced him they were going to call a GE so bought up the advertising,

    Full Member

    Mercer being Mercer again.

    It comes after veterans minister Johnny Mercer said only the Tories had a plan to support the armed forces and a vote for Labour would “put us all in danger”

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Mercer really is an absolutely obnoxious human being.

    Fortunately it looks like he’s a prime candidate for a ‘Portillo Moment’ on Thursday night

    Full Member

    seen on twitter

    “I think the way the MSM has treated the Conservatives and Reform over the campaign is nothing short of a national disgrace, and I recommend all supporters put an X in both boxes on Thursday to register their anger”

    Made me laugh, I wonder if any will go for it.

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